Reincarnation: I Married My Ex’s Brother

Chapter 916: Is more important than life

Under the light, Qiao Jiusheng's expression was clearly visible, and that beautiful face was covered with a layer of grief and panic.

With a pain in his heart, Fang Yusheng gently rubbed the corner of Qiao Jiusheng's eyes with his left index finger. The emotional woman in his arms gradually calmed down. She also understood that the experience just now was just a dream. Qiao Jiusheng gasped in Fang Yusheng's arms, she did not dare to raise her head, nor did she dared to lower her head.

She was afraid of seeing a scene she couldn't bear.

Qiao Jiusheng's eyes were closed, and under his eyelids, the two eyeballs moved gently. Qiao Jiusheng rolled his throat up and down several times before summoning his courage and raising his head to look at Fang Yusheng.

Fang Yusheng is looking at her.

The two people's eyes touched together, Qiao Jiusheng had no bottom, she grabbed Fang Yusheng's arm, and then shouted, "Yusheng..." Qiao Jiusheng's voice was extremely hoarse, like a piece of paper with countless holes cut by a blade. , The kind of hoarse sound coming from the wind.

Fang Yusheng felt even more distressed when she heard her voice.

"I am here."

Qiao Jiusheng didn't dare to look down at her stomach. She looked at Fang Yusheng without turning her eyes. She asked him, "My child, are you still there?" Qiao Jiusheng was very nervous when she asked this. After asking, she stared at Fang Yusheng more intently.

She will not let Fang Yusheng's reaction go.

Fang Yusheng smiled.

His smile is very beautiful, and it also gives Qiao Jiusheng a place to rest his turbulent heart.

Fang Yusheng picked up Qiao Jiusheng's hand, slowly lowered it, and gently placed it on her abdomen. He solemnly told her, "A Sheng, the child is still there, and you are fine."

Qiao Jiusheng did not speak.

Qiao Jiusheng felt relieved when she touched her palms on her abdomen, touched her swollen abdomen, and confirmed that the child was really still there. "Great!" At this moment, the clever-toothed Qiao Jiusheng couldn't find a word to describe her mood at this moment.

It was a sense of joy that was lost and recovered. People who have not experienced the pain of almost losing a child will not understand her state of mind at the moment.

I thought that this child would not be able to keep it, but when Qiao Jiusheng was pushed all the way into the emergency room, he actually had no hope in his heart. But in order not to make Fang Yusheng too painful, she didn't dare to tell him her inner fear, and she had to comfort him in turn.

Fortunately, the child is fine.

At this time the sky is not yet light. Fang Yusheng hadn't changed his clothes. He was still wearing the daytime clothes. He took off his windbreaker and his sweater was stained with blood. He washed his hands, but the blood on his sleeves could not be washed away. Fang Yusheng lifted the **** sleeve with his fingers, glanced at his watch, and said to Qiao Jiusheng, "It's only four o'clock."

Qiao Jiusheng said, "It will take a while before dawn."

After speaking, Qiao Jiusheng frowned.

Fang Yusheng asked her, "Is it a stomachache or a leg pain?"

Qiao Jiusheng said, "I seem to be still bleeding." She looked a little flustered.

Still bleeding, this kid...

"Wei Shuyi said it is normal, and it will be fine after tonight. This is the residual blood draining out."

Fang Yusheng would not deceive her on such matters, Qiao Jiusheng was relieved after hearing what he said. "My leg hurts." She slowly raised her hand, touched her right leg, and felt the bandage. Qiao Jiusheng wanted to cry. She said, "I was in a car accident that year and this leg was hurt badly. Later, when I met you, you whipped me a few times, and it was also on this leg."

She laughed at Fang Yusheng self-deprecatingly, and said to herself, "Does this leg want to separate from me like this?"

Fang Yusheng's face sank, and he slapped her mouth quickly. "No nonsense."

Seeing the tension and dissatisfaction in Fang Yusheng's eyes clearly, Qiao Jiusheng didn't say anything.

"Does it hurt so much?"

Fang Yusheng got up from the bed, Lisa and Chi Boguang sent the children back, then brought them toiletries and a change of laundry. Fang Yusheng found the slippers, put them on, and walked around to the other side of Qiao Jiusheng. He lifted the quilt and looked at Qiao Jiusheng's thigh.

The bandage wrapped around her wound, and the tattoos of the monk and rose were somewhat covered.

Fang Yusheng's fingers fell on the red part of the bandage, and his eyes were distressed.

It is said that it is better for a pregnant woman to sit and lie down. Qiao Jiusheng is injured and it is inconvenient to lie on her side. She lie down. Naturally, Fang Yusheng's facial expressions were all received. She saw that Fang Yusheng was feeling sorry for herself, and the wound was very painful. At this moment, she didn't think it was too unbearable.

She said to Fang Yusheng, "Don't frown, it's something big, I'm fine." She was injured more seriously than this time when she was reborn in a car accident. This time it was because there was a child in her belly, so she was scared. She really wanted to say how unbearable the gunshot wound on her leg was, that would not be enough.

Fang Yusheng knew that Qiao Jiusheng was always tolerant. He had heard Wei Shuyi say that when Qiao Jiusheng found him, he had just finished the operation. I heard that when she had the operation, the anesthesia had little effect on her. She was able to accept the operation with consciousness, which shows that she can tolerate what ordinary people can't stand.

But she was born from mother, why would she not hurt? She just had to hold it back.

"You have a baby in your stomach, some medicines can't be used for you, A Sheng, you can only bear it." Fang Yusheng was in pain when he said this. He wanted to replace Qiao Jiusheng with all the pain in her body, but he couldn't.

He can only watch her uncomfortably, can only watch and cannot share.

Qiao Jiusheng waved his hand, too chic, "Little things, I can bear them."

Fang Yusheng turned his head and looked away, his eyes complicated.

Qiao Jiusheng knew that he felt uncomfortable, so he didn't want to continue this topic, so he changed the topic. "By the way, I have to thank you."

"Thank me for what?" Fang Yusheng felt that Qiao Jiusheng's words were inexplicable.

Qiao Jiusheng said, "If it weren't for you to forget to take your wallet, I might have..." The word of death had reached his lips, and Fang Yusheng suddenly gave him a vicious look. Receiving his warning gaze, Qiao Jiusheng pursed his lips, shattered the rest of the words and swallowed it into his stomach. She was silent for a moment, and then said, "It's our fate."

Fang Yusheng didn't say anything, and sat down beside her bed.

"The other party should be directed at me." Fang Yusheng said suddenly.

Qiao Jiusheng shook her head. She said, "Don't talk nonsense, the other party is obviously trying to kill me, not you."

Fang Yusheng laughed, as if laughing at something.

"What are you laughing at?" Qiao Jiusheng glanced at him.

Fang Yusheng stared at Qiao Jiusheng, his eyes so deep that it made it difficult for Qiao Jiusheng to breathe. Fang Yusheng said, "The other party is so cunning, knowing that killing me is nothing. Killing you is the biggest revenge against me."

Qiao Jiusheng stopped talking.

Fang Yusheng meant that Qiao Jiusheng was more important than his life. Killing her is even worse than killing him directly.

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