Reincarnation Immortal God

Chapter 586 Where there is death there is life

Half an hour after leaving the City Lord's Mansion, Li Xuanfeng finally returned to the medical center again.

Gao Sheng was overjoyed when he saw Li Xuanfeng coming back. He immediately brought a cup of tea and handed it to Li Xuanfeng. The big stone hanging in his heart finally fell to the ground.

At this time, he finally fully believed that Doctor Li and Mrs. Li had been prepared for this matter in advance, so that they could escape safely from the hands of the city lord and hundreds of city guards.

On this day, after hundreds of city guards took Li Xuanfeng away, no one dared to enter the Li Family Medical Center. Gao Sheng had nothing to do, so he was always worried.

After such a long time of getting along, in Gao Sheng's heart, he not only regarded Dr. Li as a highly respected boss, but also regarded him as a close friend, and there was already a deep feeling for him.

If something unexpected happened to Dr. Li, he would go to the city lord's mansion to ask for an explanation at all costs, and even lead the citizens of Qingshan City to criticize the city lord verbally and writtenly.

After Li Xuanfeng returned to the hospital, many city guards outside the main hall also returned to the city guard courtyard. After a few days, what happened in the city lord's palace began to spread like wildfire.

Hearing that Dr. Li was able to resist the siege of hundreds of city guards on his own, and finally broke through the siege of many city guards to kidnap the city lord, everyone in Qingshan City was extremely shocked, even in disbelief.

What is the concept of a hundred city guards? It is a force that can destroy a force in a short time, but it was blocked by Doctor Li alone. He even broke out of the siege and kidnapped the city lord, causing all the city guards to give up.

Many people looked up to the sky and sighed, is this still a human being?

However, this matter came from the mouths of the city guards who experienced it, so they couldn't help but not believe it. They knew that these city guards would not spread rumors that would make them so embarrassed.

At first all the city guards kept silent about the matter, but it was not until a few days later that one of the city guards accidentally revealed it when he was drunk.

Everyone was extremely surprised when they heard that Doctor Li did not harm the city lord after he kidnapped him, and the city lord also let him go.

Almost everyone in Qingshan City knows that the city lord is not a generous person. How could he be easily let go when Doctor Li is holding him hostage like this?

Everyone speculated that Li Xuanfeng might have threatened the city lord's life in that hall, and in the end the city lord had to swear an oath to promise not to trouble Doctor Li again.

After the news spread and there was silence for a few days, many city residents finally felt relieved when they saw that the city lord had made no other move at all, and the Li Family Medical Clinic resumed its original business.

This matter became an episode and became a topic of private discussion for many people, but not many people dared to discuss it loudly to avoid being overheard by the eyes and ears of the city lord.

They speculated that this matter must have made the city lord feel extremely aggrieved. If he heard their discussion, he would most likely vent his aggrievedness on them...

Time passed slowly, and the Li Family Medical Center returned to its previous calmness.

The Mustache City Lord simply did not dare to cause trouble for Li Xuanfeng anymore. He even wanted to come to express his apology in person and completely eliminate Doctor Li's dislike of him.

But thinking of what Dr. Li had told him not to say anything, City Lord Mustache gave up the idea of ​​coming to apologize.

After sending someone to investigate last time and failing to find out Dr. Li's origin and name, City Lord Mustache did not dare to continue the investigation, so he completely dropped the matter to avoid being noticed by Dr. Li.

After experiencing this incident, City Lord Mustache even restrained most of his previously unruly temper.

, lest he arouse Doctor Li's dissatisfaction and lead to death.

Many city residents also gradually discovered this, and suddenly felt that Dr. Li was indeed an extraordinary person. He was so good at treating illnesses and saving people, and he could also cure the city lord's temper.

And the city guard captain whose lower body was crippled by Li Xuanfeng has now been completely dismissed by the city lord, and it feels like the whole world has become extremely gloomy!

Not only did he lose such a good position as the captain of the city guard, but the happiness of his lower body was completely destroyed, and he felt as if he had instantly become the most miserable person in the world...

Although he was filled with hatred for Li Xuanfeng in his heart, he did not dare to trouble Li Xuanfeng. He was a terrifying existence that even the city lord could only suffer the consequences of being dumb. He seemed to be in no position to fight!

