Reincarnation: I Married My Ex’s Brother

Chapter 810: Justice Police Jimmy

Although knowing that the murderer could not be a child, Kris still doubted Herbert. She suddenly asked a bodyguard behind her, "Kevin, you said, a neurologist, is there a possibility of getting sick?"

The son is still young, and it is impossible to be the murderer, but the father of the child is suspicious.

The named Kevin was taken aback for a moment.

Thinking of something, I feel flustered inexplicably.

He was flustered for two reasons. First, there might be a perverted killer living next door to his house. Second, their lady, this IQ is simply against human beings. He replied deliberately, "Anyone can be a criminal."

Chrissy laughed coldly. She said, "Yes, the devil is also in human skin."

Kevin did not answer.

What I thought in my heart was that the young lady was so clever, it seemed that she would be the next patriarch of the Chrissy family.

Back home, Kris asked Kevin to take turns to monitor the movement of the house next door. After several days of continuous monitoring, Kevin has not found anything unusual.

When Chris asked, Kevin answered truthfully. He said, “Floyd’s house looks normal. Every day, Herbert gets up on time to go to school. He and his father go out at the same time. Normally, Herbert is four in the afternoon. After school at around 1 to go home, Robert sometimes gets off work on time, sometimes later. When he gets off work, Robert does not bring a suspicious person."

After hearing these words, Chris not only didn't let her down, but felt even more strange.

"Where is Herbert's mother?"

She remembered that there was a mistress in Herbert's house.

Upon hearing this, Kevin said, "It is said that Mrs. Floyd has gone back to her natal house and has been there for a while."

"That's it..."

Everything sounds normal, there is nothing suspicious.

But Chrissy was always puzzled when thinking of Herbert's face that changed when she said that that day.

If he is not the murderer, and his father is not the murderer, then, does he know the murderer? Chrissy decided to take a closer look at Herbert. She always felt that this friend was very unusual.

There have been no cases of missing persons in this city and surrounding areas for more than ten days. Just when everyone was relieved and thought that the murderer was going to stop, another man disappeared...

This time, the missing person was a middle-aged man with some mental abnormalities. It is said that the place where he last appeared was a psychiatric hospital.

The last doctor he saw was Robert. The police went to see Robert and asked him something.

As the last contact with the missing person, Robert was naturally included on the list of suspicions.

In the face of the police's questioning, Robert behaved very naturally from beginning to end. When he should be worried and surprised, he would never gloat, and when he should prove his innocence, he would never make a fool of himself. His cooperative attitude made the police no longer doubt him.

Within two days, someone found a bag of the missing person and one of his shoes on the edge of a cliff. That shoe was hung from a tree on the cliff. After the police salvaged things and confirmed that the shoes were of the size of the missing person, they speculated that the missing mental patient probably committed suicide by jumping into the sea in a delirious condition.

The police did not find his body, but it is not unusual. There are everything in the sea, and there are many marine fish that can swallow a carcass.

However, there was a young policeman named Jimmy in the investigation team responsible for tracking the disappearance, but he was skeptical. He asked his superiors, "Why didn't the previous missing person find a clue after his disappearance. This time, after this person disappeared, he left a clue on the edge of the cliff? Will it be hidden in the dark? My enemy, in order to attract our attention, deliberately created an illusion. Perhaps, this missing gentleman did not commit suicide by jumping into the sea at all?"

In the eyes of the young policeman, there was an awe-inspiring righteousness eager to find out the truth.

Before the boss could answer, he said, “Maybe, the victim is still hidden somewhere by the assassin and is undergoing cruel torture. As the police, we arbitrarily perfuse this disappearance case, and we will judge it. Isn't it too inappropriate to have a natural suicide incident?"

Hearing this, his boss replied indifferently, "Since you are so plausible and so reasonable, you have found us the murderer? Jimmy, you are still too young to know what you are talking about. I said this case is an ordinary suicide case, and that is a suicide case."

"How can you be like this, sir! We are the police, and the purpose of our existence is to find out the truth and return the world's innocence! You are in your position and do nothing!"

When Jimmy entered the workplace, he realized that this profession was far less lofty than he thought.

In order to find the truth, the police who stayed up for a few days without sleeping, and even killed by the murderer did exist. But more often, there are more people like his boss who just enjoy life and carelessly, knowing that there must be some tricks behind this incident, but pretending to be foolish.

Jimmy was disappointed.

The boss was so scolded by Jimmy for his duties that his cheeks were red.

He stood up abruptly, pointed his finger at Jimmy and yelled at Jimmy, "You think I don't want to catch the murderer! But the murderer is too cunning, and too many people have disappeared recently. Our city is in panic and everyone is in danger! Everyone is talking about it. One after another, saying that we are useless! At this time, another person is missing, and their hearts are even more worried!"

"We judged this case to be a suicide case, also to soothe people's hearts!"

Upon hearing this, Jimmy sneered and said, "Then let the real murderer get away with it like this?"

"In order to appease people's hearts, we have to let a poor man die unjustly? After death, we have to bear the name of a timid suicide?"

"Then what do you want!"

The boss threw a thick stack of papers at Jimmy.

The file hit Jimmy's face, the file fell on the ground, and Jimmy's forehead was red.

Jimmy squeezed his fist, and he said, "You don't do anything, OK! I'll check it out! I'm not good at it. The murderer is also a human being. No matter how clever and cunning, he can't leave a clue! I will definitely find the murderer! "

"Okay! Go, if you can catch the real murderer, I will give you this position!"

"Who is rare!"

The tall and young justice policeman kicked the door of the company run by his boss, knocking that door clacking loudly.

The colleagues on this floor of the police station all expressed admiration and regret at this young man.

I think they used to be so brave and fearless when they were young.

But later...

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