Reincarnation Immortal God

Chapter 1 Taoyuan Village

"What is this? I've never seen it before." A slightly fat boy in his teens said in surprise, pointing at the crystal clear river water.

I saw a creature with a green carapace on its back in the river, and its four short legs were swimming slowly in the water.

"This thing looks like a turtle. I heard that it tastes very delicious when stewed into soup." There were three teenagers of similar age beside the little fat man. Among them, the boy in blue cloth replied after pondering.

"This is the only river in Taoyuan Village. This is the first time I have seen a turtle. I can finally try new game." After hearing this, the other three teenagers jumped directly into the river. The four of them often fished and caught shrimps in the river. It has excellent water properties.

The three people who jumped into the water did not care at all that their clothes would get wet. They were more worried that the turtle would escape. After being scattered and surrounded, they immediately grabbed the turtle.

"Yes, I'm tired of eating fish, shrimps and hares." Another young man beside him lamented, staring at the turtle and drooling from the corner of his mouth.

These are a few foodies who are proficient at fishing for fish and shrimp in the river, catching hares in the mountains, and climbing trees to dig out bird nests. When they heard that turtles can be made into delicious dishes, they immediately jumped into the river to catch them.

"Ouch! It hurts!" A sudden cry of pain came from the little fat man in the water. It turned out that when he grabbed the turtle and was about to land, the turtle turned back and bit his thumb!

The little fat man cried out in pain and shook it hard a few times, but the turtle not only didn't let go, but instead bit harder! The turtle even retracted its head and feet into its shell, leaving the little fat man with nothing to do.

At this time, the two teenagers who went into the water with the little fat man came forward to help. They were about to grab the turtle and pull it away, but they were stopped by the teenager in blue who was still on the shore.

"Don't pull. The more you pull on the turtle, the tighter it bites. Ergou, run and get the big gong from the ancestral hall."

After hearing this, the two dogs immediately went ashore and ran towards the village ancestral hall. The four are inseparable playmates in the village, led by the boy in blue, and they obey the boy in blue.

"Tiedan, hold on to the turtle, and San Niu will come ashore first." The young man in blue was completely different from the panic of the other three young men. He seemed to have a lot more knowledge than them, and arranged things in an orderly manner.

Most people in the village use nicknames when communicating. The little fat boy is San Niu, and the other two are Er Gou and Tiedan. The boy in blue has a better nickname, Xiao Feng.

People in honest villages generally believe that choosing a rough name will make a living easier. When Xiaofeng's father gave him this nickname, the elders in the village objected to it.

San Niu and Tie Dan followed the instructions carefully. The boy in blue asked Tie Dan to hold the turtle in order to relieve San Niu's pain. It was uncomfortable to have a turtle that weighed about two or three kilograms and hung on his thumb.

Ergou quickly fetched the big gong from the ancestral hall. The boy in blue asked Sanniu to squat down and release his grip, put the turtle on the ground, and approached the turtle with the big gong, holding the gong mallet in his hand and preparing to knock it. Down.

"Ergou, Tiedan, you guys are going to catch the turtle later. Remember, catch its tail so it can't bite it."

"Boom!!" When the three of them were ready, the boy in blue knocked hard with a mallet. As a gong echoed throughout the village, the turtle was frightened and immediately let go of its mouth and crawled towards the river at full speed.

But how could the turtle be faster than Ergou and Tiedan, who were already prepared? The two immediately grabbed the turtle carefully and quickly, and soon the turtle was

Then Tiedan grabbed the tail. After being caught, he bit back again, but he couldn't reach it.

Ergou and Tiedan smiled happily when they saw that the turtle couldn't bite him: "Brother Feng is still awesome. He even knows how to treat turtles he has never seen before."

When the gong sounded throughout the village, the villagers who were working with their heads down looked up in surprise. They thought it was the village chief who was going to announce something important. After recognizing that the gong sounded from the river, they immediately gathered towards the river.

The big gong Tiedan brought is the village's gathering gong. When the gong sounds, no matter what you have to do at this time, you have to put it down and come to the gathering immediately!

There were several other villagers not far from the river. They heard the sound of the gong and rushed there quickly. However, what they saw was not the village chief as expected, but these four naughty teenagers.

Among the four people, Tiedan was holding the turtle in his hand, Xiaofeng was holding the gathering gong, and Sanniu's thumb was swollen and turned red and purple. Three of them were wet, as if they had just come out of the water.

"Xiao Feng, what tricks do you four troublemakers want to play this time?" A young man among the villagers asked, dumbfounded. In fact, these four people are known to everyone in the village.

The last time the four of them, led by Xiaofeng, wearing raincoats and straw hats hanging hay as protection, went to dig out the honeycombs, is still fresh in their memories.

At that time, the four people were chased and bitten by a swarm of bees. Although the straw hats were hung with hay, they still could not completely stop the swarm. The four people's faces were still bitten with a lot of redness and swelling.

The four people ran away in a hurry, but the swarm was still pursuing them. In a panic, the four people ran towards the river, hoping to dive into the water to avoid the swarm.

As a result, there was a lot of chaos all the way, and the villagers who were on the way to escape also suffered as a result and were bitten by the crazy swarm. In the end, Li Xuanfeng and four others jumped into the pool, and the villagers lit hay to smoke out the bees.

