Reincarnation Immortal God

Chapter 2 A man in a black robe falls from the sky!

"Damn it, our Xiaofeng is so smart. Today Erniu's son Sanniu was bitten by a turtle and refused to let go. He actually thought of using the sound of gongs instead of thunder to scare the turtle into letting go." At this time, Li Xuanfeng said When his father came home from his farm work, he told his mother about his wit today as soon as he entered the door.

"Xiao Feng, in order to catch this turtle today, you rang all the gongs in the village. Didn't you cause a lot of trouble to everyone?" Mother glared at father fiercely and asked Li Xuanfeng. She was originally wondering why the assembly gong was ringing today, but she didn't expect it to be her son's work.

When Li Xuanfeng heard his mother's question, he had to bow his head and remain silent. There was really nothing he could do against his mother.

"You are almost thirteen years old this year. You can't keep fooling around. It's not good to cause trouble to others..." Seeing her son's silence, the mother began another round of gentle education. The problem is that as soon as the mother starts educating, she can talk for half an hour.

Li Xuanfeng looked at his father with pity in his eyes, hoping that he could save him.

"Okay, Xiaofeng did the right thing this time. If he hadn't thought of this method, Sanniu wouldn't have been bitten by the turtle for who knows how long. My dear, go make dinner quickly. I'm so hungry." When his father saw him, Li Xuanfeng looked pitiful and spoke to help him out.

After hearing this, his mother temporarily gave up educating Li Xuanfeng and went into the kitchen to continue preparing dinner.

When Li Xuanfeng saw his mother turning around and entering the kitchen, he smiled and winked at his father. The two father and son punched each other lightly, seemingly celebrating their success in preventing his mother's education.

With the mother's dexterous hands busy, dinner was quickly prepared, and the three of them sat around the dining table to prepare for the meal.

Usually the food at home is relatively light, but today it is different. In addition to the original one, there is an extra clay pot, which is turtle soup.

"Mom and Dad, please try the turtle soup." Li Xuanfeng took the lead in serving a large bowl of fresh soup to each of his parents.

"But we have to have some left over of the turtle soup. I promised Tiedan and the three of them to come over and drink it later." Li Xuanfeng explained later.

"Children shouldn't drink too much turtle soup. Just fill up half the bowl." Just as Li Xuanfeng was about to serve himself a large bowl, his father stopped him.

"Why can't you drink too much?" Li Xuanfeng, who was about to have a good meal, was stopped and asked with confusion, but still reluctantly obeyed his father's words.

In Li Xuanfeng's memory, everything his father said had its own truth and was never wrong.

There are only a handful of people in the village who have been to the outside world, and Li Xuanfeng's father, Li Tang, is one of them. He even learned a lot of medical skills outside and became the only doctor in the village. He changed the predicament in the village where illness meant death, and he was highly respected by the villagers. It was precisely because of this that Li Xuanfeng got into trouble several times, but the villagers didn't care much about it.

There were not many literate people in the village, but his father was the most knowledgeable one. He also brought many books from outside and taught Li Xuanfeng how to read whenever he had free time. It is precisely because of this that Li Xuanfeng's knowledge far exceeds that of his three partners.

His father often told Li Xuanfeng stories about the outside world and the principles of life. Li Xuanfeng asked his father why he returned to the village after going out. His father said that the outside world was too dangerous and it was far better to feel at ease in Taoyuan Village.

His father also told Li Xuanfeng that there was a kind of immortal cultivator in the outside world, who had the ability to fly into the sky and escape from the earth, and could even perform earth-shattering spells. However, the cultivation world where such people belong is even more cruel, and they will fight to the death to snatch cultivation resources!

It is said that cultivators have a Taoist heart, which is actually the same as the human heart. Only with a firm Taoist heart can we go further. A person lives a lifetime and pursues something worthy of his heart. Only when he has inner understanding can he move without hindrance. Only those who cultivate the Tao can reach a higher state.

"Turtle soup is too tonic. Drinking too much is not good for your health, and you may even get a nosebleed."

After the father answered Li Xuanfeng, he suddenly approached his good wife's ear and said with a smile in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "My dear, turtle soup has the effect of nourishing yin and yang. Let's give Xiaofeng a sister tonight." ”

"You're so shameless." After hearing this, my mother's face turned red and she couldn't help but whisper.

"Mom, why did your face suddenly become so red?" Li Xuanfeng didn't hear the conversation between the two. When he was drinking soup, he looked up and saw his mother's face was red, and asked with concern.

"You see, this is the effect of turtle soup. Your mother's skin is red because of the tonic." Worried that Li Xuanfeng would see something, his father coughed lightly and explained without changing his expression.

