Reincarnation: I Married My Ex’s Brother

Chapter 811: Targeted by the devil

The hero does not mention being brave.

They looked at the back of the young policeman leaving angrily, thinking that sooner or later this man would become as insensitive as them.

No matter how those people spread it, Herbert always believed that the mentally ill person definitely did not commit suicide by jumping into the sea.

His business must have nothing to do with Robert.

This conjecture was confirmed the next night. This night, Robert took Herbert to the basement again. Herbert saw the missing man. His face was pale, he looked like he was sleeping, lying on the bed, very quiet and well-behaved.

Robert wears gloves and uses a razor to shave the man's hair.

Herbert stood aside, listening quietly to Robert's speech.

Robert is like a professor teaching a class, explaining to him how to open the skull to preserve the patient's nerves most intact. Herbert heard him finish his knowledge, and then listened to him to show off his research results...

It was at this moment that Herbert knew that the reason why Robert did these utterly conscientious things turned out to be to study the human brain, what is the difference.

Robert said, "Before, there was a question that has always puzzled me. Why are the same people. Some people are smarter than others, but some people are born stupid." He wiped the hair off the man's head with a towel. After doing this, he suddenly turned to him Burt took a look.

"The human brain is really amazing. I can't figure it out, and no one can give me the most perfect explanation, so I have to find the answer myself." When he spoke, the skin knife had already cut the man's. scalp. Robert cuts sideways, which makes it easier for Herbert to observe.

Herbert looked calmly, like a calm and terrifying little demon.

But Herbert scolded Robert a lunatic in his heart. But in order not to be abused and punished by Robert, Herbert had to ask him calmly, "So daddy, what answer did you get?"

Robert said, "The brain is amazing. I haven't studied it yet, but it's not nothing." After finishing speaking, Robert cut through the man's subcutaneous tissue with an electric knife. Then, Herbert watched him pick up an electric drill. .

Herbert squeezed her hands tightly behind her back.

He wanted to yell at Robert, calling him stop and calling him a brute, but he didn't dare. Once he did, then the person lying on the bed would be him.

Robert wanted to see Herbert's reaction. He tilted his head and glanced, but saw Herbert's small face, which was indifferent and fearless. Robert exclaimed with satisfaction, and he said with emotion, "Herbert, you are really a surprise to me. You have grown very fast during this period of time."

After speaking, he showed a confused expression and murmured, "I think your brain must be very interesting."

A feeling of coldness came from the soles of the feet and quickly spread throughout Herbert's body.

But his eyes were still very calm.

Without seeing the color of fear in his son’s eyes, Robert smiled and said, "You are my pride, child." He smiled wickedly, and said, "But I won't hurt you, you have to Learn my skills so that I can take over my career in the future."

Herbert lowered his eyes and looked at the ground, but what he thought was: But your pride is not like accepting your mantle, but he wants to kill you.

On the night of the third day, the moon was clear, and Herbert once again buried a corpse deep under the soil. He knelt before the grave disguised as a lawn, and said softly, "I'm sorry."

In the distance, on the roof of the villa, a small figure holds a pair of binoculars in his hand.

Chrissy noticed her from the moment Herbert appeared in the remote valley with a bag much larger than him. When she saw the boy bury a person in the soil, she couldn't help but cursed Juniang.

"You guessed it right!"

Chris was looking at Herbert, but didn't notice that there was also a person in Herbert's house who was spying on her in the dark.

Robert was standing by the attic window, holding a pair of binoculars in his hand as well, and he stared at the pretty little girl in the lens. He didn't know what the little girl was looking at, but he was very interested in the little girl.

Chrissy Rosen, the smartest child in the Rosen family, helped with family affairs at a young age.

The child's IQ is the highest that Robert has ever seen.

He has a keen interest in this child.

Her brain must be the most interesting brain.

When Chris showed up in the restaurant the next morning, she heard Heber say, "Miss Rosen, someone brought this to the door."

"Bring it."

Eber handed the basket to Chrissy.

Chris held the basket with a pair of small hands. After seeing the contents of the basket, her expression was a little complicated.

Inside, all are purple shells, each one is perfect and beautiful.

In front of Chrissy's eyes, the appearance of the little boy appeared.

He is skinny, he has a pair of indifferent eyes, he is kneeling before the grave and confessing...

Since she was able to speak and receive education, Kris accepted the educational philosophy of never sympathizing with strangers and never softening. But at this moment, Chris felt a little distressed for the boy.

He is so young and so kind. Although he is very introverted, he blushes when he holds a hand, he is so cute, he would not be a murderer. Kris firmly believes that the real demon is the man behind Herbert. She must save him and take him out of the sea of ​​suffering.

After breakfast, Chris went back to her room to play with Julia for a while, and when the sun came out, she came to Herbert's house alone.

When she arrived, Herbert was sitting on a chair in front of his house, as if basking in the sun.

Chrissy walked over, her small body blocked a piece of morning light.

Herbert had to open his eyes and met the gaze from Kris, he frowned and asked nonchalantly, "What are you doing?"

"Come to play with you." Kris sat down on the grass beside him and asked him, "Are you not going to school today?"

Herbert said, "It's a holiday."

"Oh, then we can play."

Herbert did not answer.

He doesn't want to play with Chrissy...

No, he actually really wants to play with Chrissy. The girl from the rich family in this big city is beautiful, lively and cheerful, and has a good personality. It is especially interesting to play with her. But Herbert did not dare to contact Chrissy too often, he was afraid that Chrissy would discover the truth.

No matter how clever Chris was, she couldn't guess what Herbert was thinking.

"Are you not inviting me to sit in the house for a while? Drink some coffee or something?"

Herbert hesitated, then said, "No more..."

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