Reincarnation: I Married My Ex’s Brother

Chapter 817: You won't die

Robert is really frantic, not even letting go of the children!

For the first time, Xiao Meng hated her weakness and incompetence. If she had called the police when Robert was treated rudely for the first time, then Robert had no chance to do these wrong things! There would not be so many people who died tragically!

Xiao Meng looked at Little Chrissy with grief in her eyes.

"Child, I'm sorry, I can't let you go." She pulled the chain on her hand and said desperately, "He even locked me up, I can't help you. Child, I'm sorry, I will follow him You say sorry."

Chrissy chuckled lightly, and then asked Xiaomeng, "It's not that you are going to kill me, what are you sorry to do with me?"

Xiao Meng looked at the child in amazement, feeling that the child was too calm.

Chrissy suddenly asked Xiaomeng, "Do you know, did your husband let your child do something?"

Xiao Meng doesn't know, she only knows that his husband is very strict with Xiao Bao, is there any other secret?

Seeing Xiaomeng's reaction, Chrissy knew that Herbert had never said anything to the person in front of him. Wanting to beat the bad guy, Chrissy curled her lips and said to Xiao Meng, "Robert asked Herbert to help him destroy his body."

Xiao Meng's face turned white, and her breathing became heavy.

"What, what!"

How could he treat a child so cruelly!

Chris didn't speak any more.

She was **** and felt very uncomfortable.

Chris didn't want to die, but the situation in front of her obviously couldn't escape. She also didn't expect Robert to give him away kindly, it was impossible. She could only pray in secret, praying that the police and bodyguards would find out Robert's true face earlier, and it would be better to save her before she died.

At this time, the floor of the basement was suddenly opened.

Then, a light footstep walked into the house.

Chris rolled her eyes and saw a small, thin child standing beside her. Kris stared at the child, and she said, "You really know the murderer."

Herbert said nothing.

Chrissy asked him again, "Why don't you call the police?"

Herbert finally spoke.

He said, "For the first time, I wanted to call the police, and he left this on me." With that, Herbertra opened her clothes, revealing the scar on her heart that hurts. It was also the first time Xiao Meng saw her son's wound, and she was so shocked that she couldn't speak.

After a long while, Xiao Meng cried out sadly, "God, Xiaobao, what did that brute do to you!"

Herbert glanced at Xiaomeng calmly. He said, "This is the man you married."

Xiao Meng's face was pale, and she was extremely distressed.

Herbert looked at Chrissy again and said, "The second time, when the police came, I made a distress signal on their cup of tea." Herbert curled her lips and smiled desperately. "Then she Almost beaten to death, and I." Herbert lifted the bangs on his forehead, revealing a pink scar.

"I asked for help, Robert refused to let me go, and the police couldn't save me." Herbert said, "No one can save us except self-help."

Chris was also silent.

She had been silent ever since she saw the scar on Herbert's chest.

Inside the house, there was a brief silence.

After a while, Herbert asked Chrissy, "I told you to go, why are you not obedient?"

Chrissy was stunned, "When did you say that?"

Herbert smiled even more ugly when he thought of something. He said, "You didn't look at the picture."

Thinking of something, Kris was stunned.

"You, don't you want to break my relationship with me?" Did he say those things on purpose? His purpose is actually to give her the photo so that she can see the content on the photo? "What's written on the photo?"

Herbert said, "It's nothing, forget it if you don't see it."

Kris knew there was no way to get the answer out of Herbert's mouth, so she just gave it up.

Herbert left a sentence, "You won't die." Then he left.

Chrissy pondered the last words he said--

She will not die.

Why does he say that?

In the middle of the night, Robert came back from get off work and was a little surprised to see so many police officers in the town. His vehicle was also stopped, and the police came to ask questions, and Robert answered honestly. After answering, he asked the police, "What's wrong? Something happened in the town?"

The police said, "A child is missing."

"What?" Robert's face changed slightly, and he said anxiously, "Sir, my son is at home alone. His name is Herbert. Can you tell me, what is the name of the missing child?"

The police lowered their voice a bit, and he said, "The missing child is not called Herbert."

Hearing this, Robert seemed to be relieved.

From a distance, Jimmy frowned as he stared at Robert's reaction.

This person's reaction looked too normal.

Could it be that he was thinking wrong?

It was past ten o'clock when Robert got home. This night, there was no peace in the town. In this case, Robert couldn't calm down and study it, so he decided to take a good rest. He returned home, took a shower, saw Herbert eating noodles, and said, "A child is missing in the town."

Herbert didn't bother to act with him.

He said, "I have seen him."

"Is it?"

Robert smiled and walked to Herbert. Herbert poured himself a glass of water. Seeing Robert standing aside, he poured a glass for him by the way. He handed the glass of water to Robert and ate with his head down. Robert turned the water glass in his hand and asked him with a smile, "Then boy, do you know what you should do?"

Herbert hesitated before saying, "I won't tell the police her whereabouts. Although she has a good relationship with me, I care more about my mother."

Hearing that, Robert was particularly satisfied.

But Herbert whispered again, "Daddy, can you let her go?"

Robert shook his fingers in a gentle voice, like a devil tempting people to commit crimes. He said, "No."

The big palm touched Herbert's head, and Robert drank the glass of water, turned around and went back to the room to rest.

Herbert continued to eat.

Late at night, Jimmy got home from get off work.

Her girlfriend Rachel is back, and Rachel has just returned. Hearing about what happened today, she feels a little distressed for Jimmy. Rachel hugged Jimmy, kissed him, and then asked, "I'm tired? Are you hungry? I'll cook something for you."

Jimmy said, "Hungry and tired." Thinking that Rachel was busy recently, Jimmy said, "Rachel, you don't need to cook if you are tired, let's go to sleep."

Rachel has already entered the kitchen, "It doesn't matter, if you are okay, you can put your unwashed clothes in the washing machine first, and we will eat together later."

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