The four people emerged from the water in embarrassment, and were stared at viciously by several villagers who had been bitten into pig heads. They lowered their heads and walked ashore silently, not daring to say anything. What made these villagers helpless was that San Niu was still holding the honeycomb in his hands and was being chased by the swarm. They were not willing to throw it away. They had to lament that the courage of foodies is immeasurable.

Xiaofeng's heart was full of complaints: Dad told me that there was delicious honey in the hive, but why didn't he tell me that bees are afraid of fire? Otherwise, how could I be so embarrassed? However, his father also warned him that the honeycomb is dangerous, but he still chose to take the risk for the sake of honey.

The four of them were eventually scolded by their parents. What made them even more angry was that they didn't get to eat the honey in the end. At the decision of the village chief, the honey was given to the villagers who suffered.

However, a few days later, when the redness and swelling from the bee bites on Xiaofeng's and others' bodies had subsided, they searched for a hive again. Knowing that bees are afraid of fire smoke, this time under the leadership of Xiaofeng, several people lit hay to smoke out the bees, then easily removed the hive and enjoyed the honey happily.

"Sanniu's finger was bitten by a turtle. I heard my father said that turtles are afraid of thunder, so I thought of trying the gong vigorously, and it worked." Li Xuanfeng answered the villagers who came over with pride.

Those who come are all the heads of each family, and women do not need to gather unless the gong is struck three times in a row.

With one gong, the men gather, and with three gongs, the whole village gathers.

At this time, all the male villagers in the village had rushed to the river. After learning about the situation, they were dumbfounded, but they were not too surprised. Li Xuanfeng and the other two were famous troublemakers in the village. This kind of scene no longer happened.

Surprising enough.

"Smart, Xiaofeng. I only said that turtles are afraid of thunder. I didn't expect you to think that the sound of gongs is like thunder, which can frighten turtles and let them go." After Xiaofeng's father learned about the situation, he not only did not blame him, but also raised his eyebrows at him. Thumbs up.

Sanniu's father and many villagers also praised Xiaofeng. Although only a few complained, they did not argue with them. The families in the village are extremely harmonious, with very few disputes, and they won't care about the children, otherwise the last time they dug out the honeycomb wouldn't have ended so easily.

The village is not big, and there are only 200 people in total. At this time, there are hundreds of people gathered by the river. After understanding the situation and knowing that it was the oolong caused by the four Xiaofeng people, they left the place one after another and went back to continue the work they had just left. .

As soon as all the villagers left, the expressions of the four people immediately changed, from silence to happiness. Fortunately, the turtle was not taken away by them, otherwise they would not be able to eat it. You can still find the beehive after it was taken away, but you only saw this one turtle. If you miss it this time, you don’t know if you will see it again.

"Fortunately, the old antique from the village chief didn't come, otherwise we wouldn't have saved our turtle." The four finally breathed a sigh of relief and sighed. If the old village chief comes, he will definitely be punished and the turtle will be taken away as punishment.

"Three cows, Tiedan, two dogs, and the turtle. I will take it home first and let my mother make turtle soup. After dinner, you come over and drink turtle soup." There is only one turtle and it is difficult to separate them, so Xiaofeng suggested.

"Okay, Aunt Li's craftsmanship is one of the best in the village, and the turtle soup she makes will definitely taste better." The three of them had no objections. Instead, they thought of the delicious food Aunt Li made, and couldn't help but drool from the corners of their mouths.

Xiaofeng carefully took the turtle from Tiedan, and the four of them separated and went home.

It was already evening, and the sun had reached the top of the mountain and was about to set soon. The rays of rays of light shone on the river, and the clear river surface was dyed with a light red light, which was extremely gorgeous.

Xiaofeng, a young man in blue, has a surname of Li and a given name of Xuanfeng.

Li Xuanfeng returned home and handed the turtle to his mother. He sat on the stone bench in the yard, looked up at the sky above the village with a hint of curiosity in his eyes, and murmured to himself.

"I wonder what life is like in the outside world?"

At this time, in the sky above where Li Xuanfeng was, there were the crowns of several huge trees.

This village is not big, with only about 200 people in total. To the east is a large river that cannot be seen on the other side. This river is close to the village. The water flow is relatively gentle, but the water flow is very fast in the center. Without huge and sturdy boats, , unable to cross the river at all.

There are tall peaks on the other three sides of the village. Only the west peak has a hidden cave that can be passed through to the outside world.

For this reason, this village is extremely secretive and isolated from the outside world. The villagers live a self-sufficient life, so the village is named Taoyuan Village. It is precisely because of this that few people like Li Xuanfeng live to be in their teens, and have never even seen a turtle.

There is no environment for turtles to survive in Taoyuan Village. This time it was because a turtle upstream was thrown into the river and washed down. Only Li Xuanfeng and the others were lucky enough to see the turtle.

There are several tall trees near the mountain peak, and their lush branches and leaves form a large area of ​​shade. This is where the villagers’ wooden houses are located, which is both shady and well-hidden. The middle area of ​​the village is not blocked by any plants and has sufficient sunlight, so it is used by villagers to grow crops.

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