After hearing this, Li Xuanfeng was still a little confused. She only drank half a bowl. Is the effect so obvious? After thinking about it, I thought it might be because of her weak constitution.

"I had a dream a few days ago. I dreamed that another person appeared in my body and wanted to compete with me. Fortunately, he couldn't compete with me and was quickly driven away by me. But when I woke up in the morning, I felt Very tired, as if I hadn’t slept all night.”

During dinner, his father suddenly told him a strange dream, but Li Xuanfeng and his mother didn't think much about it. Dreams are full of strange things, and there is nothing surprising about such dreams.

Before the three of them had finished their dinner, Li Xuanfeng's three companions hurried over, as if they were worried that Li Xuanfeng and his parents would drink up all the turtle soup if they arrived late.

Tiedan and the other three hurriedly grabbed two bowls of rice at home and rushed to Li Xuanfeng's house. Their mother was still wondering why the foodies at home were so perfunctory about eating today. Only their father vaguely guessed that they were going to eat in the afternoon. Arriving turtle.

When the three of them arrived, there were exactly three and a half bowls of turtle soup left. Li Xuanfeng drank half of the bowl. There were probably several other bowls, but Li Tang drank them all. The mother only drank the bowl that Li Xuanfeng served her.

The three of them, like Li Xuanfeng, wanted to have a big meal, but they didn't expect that only half a bowl was left for each of them. After hearing Li Tang's explanation, they had to drink it all with a grimace, and even picked up the clay pot and poured it all out before giving up. .

When they learned that Li Xuanfeng had only drank half the bowl, the three of them felt a little better.

The three of them finished drinking the turtle soup and once again confirmed that there was indeed no soup in the washed clay pot. They looked resentfully at the half bowl of turtle soup left in Li Tang's bowl, obviously they had not drank it at all.

Enough, just a taste.

When Li Tang saw Tiedan and the others staring at the turtle soup in his bowl, Li Tang immediately picked it up and drank it all, turning the empty bowl over to show them that it was completely gone.

Seeing that there was no turtle soup left at this time, Tiedan and the others had no choice but to say hello and leave Li Xuanfeng's house. They returned home depressed with the aftertaste of turtle soup.

After a night of silence, when the sun emerged from the river and the river refracted the sunrise light to the entire Taoyuan Village, the villagers woke up and continued their daily cycle of working life, while Li Xuanfeng and others went around looking for delicacies and game as usual.

However, on this day, a person suddenly arrived in Taoyuan Village, completely breaking the comfort and peace of the place!

It sounds like it is coming, but in fact it is falling!

At noon that day, when the villagers were busy working in the fields, a cry of surprise suddenly came from high in the sky. A man in black robe fell from the sky and fell into the paddy field in the center of the village, exploding muddy water several feet high!

When the exclamation sounded in the sky, the villagers had heard it and raised their heads in surprise, and saw the man in black robe falling from the sky.

The man in black robe fell into the paddy field, splashing a lot of mud and water, and covering two nearby villagers with mud. However, when he got up, the villagers were shocked to find that there was no mud at all on this man!

At this time, the man in black robe was extremely depressed. He flew through the air with a magic weapon, and the spiritual power in his body suddenly became disordered without warning. He instantly lost control and fell from the sky!

Fortunately, he managed to use his spiritual power to protect his whole body before landing, so he was not injured when he hit the ground. The muddy water was also blocked by his spiritual power shield, and his clothes were not stained at all.

At this time, the man in black robe stood up and saw two villagers not far away. He was surprised and looked into the distance again, only to find that this place was actually a small hidden village.

"I didn't expect that there would be a village here. It seems that this is the credit given to me by God." A smile appeared on the face of the man in black robe, and the depression of falling from a high altitude was immediately swept away, and he murmured to himself.

At this time, the man in black robe discovered that the spiritual power in his body had returned to normal, and he immediately flew the magic weapon into the air to survey the situation of the entire village.

"Immortal!" At this time, the villagers said in shock when they saw that the man in black robe was able to control objects and fly.

Among the villagers who saw the black-robed man, some immediately ran to tell the village chief that the reason for the immortal's arrival was unknown, and it would be better to let the knowledgeable village chief handle it.

Just when the villagers of Taoyuan Village were surprised, the village chief had just learned that an immortal had arrived.

Five men in black robes fell from the sky again. This time they did not fall, but flew down!

Of the five men in black robes who arrived this time, only two could control objects and fly. The other three were relatively weak in cultivation and were led by them to fly.

"Junior Brother Chen, you have broken through to the Spiritual Base Realm for some time. You can still fall from the sky while flying. It really embarrasses our Corpse Demon Sect's face." The leading man in black robe mocked the fallen man. road.

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