Reincarnation: I Married My Ex’s Brother

Chapter 911: Life hanging by a thread

Qiao Jiusheng was acting like a baby on purpose, and Fang Yusheng was not stupid, so he naturally felt it. Hearing her soft and waxy voice, Fang Yusheng's calm body began to get hot again.

But he had to endure it and couldn't hurt A Sheng and the little princess.

"I'm a little thirsty." Qiao Jiusheng said.

Fang Yusheng said, "I'll buy you water right away."

There is a small supermarket not far from the massage shop. Fang Yusheng pushed the car door again and stepped out with one foot. He said to Qiao Jiusheng, "You wait for me here and I will buy water."

"…it is good."

Fang Yusheng went to the small shop and took a bottle of mineral water. The store manager said, "This one you took is sold for five yuan."


Fang Yusheng put his hand in his pocket and touched it, only then did he remember that he had forgotten to take his wallet.

He turned around and screamed at Qiao Jiusheng in the car, "Asheng, help me get my wallet."

"Oh!" Qiao Jiusheng pushed open the back seat door. She just leaned out of the car, and before one foot was taken out, there was a sudden pain in the right thigh. Qiao Jiusheng screamed, "Ah!" She suddenly fell to the ground.

Watching Qiao Jiusheng pounce on the ground, Fang Yusheng's expression instantly changed.


His legs were almost frightened.

Fang Yusheng took a breath and ran over and hugged Qiao Jiusheng. Qiao Jiusheng fell face down on the ground, Fang Yusheng knelt beside her, seeing her thighs bleeding. He suddenly raised his head and looked at the opposite building, and he saw a silver light flashing.

There is a sniper rifle!

Fang Yusheng hugged Qiao Jiusheng and hid behind the car.

He heard two pops in the car, it was a bullet hitting the seat cushion.

After waiting for a while, the movement ceased.

Fang Yusheng didn't dare to hold Qiao Jiusheng up, they were still hiding in the old place. Fang Yusheng took out his cell phone, first called 120, then called the police, and finally called Qi Bufan.

"Sir." Qi Bufan seemed to be very busy, his voice a little panting.

Fang Yusheng said, "We encountered a gun attack."

Qi Bufan asked hurriedly, "How is your situation now?"

"Asheng..." Fang Yusheng looked down at Qiao Jiusheng and noticed the bleeding between her legs. His heart tightened and his voice became dumb, "She is bleeding, a lot of blood..."

"Sir, I will come right away!"

Fang Yusheng hung up the phone and touched Qiao Jiusheng's leg with his hand. He picked it up with blood on his palms and fingers.

"Do not!"

His face was completely pale, and he shouted, "A Sheng, A Sheng, bear with it, you will be fine!"

Qiao Jiusheng firmly grasped Fang Yusheng's shirt on his chest.

She was avoiding the shooting just now, and she could still hold back her emotions. At this moment, the danger passed, Qiao Jiusheng was completely panicked. She knew her condition, and the child would not be able to keep it in all likelihood. She grabbed Fang Yusheng's clothes tightly, and begged him, "Yusheng, there can be nothing wrong with the child, nothing wrong with the child!"

Fang Yusheng responded hurriedly, "Okay! There will be no accidents with the child, I promise."

The bullet hit the bone, and Qiao Jiusheng breathed a pain. She said to Yu Sheng, "The ambulance is too late. Take me to the hospital."

"it is good!"

Fang Yusheng didn't dare to take his own car again, and stopped a taxi directly on the side of the road. He drove by himself, rushing all the way towards the Deep Sea Hospital. The taxi driver dialed Wei Shuyi according to Fang Yusheng's instructions.

Wei Shuyi received the call and immediately prepared an elite emergency team, with doctors and nurses waiting at the entrance of the hospital.

From the massage parlor to the deep sea hospital, it takes at least an hour to get there on weekdays. But today, Fang Yusheng ignored the traffic rules and mentioned the fastest speed, which took only more than 30 minutes. He stopped the car and saw Wei Shuyi, and said in a trembling voice, "Old Wei, Brother Wei, you must save A Sheng, save our child!"

He opened the rear door while begging Wei Shuyi.

Qiao Jiusheng lay in the back of the car with a round doll under his buttocks, which could slow the bleeding.

Her charming and pretty face was not half rosy, her brows were frowning in pain, and she grabbed her clothes tightly with both hands. Fang Yusheng opened the car door and picked her up. While comforting Qiao Jiusheng, he said, "Don't be afraid, Asheng, you and your child will be fine."

He was comforting her, but his face was as white as wax.

Qiao Jiusheng held Fang Yusheng's clothes tightly, without speaking.

Panic, fear, and heartache and other emotions wrapped Qiao Jiusheng, she imprinted Fang Yusheng’s pale face in her mind, and a voice in her heart shouted: She must live, and live with the child, if she sustains If he doesn't go on, this man won't be able to go on.

Qiao Jiusheng endured the pain and tremblingly said to Fang Yusheng, "I'm fine, I don't hurt, Yu Sheng, calm down."

Fang Yusheng pursed his lips without making a sound.

She is so badly injured, how could it not hurt!

"Little liar!" gritted his teeth and scolded Qiao Jiusheng. Fang Yusheng then placed Qiao Jiusheng on the bed gently, and the nurse pushed Qiao Jiusheng into the elevator. Wei Shuyi patted Yu Sheng on the shoulder below. He said, "I have brought in the best obstetricians and surgeons in our hospital, so calm down."

Fang Yusheng didn't speak.

Wei Shuyi turned around and stepped into another elevator. He had to go to the emergency room to guard.

Fang Yusheng finally entered another elevator. He leaned against the elevator wall and touched his face with his hands. The touch was slimy. Fang Yusheng spread his hands and looked down at his **** hands. The hands were shaking, and the tremor was particularly large.

As if stimulated by something, Fang Yusheng suddenly squatted down slowly, rubbing the elevator wall, sobbing like a little beast.

The elevator went up and down several times, and people went in and out several times. Fang Yusheng never went out. The family members of those patients saw him crying in the elevator. Although they didn't know what had happened to him, they felt sad.

In this hospital, we can always see the family members crying in their arms. Over time, everyone is not surprised.

Fang Yusheng stayed in the elevator for more than half an hour before he came to the door of the emergency room.

There are other family members outside the emergency room, all with a sad look. Fang Yusheng stood outside the door of the operating room and saw the door opened and a lady wearing a nurse came out. Everyone rushed up, all wanting to care about the condition of the patients inside.

The nurse said as he walked, "I am in charge of the pregnant woman, and your family members are not in my control." The implication was that they had admitted the wrong person.

When Fang Yusheng heard this, he strode to catch up. He followed the nurse without disturbing the nurse's eager pace.

He asked the nurse, "How is the pregnant woman?"

"It's very serious. The gunshot wound on the leg bleeds very seriously, the fetus has signs of miscarriage, and the bleeding is more serious."

Hearing this, Fang Yusheng's eyes darkened and he almost fainted.

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