Reincarnation: I Married My Ex’s Brother

Chapter 999: Buy a gift (comment to the surroundings)

Fang Yusheng hurriedly opened the wallet, drew fifty yuan from it, and stuffed it fiercely into Fang Zikai's hand. "Take it."

"Thank you dad."

Fang Zikai didn't mind how bad Fang Yusheng's attitude was.

The sky is big and the money is the most expensive.

He turned around and was about to leave, Qiao Jiusheng hurriedly reached out and grabbed Fang Zikai's clothes and dragged him back. Fang Zikai turned around and asked Qiao Jiusheng, "What's the matter, mother?"

Qiao Jiusheng urged him, "You are not allowed to run around, only play in the lobby. After the money is over, sit on the sofa and wait for us. Also, put on the positioning watch." When going out, be more careful.

Fang Zikai was busy saying good things.

After Fang Zikai left, the world seemed to be clean.

Fang Yusheng turned his head to stare at Qiao Jiusheng, but Qiao Jiusheng stared at the movie screen, completely ignoring his gaze. Fang Yusheng smiled, then directly held Qiao Jiusheng's hand in the pocket of his coat.

Qiao Jiusheng did not resist either.

After watching the movie, the three people came to the hall and saw Fang Zikai sitting on the sofa waiting for them. He held five or six little dolls in his arms.

Upon seeing this, Qiao Jiusheng and Fang Yusheng were very surprised. Didn’t it mean that the dolls in the claw machine can never be caught?

When Fang Zikai saw them, he hurried over. He stuffed the doll into Fang Yusheng's arms like offering a treasure, and said, "Dad, look, I caught six dolls! It scared the store."

The boss of this crane machine is the boss behind the movie theater. The boss is not here at all. Fang Zikai's words are pure nonsense.

Fang Yusheng touched the tail of the doll. As an older player who had grabbed a doll dozens of times and had never caught a doll, Fang Yusheng finally felt a bad breath.

Although his son caught the doll, not him, Fang Yusheng felt proud.

My son is so promising!

"Fang Jingjing is awesome." Fang Yusheng exclaimed Fang Zikai very rarely.

Fang Zikai snorted, and he said, "If you like it, I'll give it to you." Fang Zikai turned around and walked out of the hall after speaking. In that way, he really wanted to give the baby to Fang Yusheng.

Staring at Fang Zikai's back bouncing away, Fang Yusheng thought, if Fang Zikai was a rabbit, all the ears on his head should be erected at this moment.

Fang Zicheng stared at the pile of dolls in Fang Yusheng's hand and narrowed his eyes slightly.

This cinema is very large, with three floors, with four projection halls on each floor. It is one of the best large cinemas in Binjiang City.

The cinema is very prosperous all around, and when you look up, you can see a crowd of people everywhere. Fang Yusheng stood at the entrance of the cinema and looked around. They rarely went shopping with their family in recent months. The last time they went shopping, it was when Qiao Jiusheng was just pregnant.

For a time, Fang Yusheng was also a little playful and didn't want to return home.

He asked Qiao Jiusheng and the children, "Anyway, there are parents watching them, let's go shopping and then go back?"


Qiao Jiusheng was very good at talking, and immediately agreed.

There are all large and small shopping malls nearby. As far as you can see, you can see the specialty stores of two luxury brands, GUCCI and CHANEL.

Fang Zikai said that spring was coming, he and his brother had to buy spring clothes, so Fang Yusheng took them to the mall to buy some clothes. In fact, there are also special children's luxury goods stores nearby, but neither Fang Yusheng, Qiao Jiusheng, or even Fang Zikai themselves are pursuing famous brands in their clothes.

I bought three sets of spring clothes and two pairs of shoes for the two children, and bought a peaked cap for Fang Zikai. The total cost was only four thousand yuan.

After Fang Yusheng paid, Fang Zikai couldn't wait to put his hat on his head.

After wearing the hat, the two brown eyes on that fair and round little face looked very cute and round. Fang Zikai couldn't help but keep looking in the mirror, especially narcissistic.

Fang Zicheng saw it and kicked him gently. "Let's go." It's really embarrassing, and I can be happy looking in the mirror.

Fang Zicheng feels that his brother is definitely a peacock when he grows up.

When leaving the mall and passing by the GUCCI store, Fang Zicheng suddenly stopped.

"Huh?" Noting Fang Zicheng's abnormality, Fang Yusheng turned around and walked to his side and asked him, "What are you doing here?"

Fang Zicheng raised his head and looked at Fang Yusheng, his reddish lips pressed tightly, as if a little embarrassed.

"What's the matter?" Thinking that Fang Zicheng is unspeakable, Fang Yusheng has always been more patient with his eldest son than Fang Zikai. When Fang Zicheng didn't speak, Fang Yusheng not only didn't feel upset, but rather squatted in front of Fang Zicheng very intimately Come down.

He looked at Fang Zicheng and asked him, "What do you want to do? Tell Dad."

Fang Zicheng said, "I want to go in and buy something, but I don't want you to be with you."

Fang Yusheng was taken aback.

After he understood what Fang Zicheng meant, he turned his head and looked to his right. There was a building where the GUCCI store was located. Fang Yusheng was a little surprised, "Are you going to go in here to buy something?"


Knowing that children have their own secrets, even though Fang Yusheng was curious about what Zicheng wanted to buy, he restrained that curiosity. "Yes." Fang Yusheng stood up, looked down at his watch, and said, "I'll give you ten minutes."

Fang Zicheng didn't say a word of nonsense, and walked into the store when he looked up.

Fang Yusheng stared at Fang Zicheng's back and thought to himself: Go kid, when you see the selling price of the items inside, you will get rid of it.

The children did not have a deep concept of money. Fang Yusheng believed that Fang Zicheng did not have enough money to buy any of the goods in it.

Inside the Gucci store.

Sister Ai was surprised when she saw a child with a beautiful face walking into the store alone.

The child's dress looks ordinary and unremarkable, but the cabinet sister has seen more people, and will not be a small customer. Because of contempt, they often lose their jobs.

Even if they really look down on customers in their hearts, they won't tell them.

With a small smile on her face, the cabinet sister took the initiative to ask Fang Zicheng, "Little guest, what do you need to buy?"

Fang Zicheng stared at this big sister in high heels OL outfit. He took out a small wallet from his trouser pocket. The wallet was very ordinary. It was the kind of wallet that can be found everywhere in small shops. You can buy it for dozens of dollars. Of goods.

Seeing this wallet, the smile on Ms. Cabinet's face did not fade.

Opening the wallet, Fang Zicheng took out a bank card from it.

Seeing the bank card, the counter sister's expression changed slightly. This bank card is black, this is a UnionPay diamond card. The cabinet sister was grateful for the respect she gave to this little guest just now.

Fang Zicheng held up the card and said to the cabinet sister, "I only have more than five thousand deposits."

The cabinet sister listened patiently and was a little surprised. He held such a noble card, but only had a deposit of 5,000 yuan. This child is full of weirdness.

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