Qiao Jiusheng's mouth was bitter and he didn't know what to say.

Fang Yusheng said again, "Don't always use my stingy thing to run against me in the future." He held Qiao Jiusheng's hand and pressed it to his chest, before saying, "I will also feel uncomfortable here."

For a moment, Qiao Jiusheng felt uncomfortable and wanted to cry.

The above are very sensational. But Fang Yu gave birth to a sentence and completely waved away Qiao Jiusheng's guilty heart. Fang Yusheng said, "I don't like you saying that I'm stingy, just like you don't love others and say you are fat."

Qiao Jiusheng immediately changed his face. "piss off!"

She withdrew her hand from Fang Yusheng's palm and took the children into the hotel.

Fang Yusheng smiled and said behind them, "Don't go in, I have already booked a table in the opposite restaurant." Qiao Jiusheng scolded Fang Yusheng for being sick, and finally led the children across the road with Fang Yusheng. Went to that western restaurant.

Because of the episode just now, when eating, Qiao Jiusheng never gave Fang Yusheng a good face.

Fang Yusheng was a little helpless.

He didn't drink often, so he poured himself a glass of red wine.

Fang Zicheng and Fang Zikai could only drink with coconut milk.

Qiao Jiusheng ordered a caviar. She was planning to drink champagne on ice. Seeing Fang Yusheng ordered a glass of wine, she temporarily changed her attention, "Like him, I want wine."

After the waiter left, Fang Yusheng asked Qiao Jiusheng, "Why did he change his mind?" He knew that Qiao Jiusheng was planning to drink champagne, and Fang Yu knew Qiao Jiusheng's food and beverage hobbies well.

"I'm happy." Qiao Jiusheng's tone was a little aggressive when he spoke.

The smile on Fang Yusheng's mouth collapsed. He said, "Don't be so fierce to me."

He was wronged, Qiao Jiusheng was choked, and he really softened his attitude. "You didn't provoke me first..." Qiao Jiusheng's tone was also aggrieved.

"Then I apologize."

There are two roses in the vase on the table.

Fang Yusheng took one out and presented her to Qiao Jiusheng. He said, "Beautiful lady, I offer you my most sincere apologies for my rudeness." The rose petals were next to Qiao Jiusheng’s nose and Lips. Her lips are reddish, and the complexion is fair, and the red roses make the girl's face more attractive.

Fang Yusheng looked a little fascinated.

Qiao Jiusheng stared at Red Rose, and then at Fang Yusheng, who was sitting opposite her. Fang Yusheng holding the rose is the prince, and letting go of the prince is amusement. How could this person change so much.

With his lips bent, Qiao Jiusheng reached out to take the rose. "I accept your apology."

Fang Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

Fang Zikai learned the same.

He was sitting next to Qiao Jiusheng, and Fang Zicheng was next to Fang Yusheng. The brothers sat face to face.

Fang Zikai quickly removed the only rose in the vase. He smiled and handed the rose to Fang Zicheng, and said pretentiously, "Handsome little prince, I offer you my most sincere heart for my rudeness." Apologies."

Fang Zicheng stared at Fang Zikai, his mouth twitched.

He asked, "Did you drink a lot of water today?"

Fang Zikai was stunned, "Hey?"

Fang Zicheng said, "I drank too much water and couldn't hold it in my stomach, so I ran into my head."

It took Fang Zikai a few seconds to understand Fang Zicheng's words.

I drank too much water and couldn't hold it in my stomach, so I ran into my head.

There is water in my head...

Qiao Jiusheng and Fang Yusheng laughed sullenly.

Fang Zikai didn't understand the stalk of water in his mind, but when he saw the ill-intentioned smiles of his parents, he knew that his brother must have been scolding him roundly just now. Fang Zikai made a cut, and pinned the rose to his ear, "eat."

Fang Zicheng glanced at the rose on Fang Zikai's ear twice, and felt it was an eyesore.

After eating the caviar, the appetizer soup was served.

Qiao Jiusheng drank a small bowl of vegetable soup and found that Fang Zi Cheng loved this soup, so he served him an extra bowl. The vice-cai Qiao Jiusheng ordered French sticks, and Fang Yusheng ordered pan-fried cod.

Qiao Jiusheng’s main dish was a sirloin steak, Fang Yusheng and Fang Zicheng both chose fried lamb chops, and Fang Zikai ordered chicken.

Qiao Jiusheng was completely full after eating the steak.

Fang Yusheng seemed to be in a good mood today. The lamb chops were delicious. He inevitably ate more. After eating the lamb chops, Fang Yusheng put down his knife and fork, tasting wine quietly, and stopped eating anything.

Both adults are full, but Fang Zikai and Fang Zicheng are still waiting for the last dessert.

The brothers ate pudding and a small piece of cake, and they were really overwhelmed, so Fang Zikai wiped his mouth and hands. "It's delicious." He didn't know how much his father paid for this meal. He wiped his mouth clean and said, "Come again next time."

Fang Yusheng glanced at him, the content in his eyes was deep.

Qiao Jiusheng said, "As long as you are obedient and don't hide sweets, mother will bring you back next week."


It is also pitiful. The Fang family is a well-known family in Binjiang City, but the children of the Fang family want to have a big meal in a high-end western restaurant, and they have to make an appointment a week in advance. Think about it, Fang Zikai feels that life is hard.

Qiao Jiusheng nodded, "Of course, Tong Sou is not deceived."


Fang Yusheng went to pay the bill, and Qiao Jiusheng took the children to wash their hands. When they drove to the cinema, it was only ten minutes before the opening. The four of them had full stomachs, so they checked the tickets and went to the cinema without buying popcorn or any drinks.

Less than twenty minutes after the movie theater opened, Fang Zikai felt very bored. He could grow mushrooms on his head.

Fang Zicheng stared at the projection screen blankly, unable to tell whether he liked it or not.

This movie was actually made very well. When Qiao Jiusheng bought the tickets, there were not many seats left. The four people did not sit together. Two children sat in the front row, and Fang Yusheng and Qiao Jiusheng sat in the back row.

Fang Zikai was not interested in movies, so he walked out of his own row with his waist down. He planned to talk to his parents and then go to the hall of the cinema to catch the doll.

Fang Zikai catted down again to the row behind Qiao Jiusheng and them.

Qiao Jiusheng and Fang Yusheng were both watching the movie and didn't notice.

Fang Zikai stood up from behind, he stood between his parents and looked at them on tiptoe. Fang Zikai was about to pat Fang Yusheng's shoulder. When he lowered his head, he saw that his parents’ hands were close together, and the fingers of the two people seemed to be fighting. You hook me and I hook you.

Fang Zikai: "..."

He was still young and didn't know that the scene before him was called flirting.

But he also found it strange.

"Dad, mom's hands are fun?" Fang Zikai's voice suddenly rang in his ears, shocking Fang Yusheng. Qiao Jiusheng quickly withdrew his hand back.

Fang Yusheng turned his head to stare at Fang Zikai, lowered his voice and asked him, "Why are you here?"

"The movie is not good, Dad, give me some money, I'll go outside to catch the doll." Fang Zikai's face was innocent.

Fang Yusheng stared at his little son's round cheeks, especially wanting to punch him.

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