Qiao Jiusheng didn't know how to answer the call.

She actually understood that what Fang Yusheng said was true.

Although she loves to play and mess, but she has never made a big enemy. Her only enemy is Qiao Jiuyin, but Qiao Jiuyin is still squatting in the prison. The person who hired the killer must be someone whom Yu Sheng hated.

The atmosphere suddenly became heavy.

Fang Yusheng remained silent.

Qiao Jiusheng couldn't see his silent and solemn look. She still loved Fang Yusheng who was pretending to be a little funny. With a light cough, Qiao Jiusheng said, "I'm thirsty."

Fang Yusheng stood up immediately, poured water, fed her water, moved skillfully, and finished in one go.

Qiao Jiusheng drank some water, and his throat was not so uncomfortable.

She said again, "I'm so hungry!"

Fang Yusheng looked straight, and hurriedly asked her, "What do you want to eat?"

"There are no restaurants open at this time." Qiao Jiusheng said again, "Aunt Jin and the others haven't gotten up yet. Let's bear it for a while."

Fang Yusheng said, “I can let the people from the restaurant make it.” The half-acre flower field restaurant is also open at night. Fang Yusheng is the boss. He just called and wanted to eat Antarctic fish. . Qiao Jiusheng thought for a while before he said, "I want to eat lotus seed porridge. I remember that the restaurant has this porridge. I ate it last time and it tastes great."

"it is good."

In the early winter, it is not easy to eat a bowl of fresh lotus porridge, but Fang Yusheng called and the manager at the other end agreed. After hanging up the phone, Fang Yusheng said to Qiao Jiusheng, "You have to wait for the porridge in the morning. That porridge will take several hours."

"It's ok."

Fang Yusheng knew that pregnant women could not be hungry. They said they were hungry and panicked if they did not eat.

He thought for a while and said, "When I went to collect water, I saw family members cooking there at the end of the corridor. Then, I'll fry you a poached egg and cook a bowl of noodles." He has made a few of these over the years. Although the second meal is still awful, it can still be eaten.

A bowl of noodles, you won't die if you eat it.

After hearing Fang Yusheng's proposal, Qiao Jiusheng wanted to refuse. For some reason, Fang Yusheng always has an inexplicable confidence in cooking. Qiao Jiusheng was embarrassed to tell him that the dishes he cooked were actually so unpalatable that even stray dogs would not smell it. But she is a pet husband, even if Fang Yusheng is going to destroy the world, she will hand him explosives.

Qiao Jiusheng will refuse to hide in his stomach, with a three-point smile on his face, and tell him, "Okay, put a little less salt and don't fully cook the eggs."

"I know."

Although Fang Yusheng is not good at cooking, he has a clear grasp of Qiao Jiusheng's dietary hobbies.

The small supermarket downstairs is open 24 hours, Fang Yusheng went to buy a handful of noodles and some condiments. Their cooking does not contain MSG, so he didn't buy it. Qiao Jiusheng likes spicy food. There is no one in the supermarket. Fang Yusheng looked around and didn't find it, so he gave up.

No pepper is good. A Sheng is injured now. He needs to eat light ones. Eating too much pepper is not good for recovery from the injury.

When Lisa brought her things later, she brought some bird's nests, brown sugar, red dates, and eggs. Fang Yusheng cooked the noodles while soaking the bird's nest in a clean bowl. Qiao Jiusheng will stay in the hospital for a while. She is hungry and thirsty. It is good to drink some stewed bird's nest.

Qiao Jiusheng lives in the VIP ward of the obstetrics department. This floor is full of pregnant women and expectant mothers who are about to give birth. When Fang Yusheng went to the small kitchen, there happened to be a man and a woman cooking in it. The woman looked more than 60 years old. It's thirty or forty.

Fang Yusheng wanted to borrow pots from them, and the mother said, "These pots can be used, just wash them after use."

Hearing this, Fang Yusheng raised his eyebrows, took out a steel wire ball and brushed a pot five or six times. He put the pot on the induction cooker on the stove, turned it on, poured mineral water, and waited for the water to boil. He leaned on the kitchen counter and opened the chat records of those damaging friends in the OK group.

Aside, the content of the chat between the mother and son was passed to Fang Yusheng's ears.

The mother said, "She just can't give birth. This is the second one, and she is a daughter. Hey, I will be 35 soon. This time I was delivered by cesarean section. If I want to have another child, I have to wait a few years. As the mother said, she poured a few eggs into the brown sugar water angrily, and began to talk again, "I said no C-section, just give birth, you don’t listen. You love to listen to your daughter-in-law, she farts It's all fragrant!"

"This is all right, wait a few more years, she will be an advanced mother! How can she give birth!"

When the mother talked more and more angry, the tone became more and more irritable.

When his son was embarrassed on the sidelines, he glanced at Fang Yusheng, bowed his head and said to his mother, "Mom, don't say a few words, there are outsiders!"

"I'll just say so!"

The mother took a look at Fang Yusheng and glanced at his face a few more times. She saw Fang Yusheng looked up at him. The old woman laughed and said to Fang Yusheng, "My son graduated from graduate school and later opened a factory by himself. The company is doing well. We must have a boy in our family! Otherwise, they will get old in the future. Who will the factory give to? what?"

The old woman didn't feel that there was anything wrong with her thoughts. Seeing Fang Yusheng hadn't talked to herself, she said to her son, "I've told you several times, no matter how good the daughter is, sooner or later she will marry! You can't give your own money to someone else's home, can you?"

"Hey, it's also fate. Why can someone else's daughter-in-law be so able to give birth, and your Ahui can't give birth to a leader?"

When the water boiled, Fang Yusheng threw the noodles into the pot, and heard the son say, "Mom, it's not Ahui to blame. If you can't give birth to a son, you also blame me."

Although the mother also understood this truth, she felt angry in her heart.

"You are still facing her! Earlier I did not agree with you to marry her, let you marry Mingzhen, but if you don't listen, you want to marry Ahui. Hey, Mingzhen now has two sons, look at you?" Mother The more he talked, the more angry, and finally had no choice but to shook his head.

Fang Yusheng stroked the pot with his chopsticks a few times, then took the egg and put it under the faucet to wash it. He suddenly noticed someone behind him. He tilted his head slightly and saw a woman in blue pajamas standing by the kitchen door, holding a newborn baby in her arms, her face still a little pale.

She stared at the complaining mother, and then at the man who hadn't defended his wife from the beginning to the end. The brilliance in the woman's eyes dimmed inch by inch. Fang Yusheng frowned, guessing the identity of this person.

He suddenly spoke and said, "In this world, everything becomes fast. Maybe a financial crisis breaks out and your son's factory goes bankrupt?"

Upon hearing this, the mother and son looked at Fang Yusheng at the same time.

The man frowned, obviously a little unhappy. As a mother, she doesn't look so good. She glared at Fang Yusheng and cursed, "What are you talking about! Why are you so inconsistent with others? You are expecting my son to go bankrupt, right?"

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