Seeing Herbert, Chrissy’s face just put a smile on her face, Herbert walked over, stuffed the pile of photos into her hands, and said, “You take the photos back, I won’t do it with you. friend."

Chris was a little angry.

She squeezed the photo and asked Herbert, "Why?"

Herbert said, "I don't like you. You are too unreasonable to make trouble, and you are not good at all." Seeing Kris still looking at herself, Herbert thought for a while and said, "You are very annoying. We don't want to see each other in the future. Don’t see each other again. I'll return the photo to you, you like to see it for yourself!"

After speaking, Herbert turned and left without mercy.

Chrissy stared at his back and couldn't help cursing, "Bad!" Big bad guy!

Knowing this was a white-eyed wolf, she should call the police and tell him about the burial! Kris returned home angrily with the photo. She threw the photo into the trash can and went to town with the shells in her arms. As she walked, she said, "If I come back from town and you don't come and apologize to me, we will break our relationship!"

Chris is still young and easily irritated.

If she were in a calm state, she could perceive that Herbert’s previous reactions were too unusual, and his last words--

The photo is back to you, you like to see it for yourself!

This is obviously very strange, how could a boy, an introverted and sensible boy, say such nonsense.

It's a pity that Chris was really angry too, and didn't notice the strangeness.

She didn't go to the town alone, she brought a bodyguard. She came to Allen's shop and met Allen who had returned from Washington. Last time, Chris had already placed an order. This time, Allen can make her a necklace directly.

"I have designed the necklace style, kid, look at it."

Allen took out three design drawings and showed Chrissy.

Chrissy caught the second one at a glance. The necklace style is not too gorgeous, but it is unique and suitable for Julia's gentle temperament. "I want this."

"Okay, wait a minute, about an hour."

Alan took her shells and went to the workshop.

Chrissy visited the store for a while and wanted to go to the bathroom, so she said to the bodyguard Kevin, "I'll go to the bathroom."

"Good lady."

Chrissy is a girl after all, and it is inconvenient for Kevin to follow her too close when she goes to the bathroom. This is just a small shop. The toilets are for men and women. There is only one room and two toilet doors. After Chris had finished her interpretation, she just stood up and was about to open the door to go out.

Before she held the doorknob with her hand, her mouth was covered by the big palm.

Chris' eyes widened, and she subconsciously pulled out the small pistol at her waist. The person behind her noticed her movement and slapped her hand quickly. The pistol fell from Kris's hand into the urinal. Chris was caught by the man, and suddenly she was severely slapped on her neck.

Before Chris fainted, she saw a familiar smiling man's face.

Kevin waited outside the door for five or six minutes. Before Chris came out, he frowned because of the vigilance of an elite bodyguard.

Kevin walked into the toilet and knocked on the two closed doors.

In the door on the left, a woman's voice came out, "There is someone inside," the woman said.

Kevin knocked on another door.

No one answered, but the door was locked.

Kevin bounced and jumped up into the air. He leaned his hands on the top of the door frame and glanced inward. There was no one inside, but Chrissy's pistol fell into the urinal. Kevin's face changed drastically, he immediately called the police and turned out from the window.

Outside the window is a lawn. It hasn't rained these days. You can't see footsteps on the lawn.

Kevin's always calm cheeks finally cracked.

The news of the Miss Rosen’s disappearance while on vacation in Monterey made headlines in New York.

The impact of this incident was so wide that it put tremendous pressure on the police officers in the Monterey area. The police station immediately summoned the police to search for the murderer and track down Chrissy's whereabouts. The boss roared in the office, very angry, as if he had eaten a firecracker.

Jimmy sneered, and said sarcastically, "Something happened before, and I just wanted to put on peace. Now the murderer has extended his claws to the young lady of the Rosen family, and finally knows that he's anxious." As a police officer, Jimmy shouldn't have been in a hurry. So gloating.

But he really couldn't look down on his boss's slack look.

His voice was unconcealed, and many people heard it, but this time, no one looked down on him, including his boss.

Herbert heard the news when he was shopping for groceries in town.

The moment Herbert heard the news, her face changed.

At this time, several hours have passed since Chris' disappeared.

The police are vigorously investigating every family in this small town, not only their small town is under martial law, but also in the next few small towns. The Rosen family is the most mysterious top wealthy family in Country A, and the missing Miss Rosen is hailed as the greatest hope of the Rosen family's generation.

Her disappearance is frightening.

Herbert bought some vegetables casually and went home.

After returning home, he entered the basement for the first time.

He saw Chrissy. Chrissy was sleeping on that bed, her body tied up, but the culprit Robert was not here. He still pretends to work in the company this afternoon!

Jimmy came to this town again.

Chrissy disappeared in a small handicraft shop. The owner of the shop involved has been temporarily guarded. He is the first suspect. Chrissy's sister Julia was obviously still ill, but she was dragging her seriously ill body to sit in the small shop, saying good things to every policeman who entered the house.

The head of the Rosen family is heading here, and the steward of the Rosen family in California has arrived in the town.

This town, which seemed peaceful in the past, became noisy in an instant.

Herbert was standing at the door of his house and could hear the police sirens in the town. He was pale, he squeezed his fist, he had to act. Chris can't die! She is so cute, so lively, and she is so good to herself!

Chrissy is already awake.

She stared at the woman in the corner, and she had already guessed the identity of this person.

She said, "Are you Herbert's mother?"

Xiao Meng did not expect that the person arrested this time actually knew Herbert.

Xiaomeng's expression changed slightly. She asked Chrissy, "Are you our Xiaobao's classmate?"

Chrissy shook her head.

"I live next door."

Xiao Meng was stunned. She had heard that the villa next door was a vacation villa for a wealthy family. Unexpectedly, the owner of the house turned out to be a child. Seeing the child's immature face, Xiao Meng was heartbroken.

This child looks about the same age as her little treasure.

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