He held on to the wall and slowed down for a while.

Before long, the nurse passed him with several blood bags. Fang Yusheng forcibly cheered up and returned to the door of the emergency room. He waited outside the door for a long, long time. When they came, it was more than two o'clock in the afternoon, and it was getting dark right now.

Fang Yusheng panicked.

The people who waited with him in the emergency room had already waited for their family members to come out, and the patient was rescued alive. When Fang Yusheng saw them gather together and cried, he wanted to cry too. Suddenly, the phone in his pocket rang.

I didn't know that Fang Yusheng heard the phone ring after it rang several times.

He picked up the phone and saw that it was from home. Pressing the answer button with blood-stained fingers, Fang Yusheng put the phone to his ear and heard Fang Zikai's cheerful and sweet voice. "Dad, where are you and mom? When are you coming back? It's time to eat!"

Fang Yusheng wanted to say something, but his throat seemed to be gripped tightly by a hand, and he couldn't make a sound.

Home for dinner?

His A Sheng and the little princess will probably never be able to accompany him home for dinner again...

"Dad?" Fang Zikai was surprised and asked Fang Yusheng again, "Dad, are you listening?"

Fang Yusheng hummed, his voice was strange.

Fang Zikai said again, "Dad, what are you doing, have you caught a cold? Your voice is so hoarse."

Fang Yusheng finally recovered his voice.

He asked Fang Zikai, "Is your brother beside me?"

Fang Zikai muttered eccentricity, Fang Yusheng heard him shouting on the other side of the phone, "Brother, Dad is looking for you!" Then he heard a steady footstep approaching. The two people may be handing over their mobile phones, and he heard Fang Zikai complain again, "There must be something to tell you. Really, isn't it the same as me?"

Fang Zicheng ignored Fang Zikai.

He held the phone and yelled calmly, "Dad." Then he stopped talking and quietly waited for Fang Yusheng to speak.

"Cheng Cheng." Fang Yusheng almost cried.

Fang Zicheng heard that his father's mood was not right, he frowned, and his heart remained calm.

He was lacking in emotion, unable to empathize with Fang Yusheng. This is why Fang Yusheng asked Fang Zikai to pass him the phone. To put it bluntly, Fang Zicheng is more ruthless than Fang Zikai. Telling Fang Zicheng about Qiao Jiusheng will not affect the riots.

"What happened?"

Fang Zicheng's voice was really calm.

Fang Yusheng took a deep breath before saying, "My mother and I are in the hospital, and I can't go home for dinner."

Fang Zicheng asked again, "You haven't finished the examination yet?" He knew that today was the day when his mother went for the re-examination, but he remembered that the time for the re-examination was in the morning. It didn't make sense that he was still in the hospital at this time. So, something happened?

"Dad, is my mother uncomfortable?" He didn't hear Fang Yusheng speaking, and asked again, "Is it my little sister..."

"Your mother is hurt." Fang Yusheng's dumb voice made him cry. He told Fang Zicheng, "Your mother was injured, fell, and shed a lot of blood. Cheng Cheng, the little sister probably...probably can't keep it."

No one can feel Fang Yusheng's heartache at this moment.

Since Qiao Jiusheng's pregnancy, Fang Yusheng has been worried about accidents. When the accident really happened, Fang Yusheng felt regretful. He shouldn't have A Sheng pregnant, and he shouldn't have a second child.

Now his A Sheng and the little princess are both alive or dead. If possible, Fang Yusheng wants to replace Qiao Jiusheng on the operating bed.

Fang Zicheng's expression didn't change much, but his eyes deepened. This was a change he hadn't noticed.

"Shall we come now?"

"No, you and your brother will have dinner first, and then you will contact your grandparents and grandparents after the meal, and ask them to send you over."

"…it is good."

Fang Zicheng hung up.

Aside, Fang Zikai raised his head, looked at him eagerly, and asked, "What did Dad tell you?"

Fang Zicheng wrote a draft in his heart, and then Fang Zikai said, "Dad and mom won't be back for dinner tonight. He told us to eat obediently, and after dinner, let our grandparents take us to see them."

"where are they?"

Fang Zicheng said, "You will know when you go."

During the meal, Fang Zikai was robbing Fang Zicheng for dishes. It was obvious that those dishes were not what he liked to eat, but because Aunt Jin put the dishes in front of Fang Zicheng, Fang Zikai felt that the dishes were delicious and always ate those dishes. Fang Zicheng was silent during the meal, as if thinking about something.

Aunt Jin put a piece of sweet-scented osmanthus fish into his bowl, but Fang Zicheng didn't even notice, she raised her eyebrows, feeling strange. "Cheng Cheng, aren't you hungry?"

Fang Zicheng recovered.

He glanced at Aunt Jin, then turned his head, picked up the fish and took a bite. After eating, he suddenly called Aunt Jin, "Grandma Jin."

Aunt Jin said.

"What's wrong with Cheng Cheng?"

Fang Zicheng asked her, "A mother who suddenly loses a little baby will be sad, isn't it?"

Aunt Jin was stunned, her eyes became suspicious.

"Well, Cheng Cheng asked what this does?"

He lied, "I have a classmate's mother who had a miscarriage. That classmate was very upset recently, saying that his mother was very unhappy recently."

Aunt Jin sighed and said, "Of course it is uncomfortable, but it is my own child, a piece of meat from my body, of course it will be sad." Aunt Jin said, "I have been pregnant with two children in total, and successfully gave birth to a daughter. There is also a baby who had a miscarriage at the age of five months. I came down the stairs that morning and accidentally fell and the baby was..."

Decades have passed, and Aunt Jin still looks sad when talking about it again.

"My heart aches for a long time after losing the baby. Of course your classmate's mother is also very sad."

Fang Zicheng listened carefully to Aunt Jin's words, thoughtfully.

After eating, Aunt Jin was cleaning up the bowls. She had just thrown the bowls into the sink, and Fang Zicheng's voice suddenly sounded behind her. "Grandma Jin, what gift can you give to comfort a mother who has lost a child?"

Aunt Jin was taken aback.

She turned around, looked down at the little carrot head, thought for a while, and then asked, "Is it your classmate who wants to give his mother a gift to comfort her mother?"


Aunt Jin said, "The best gift is to let your classmates study hard, obediently, and be a little padded jacket for your mother. When you grow up, you will be filial to your mother."

"That's it?" Fang Zicheng asked, "there are no real gifts?"

Aunt Jin said with a smile, "As long as it is given by her own child, my mother will like it."


Fang Zicheng went out of the kitchen, went to the courtyard, and called Chi Boguang and Lisa. When the call was received, the couple was shopping. After learning about Qiao Jiusheng's situation, he pulled Lisa into the car in a hurry. He drove the car fast, went to Villa No. 9, picked up Fang Zicheng and the dumbfounded Fang Zikai, and went straight to the hospital.

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