Reincarnation: I Married My Ex’s Brother

Chapter 968: The girly heart of the old father

He looked serious, but anyone who was familiar with Jiang Bo knew that this man was an old funny man who looked serious.

Seeing Jiang Bo, Fang Yuqing stood up hurriedly and shouted politely and docilely, "Uncle Jiang, are you off work?"

"Well, how long has Qingqing been here?"

Standing at the hallway, Jiang Bo had planned to use slippers.

It seemed that Mirai's daughter-in-law was standing in the living room greeted with a smile, and he suddenly felt that the action of taking off his shoes was too rude. What Jiang Bo was thinking in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face.

He walked into the house directly wearing his shoes, and the helper on the side saw it and found it strange.

But Jiang Bo was the master, and she was too embarrassed to remind her as a helper. She watched Jiang Bo's muddy shoes stepping on the floor. Fang Yuqing saw it, somewhat surprised.

Seeing Jiang Bo approaching, she said hurriedly, "It hasn't been long since I arrived."

Jiang Wei heard the movement coming out of the tea room and found that his father hadn't changed his shoes. He hurriedly lowered his face and reminded his father, "Dad, you forgot to change your shoes."

Jiang Bo looked deeply at Jiang's only eye.

He coughed before saying, "I just thought about something and forgot."

He returned to the hallway, found his shoes, took them off, and quickly put his feet in the slippers. Fang Yuqing seemed to see that her father-in-law had a hole in her right big toe...

Fang Yuqing's inner activities are particularly exciting——

Uncle Jiang even wore ripped socks! Still woolen socks!

Is Uncle Jiang such a diligent and thrifty housekeeper?

When Jiang Bo raised her head, Fang Yuqing had turned her head to talk to Jiang Wei pretending to be nonchalant. Seeing that his daughter-in-law had not discovered his little secret, Jiang Bo breathed a sigh of relief.

The helper said to Jiang Bo, "Sir, dinner is ready, do you want to serve it?"

Jiang Bo said, "Bring it to the table."

He told Fang Yuqing, "Qingqing, you eat first, I'll take a shower upstairs." This is Jiang Bo's habit. He must take a shower after get off work, otherwise he will feel uncomfortable.

"It's okay, it's still early, let's be together."

Jiang Bo nodded and said, "That's fine too."

He walked into the tea room, called Liu Qingya, and went upstairs together. When he got upstairs and entered the room, Jiang Bo's face suddenly collapsed, seemingly calm, "I'm ashamed of me!" Jiang Bo covered his face, facelessly facing Jiang Dong's elders.

Liu Qingya asked him what happened.

Jiang Bo hesitated for a long time before saying, "I wore the pair of woolen socks you gave me on my birthday three years ago today."

"Huh?" Liu Qingya was a little surprised and asked him, "Is that pair of woolen socks with a hole in the big toe?"


Liu Qingya was puzzled. She sat down next to Jiang Bo, feeling strange in her heart, and asked him, "I wanted to ask you a long time ago. How many years have you worn the socks and they are all broken, so what do you always wear? Didn’t I just buy you ten new socks a few days ago? Why didn’t I see you wearing them?"

Jiang Bo was a little aggrieved, he glanced at Liu Qingya, his eyes were rather resentful, and there was a lot of content inside.

Liu Qingya was baffled by him.

"What do you think of me like this?"

Jiang Bo then whispered to Liu Qingya, "You knit it for me by your own hands. It's just a pair. I like it. I can't bear to throw it away." After he finished talking, he said to Liu Qingya in a crying tone, "You If you don’t love me anymore, do you dislike me for being old?"

"Huh?" Liu Qingya looked dumbfounded, "Why do I dislike you?"

Jiang Bo said, "A few years ago, you would give me hand-made handmade products for my birthday, but in the past two years, you have not given me those gifts..." This matter was hidden in Jiang Bo's heart for too long. Today, his grievance reached the extreme, and he couldn't help but say it.

Liu Qingya couldn't laugh or cry.

"Ginger, you are fifty-two, not twelve, why do you still speak like a child?"

Jiang Bo lowered his head and looked at his torn socks, but said nothing.

Liu Qingya had always spoiled Jiang Bo. Seeing his gloomy look, she had to raise her hand and surrender, "It's all right, just a pair of socks. Throw this pair away, and I will re-knit a pair for you tomorrow."

Hearing this, Jiang Bo stopped then.

"Go down and accompany the child. I'll take a shower and come down." Jiang Bo spoke now like an adult with a deep sense of righteousness. Accustomed to his old naughty character, Liu Qingya is no stranger to it.

Outside, Jiang Bo is always the image of a shrewd old city. Anyone who sees what he looked like just now will be shocked. In fact, Jiang Bo was still mature and stable in his early years, but Liu Qingya loved him and spoiled him like a child. Gradually, he developed this person into a tsundere and childish character.

In front of Liu Qingya, Jiang Bo was sometimes mature, sometimes naive, and an interesting person. In this regard, Jiang Wei has won the true story of his father.

When Liu Qingya went downstairs, the three children were watching TV. They watched a very tacky family drama. They also watched it with gusto.

Liu Qingya stood behind the sofa, staring at Fang Yuqing and Jiang Wei. Fang Yuqing sat upright with a cup of coffee in her hand. Jiang Wei, who was always elegant and well-mannered, now looked like a child with no bones, leaning her head on Fang Yuqing's shoulder.

The two should be talking about interesting things, Jiang Wei always teased Fang Yuqing to throw a knife at him.

Liu Qingya looked at them, as if seeing herself and Jiang Bo when she was young.

She thought that these two children would be very happy.

She doesn't care about Fang Yuqing's past. In these years, who hasn't met a few scumbags? As long as Fang Yuqing treats Jiang Wei well, and can treat him wholeheartedly after having a relationship with Jiang Wei, Liu Qingya will be satisfied.

Find your daughter-in-law, not what they like, but what your child likes.

Obviously, her son found the man he had destined for.

Liu Qingya smiled, clapped her hands, and greeted everyone to take a seat in the restaurant. Fang Yuqing quickly pushed away Jiang Wei's head and got up from the sofa. Seeing Liu Qingya was going to the kitchen to help the servants serve food, she also said, "Auntie, let me help you."

Liu Qingya glanced back at her, then at her daughter who was sitting on the sofa, and suddenly felt that the child really belongs to someone else's family. "it is good."

Fang Yuqing helped Liu Qingya arrange the dishes together, and Jiang Wei poured the red wine that had been awake into the glass. Jiang Jie was glared at by his mother and ran over to help arrange the dishes.

When Jiang Bo came, the dinner began.

Fang Yuqing and Jiang’s parents have known each other for a long time. In the first two years, they have always been in and out of Jiang’s family as their prospective daughter-in-law. Therefore, the conversation at the dinner party was not serious and formal, and they were all commonplace.

Fang Yuqing picked up the wine glass and just took a sip, Jiang Wei approached her and asked her, "All right?"


"Aren't you allowed to drink?" Jiang Weike still remembered that Fang Yuqing was drunk last time, so he was ridiculed, and he turned around and forgot about him again.

Therefore, Jiang Wei stayed away from wine.

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