Before he finished speaking, Chrissy stood up like a slippery loach, and got in beside him.

Herbert wanted to stop, but it was too late.

When Herbert chased in, Chris was standing in the lobby of his house, looking up at his house. Herbert had to suppress a flustered heartbeat and asked her, "What do you want to drink? I have juice, milk, and coffee in my house."

Chrissy said, "Is there any orange juice?"


"Then drink milk."

Herbert: "..."

Since you want to drink milk, what do you ask for orange juice?

Herbert poured him a glass of milk at room temperature, and just handed it to Chrissy's hand, Chrissy suddenly asked him, "Herbert, why didn't you see your mother?"

Herbert's reaction was natural. He said, "My mother went to grandma's house and will be back some time later."

"Oh. Why didn't you take you there?"

"I do not want to go."

"That's it..."

Kris lowered her head and drank her milk.

Herbert went into the kitchen again to wash the fruit, and Chrissy suddenly heard a muffled noise, which rang upstairs. She was taken aback. At this time, Robert had already gone to the company, who was upstairs? Could it be the kidnapped prisoner? It just so happened that the faucet in the kitchen was running water, and Herbert was washing the fruit, but the sound was not heard.

Chrissy suddenly put down the milk glass, stood up, glanced at Herbert, and ran upstairs.

There were several rooms on the second floor. Chrissy looked for it in the direction of the sound, and finally stood at the door of one room. She stood at the door and listened quietly for a while, but no sound was heard. But Chrissy was sure that she did not have hallucinations, she did hear a certain sound.

Chrissy was about to twist the doorknob subconsciously.

"What are you doing here?"

A cold childish voice sounded behind her.

Chrissy was startled, turned her head, and saw Herbert staring at herself blankly.

His gaze was straight, a little crippled.

Chrissy took a deep breath and pretended to ask Herbert curiously, "Does your house have a cat? I seemed to hear a sound inside. I especially like cats and want to see it. Sorry, I didn't pass by you. Agree, I ran upstairs."

Herbert stared at her cheek, as if thinking about the truth of what she said.

Chrissy's gaze is open, letting him look at it.

Finally, Herbert's cold eyes became warmer.

"Without a cat, the wind may have blown things down on the table."


The two went downstairs together. Chrissy said she wanted to watch TV, and Herbert turned on the TV for her. After watching it for a while, Kris got up and left. After she left, Herbert got upstairs. He opened the door and stared at the woman who was asleep on the bed.

Herbert walked in and put a glass of water on the bedside table.

Xiao Meng woke up quietly, and Herbert took the ball from her mouth.

Xiaomeng was finally able to talk. She drank a glass of water before asking him, "Did someone come here just now?"

Herbert avoided his mother's question and asked him instead, "So you made the move on purpose, right?"

Xiao Meng lowered her eyes and did not speak.

Herbert sat down by the bed and said in a desperate tone, "It's useless. No one can save us unless we save ourselves."

Help yourself?

Xiao Meng seemed to have heard a joke.

She was imprisoned. She was unarmed and the child was still young. What did they do to help themselves?

Herbert smiled sarcastically and asked her, "So why don't you divorce?"

Xiao Meng looked at her son with sad eyes, and her heart was full of self-blame. If she divorced earlier, Herbert would not have to live so painfully. Herbert said to himself, "I won't get married, Mom, you have ruined the love in my heart."

Xiao Meng looked at her son and couldn't cry.

When Robert came back in the evening, his face was a little hurried.

He found Herbert and the first thing he said to him was, "Wait the police will come, you are not allowed to talk nonsense."

Herbert's heartbeat was a little fast, and in an instant, many bold ideas flashed in his mind. Robert stared at him and asked with a smile, "What are you thinking about?" Herbert looked up and met his father's eyes with a heartbeat.

"Herbert, don't think of tricks."

Robert walked upstairs, and after a while, he hugged Xiaomeng down. Before he entered the fitness room, he threw him a sentence, "If you dare to behave, I will kill her."

Herbert asked boldly, "Where are you taking her?"

"I will tie her to that bed, under my bed, and install a bomb. If you dare to betray me, I will kill her."

Herbert's pupils shrank, completely dispelling all thoughts.

That night, the father and son were having dinner, and two male policemen knocked on their door.

The moment the knock on the door sounded, Herbert stiffened.

A cold hand fell on his shoulder.

"Be careful." Robert got up and opened the door.

Herbert calmed down in an instant.

The door opened, and Robert said a few words to the people before leading them into the house. Only then did Herbert stand up and stand quietly beside Robert, looking at the two policemen. Two policemen, one is younger and the other is middle-aged.

The young man is tall and mammoth, and his whole body is filled with a sense of justice that has nowhere to release. The middle-aged policeman's eyes kept fluttering, like an unreliable guy.

Robert introduced them to them, "Two police officers, this is my son, Herbert, who is seven years old this year. He is a clever young man."

Herbert said to them coldly, "Good evening, sir."

The young policeman glanced at the house and asked, "Herbert, where is your mother?"

Herbert, who was named, had a natural look. He said, "My mother is back to grandma's house."

Robert asked, "Would you like a glass of water?"

"Okay thank you."

Robert turned around and went into the kitchen, as if not worried that Herbert would rebel.

In fact, at the moment Robert turned around, Herbert almost shook everyone out, but he saw Robert in the kitchen and raised his hand at him. In his hand, he held a timer. Herbert stunned, looked back, and asked the police, "What are you doing with us?"

"Yes, there is a man missing. The last person he saw before his disappearance was your father. In order to find the whereabouts of that person, we must investigate all suspects." Facing the child, Jimmy's tone became a little milder. Some, he said, "Herbert, don't worry, we are just a routine investigation."

Herbert shrugged and said, "It should be."

Robert poured the water and called Herbert to help.

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