Fang Yuqing couldn't help laughing. She smiled and said, "I will not get drunk when I drink red wine. I drink high-concentration alcohol like whiskey and brandy. Even if I only drink one sip, it will fragment afterwards."

"That's it..."

Jiang Wei nodded, indicating that he had remembered.

The host and the host enjoyed a meal. After the meal, Liu Qingya took Fang Yuqing and Jiang Jie to a tea restaurant. "There will be a jewelry auction next week. This is the auction catalog. Come and see if you have any favorite jewelry."

Liu Qingya turned to look at Fang Yuqing. She said, "Qingqing wants what, even though you don’t need anything, but you still have to buy it. Look, if you have any favorite jewelry, look at it. Just tell auntie, it's a wedding gift that auntie bought for you in advance."

Fang Yuqing was startled.


When I heard this word for the second time today, Fang Yuqing's little heart was a little casual.

She was surprised when she heard Fang Yuqing's tone, Liu Qingya looked at her particularly unexpectedly, and she smiled and said, "You have accepted Jiang Wei's proposal ring, don't you plan to marry him?"

Fang Yuqing couldn't do it awkwardly.

Can she say no? If you dare to say something inaccurate, that is to lie to Jiang Wei's feelings. She wants to nod her head, she feels a little bit of hatred to marry. Fang Yuqing decided to dump the pot to Jiang Wei. She said, "But Jiang Wei hasn't mentioned this to me, Auntie, you have to ask Jiang Wei about this."

"Jiang Wei, live it down!"

Liu Qingya called upstairs.

Jiang Wei was talking with his father in the study room upstairs. Hearing his mother's voice, he opened the study window, stuck his head out of the window, and asked below, "Mom, what are you doing?"

"Come down, I will talk to you about your marriage with Qingqing."

Jiang Wei hurriedly closed the window, turned his head and said to his dad, "I'll talk later, I have to go down and talk about my marriage."

Upon hearing this, Jiang Bo closed the document, and the father and son went downstairs together.

Fang Yuqing saw Jiang Wei and his son, so embarrassed to find a hole in it.

She just said casually, she didn't know that Liu Qingya was so active.

In fact, Liu Qingya is so eager for a reason. Her son has liked Qingqing for so long, and finally brought his daughter-in-law home. There is no reason to let her go again.

Besides, Jiang Wei's emotional intelligence is worrying. There are some things. She, the mother, doesn't help out, and counts on Jiang Wei. That's hopeless.

Fang Yuqing sat alone on a single sofa, Jiang Wei came and sat directly on the arm of her sofa. He took Fang Yuqing's hand and asked his mother, "Mom, what were you doing just now?"

Liu Qingya said, "I just asked Qingqing about your marriage, and Qingqing said that you have no plans yet. Is this true?"

Jiang Wei said hurriedly, "Tomorrow will be fine. It is better to marry or relocate."

Hearing this, several other people were quiet, and then they reacted differently.

Liu Qingya felt that her son was too anxious to eat hot tofu, Fang Yuqing wanted to find a hole in the hole, Jiang Bo raised her eyebrows, but thought his son was smart.

"No tomorrow, the day is too urgent." Liu Qingya said solemnly.

Jiang Wei hurriedly found the phone, flipped it through, and said, "The 18th of the first lunar month next year is a good day. Time is not in a hurry, and we have time to prepare for marriage." , Busy working adults are about to take their annual vacation.

Jiang Wei's expectant mother-in-law, who is busy filming, also has a holiday. During this time, both parties are free to discuss marriage matters.

No matter how you look at it, this is a good day.

Fang Yuqing's heart trembled when she heard this day.

Are you... getting married?

She is not unwilling to marry, but she feels too fast. Marriage is not a trivial matter. Marriage means responsibility, which means they have to form a new family.

She is not sure if she is ready to get married.

However, Fang Yuqing looked down at the ring on her hand, and then at the hand held tightly by Jiang Wei in her palm. She was certain in her heart, and she raised her head and said to Jiang Wei, "My mother will go back to Binjiang City the day after tomorrow. My brother is not busy during this time. It just so happens that my brother Yu Sheng’s baby has not yet been born, and they are all available. The next night, it is a good day to discuss marriage."

Jiang Weixin breathed a sigh of relief.

His face was full of joy. He turned his head to look at Jiang Bo and asked him, "Dad, do you have time the next night?"

Jiang Bo nodded, humbled reservedly, and said, "Of course I am free." If there is no time, he has to make time. The important matter of his son's marriage can't be delayed. "Then it's settled."

Fang Yuqing called Xu Pingfei and told her about it. Xu Pingfei also felt that the pace was a bit faster, but the two young men were very satisfied with the marriage, and thought that Jiang Wei's child was so affectionate for her family, and she did not hesitate, so she agreed.

"Then see you the night after tomorrow."

Xu Pingfei asked again, "We choose the restaurant, or they choose?"

According to the marriage tradition in Binjiang City, when discussing marriage, the choice of dining restaurant is usually selected by the woman and the man pays. Generally this time, it is time to reflect the woman's family literacy.

Fang Yuqing held her cellphone and asked Jiang Wei, "My mother asked, is the hotel our choice or you?"

"Of course it's your family's choice."

Fang Yuqing relayed this to Xu Pingfei.

Xu Pingfei joked over there, "Then I want to go to the Imperial Hotel's "one-size"." The Imperial Hotel's one-size, is the highest standard of the Imperial Hotel's private dining room, and the dining standard inside is based on the state banquet standard. The price is naturally not cheap.

Fang Yuqing was about to say something, and heard Xu Pingfei say, "I will discuss with your brother later, and I will notify you after I choose the address."


Fang Yuqing hung up the phone and said to Jiang Wei, "My mother promised the dinner the next night, and the dining place has not been selected yet."

"Not in a hurry."

Jiang Youyi thought that he was going to marry Fang Yuqing, and his whole body was a little fluttering.

Fang Yuqing felt that it was time to go home, and was about to tell Jiang Wei to say goodbye to Jiang's parents. Then Liu Qingya suddenly said, "Jiang Wei, I changed the bed in your room to a larger one. The bed before was 1.5 meters and 5 feet, which was too narrow. Today I changed you to a 1.5 meter and 8 feet. Qing will go and see if she likes it. If she doesn't like it, change it tomorrow."

Fang Yuqing was about to make a request to go home, but she was a little surprised when she heard this.

She took Jiang Wei's hand.

Jiang Wei looked back at her, "What's the matter?"

Fang Yuqing asked him, "Shall we go back tonight?"

Jiang Wei said, "I'll talk to mom."

He poured a cup of tea for Liu Qingya and said, "Mom, it's too early, so Qingqing and I will go back first. Anyway, after we get married, we have to move out and live. As long as the bed can sleep well, you choose. Not much difference."

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