Herbert took the water and handed Robert a glass of water to the young policeman, and he passed his glass of water to the other policeman. The two policemen asked Robert some more questions and made notes. It took more than twenty minutes before they got up and left.

When leaving, Herbert suddenly asked and grabbed the young policeman's clothes, and asked them, "Aren't you drinking the water?" Both of them hadn't finished their water.

Jimmy thought for a while, picked up his glass of water and left. The middle-aged policeman did not take away the glass of water.

Sending off the police, Robert closed the door and Herbert was clearing the table. Robert walked behind him and suddenly said, "Put your hand out."

Herbert bit his lip and his whole body was tense, not daring to turn his head.

When Robert spoke again, there was no such thing as the right temperature in his voice. "Herbert, stretch out your right hand."

Herbert had to turn around, his right hand squeezed into a fist, and he refused to let it go.

Robert sneered and opened his fingers one by one. After pulling them apart, he stared at the'SOS' written with a black marker in Herbert's palm. He turned around and picked up the middle-aged policeman in the trash can. Under the quilt, a SOS signal was printed on the bottom of the cup.

There was a cruel smile on Robert's face. "Very well, you son of a bitch, dare you betray me!"

Robert walked directly on Herbert's head with a punch.

Herbert leaned back and knocked his head on the table. He fell to the ground, his head bleeding. He thought Robert would kill him, but Robert strode into the gym. Realizing what Robert was going to do, Herbert slowly crawled towards the gym.

Before he climbed into the gym, he heard the sound of hard objects hitting people in the basement.

Accompanied by that voice sounded, Robert's cursing--

"Meng, you really have a good son! That white-eyed wolf actually wants to harm me!"

"He is not good, he is not obedient, you are the cause!"

Herbert ran into the basement and saw her dying mother lying on the ground.

He thought his mother was beaten to death, but she came alive again, but it was a little ugly.

Xiao Meng, who was originally locked upstairs, was locked in the basement this time.

The two policemen left their home, and the middle-aged policeman said to Jimmy, "I don't think there is any problem with Dr. Robert. After all, he looks too harmless."

Jimmy didn't speak, he was studying the cup in his hand.

"Hey, what are you doing?" The middle-aged policeman was a little puzzled when he saw Jimmy staring at the disposable water glass in his hand.

Jimmy turned the cup a few times, confirmed that there was nothing unusual on the cup, and then threw the cup away. "I'm just thinking about a question. According to the people in the town, Robert's wife is a very gentle caregiver. How could she leave her children and go back to her family alone?"

"Hey! What's weird about this? Maybe the couple quarreled, and he went back to his natal house in anger."

"I'm telling you, women love to make trouble so unreasonably..."

What the man is talking about, Jimmy has no intention of listening anymore. He is thinking about the connection between these cases as he walks, but how you look at it, the criminal law of this murderer is no trace, he specializes in the kind of brain comparison Unusual person.

These people are either extremely smart people or neurologically abnormal people. Among the many suspects, Jimmy always felt that the most normal-looking Doctor Robert was actually the most suspicious.

But this is a case, Jimmy doesn't dare to judge whether a person is suspicious according to his instinct.

Jimmy is about to get married. He and his girlfriend Rachel are planning to get married next month. They live together now, but Rachel works far away and often doesn't go home for several days. Jimmy took off his clothes, took a shower, and didn't wash his clothes. He just lay on the bed and continued to think about these cases.

Chris hadn't seen Herbert for several days. She came to Herbert's house early this morning and ran into Robert who was about to go out to work.

Robert was a little surprised when he saw her.

"Hello, kid." Robert drew a gentle smile at her.

Chris stared at this man, feeling a little dazed in her heart.

She knew how evil and twisted the soul was behind this person's smile.

Fortunately, Kris was courageous enough, she shouted at Robert, "Uncle." Seeing Robert's smile brighter, Kris asked him, "Where is Herbert?"

Robert was a little surprised.

"You know us Herbert?"

"Of course we are good friends."

"Oh, I'm so glad he can make a good friend like you." Robert pointed to the upstairs and said, "Herbert was a little sick these two days. He caught a cold and took a rest upstairs. I need to Going to work, it is not convenient to entertain you, maybe you can come at night?"

Chris said yes.

Watching Chris turn and leave, Robert stared at her little figure, like an eagle watching a bunny with nowhere to escape.

Chris did not know that the devil behind her was ready to reach out to her.

When she returned home, seeing Julia look good, her mood rose. "You will be better in two days. We can go to town. I heard that there is a handmade art shop in the town. We can ask the boss to make a shell necklace for you."

Hearing that, Julia really became interested. "Did he look good?"

"We'll know when we go and have a look. We can ask Herbert to take us there."

"Did you go to his house just now?"

"Yeah. I didn't see him, Robert said he was sick and was resting."

"That's it."

I saw Herbert again, the third day after that.

Herbert was more melancholy than before, and when he looked at people, his eyes grew colder and gloomy. In the morning, when he was wandering at the door of his yard, he saw a paper cup in the grass. Herbert stared at the paper cup with a chill in his eyes.

The police are unreliable.

He left a distress signal on that person, did he not see it, or did he see it, but pretended not to see it?

Herbert was thinking about it alone, and a small stone suddenly hit him on the back.

He turned his head and saw sisters Julia and Chrissy.

"Herbert, are you getting a good cold?" Kris stared at Herbert's cheek with two eyeballs, trying to find signs of illness on his face. She didn't see how weak Herbert was, but found that Herbert's bangs were all put down, as if they were hiding some traces.

Kriss narrowed her eyes and thought: Has he caught a cold these days, or is he hiding in hiding?

Herbert said indifferently, "Okay."

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