He had no doubt that if he provoked Li Xuanfeng again, he would be even worse than now, and he might even have to lie in bed for the rest of his life!

In the peaceful life of the medical clinic, time passed quickly, and several years passed in the blink of an eye.

At this time, the Li Family Medical Center has completely become the recognized first medical center in Qingshan City. Although many people are discouraged by the expensive diagnosis fees, if they have difficult or serious diseases, they will come here for treatment.

In the past few years, only the diseases that other doctors could not cure were cured by Li Family Medical Clinic, and there were no cases where other doctors could cure the diseases that could not be cured by Li Family Medical Clinic.

The citizens of Qingshan City have come to an extremely certain conclusion. If Dr. Li cannot cure someone, they will be completely hopeless.

Therefore, in the past few years, many people, in order to save trouble, go directly to the Li Family Medical Center for treatment if they are seriously ill. Of course, everything will be fine if they can be cured by Dr. Li.

But if Dr. Li shakes his head, they will no longer go to see other doctors, but follow Dr. Li's advice and go home to enjoy their last days.

In the past few years, Gao Sheng's family has moved out of their previous shabby house and replaced it with a house that is twice as big, and the decoration inside has become quite elegant.

Moreover, this house is very close to the Li Family Medical Center, only more than a hundred feet away. Gao Sheng said that this would make it easier for him to come to the medical center at any time and make it easier to take care of his family.

Compared with life a few years ago, Gao Sheng's family has undergone earth-shaking changes.

When moving into this house, Gao Sheng's wife and the old man couldn't help but shed tears of joy.

Their family once again invited Li Xuanfeng and Shen Luoyan to prepare a very sumptuous meal to entertain them and thank Li Xuanfeng for his help.

Seeing that Gao Sheng's family's life has improved so much in a few years, the neighbors nearby were not too surprised, but they were very envious.

They all knew that Gao Sheng's family, which was originally very shabby, could have what it is today because he was lucky enough to meet Dr. Li.

However, everyone also knew that this was inseparable from Gao Sheng's diligence and ability. If not, Dr. Li would not have taken a fancy to him.

Now Gao Sheng's son has grown up to seven or eight years old and started to study in a private school.

And because Gao Sheng's family is very close to the clinic now, he will come to the clinic from time to time to help his father, so he is already quite familiar with Li Xuanfeng and Shen Luoyan.

Gao Sheng's son is named Gao Youwen, and he gave him this name because he hoped that his son could become a scholar.

After a period of getting along, Gao Youwen began to affectionately call Li Xuanfeng and Shen Luoyan Uncle Li and Aunt Li, while Li Xuanfeng and Shen Luoyan called him Little Youwen.

Li Xuanfeng and Shen Luoyan both liked the young Gao Youwen very much, and often prepared delicious food for him when he came to the clinic.

It is precisely because of this that the little Gao Youwen is very happy to come to the Li family clinic, and he calls Uncle Li and Aunt Li very kindly and naturally, which makes Gao Sheng often helplessly scold softly: "Youwen, don't always disturb your Uncle Li."

Li Xuanfeng shook his head and smiled and said: "I didn't disturb you, anyway I have nothing to do."

After hearing this, the young Gao Youwen seemed to have found Li Xuanfeng to rely on, and immediately said confidently: "That's right, I'm not playing around, but accompanying Uncle Li to relieve boredom."

Hearing Gao Youwen's words, Li Xuanfeng and Shen Luoyan burst into laughter, only Gao Sheng's face turned darker.

Seeing Gao Sheng's expression, Li Xuanfeng smiled and persuaded: "Children are a little naughty, don't worry too much, and little Youwen is very sensible."

Hearing Li Xuanfeng's words, Gao Sheng's expression eased a lot, and he continued to be busy with the clinic's affairs, and did not scold his son again.

As they gradually got along, Li Xuanfeng found that the little Gao Youwen was very smart, and a good idea emerged in his mind.

Moreover, Gao Youwen was very sensible. When a patient came to see Li Xuanfeng for treatment, he would stand quietly by the side and would not make a sound to disturb them, just like a little adult.

During this year, Gao Youwen would come to the Li Family Clinic whenever he was free, and after coming to the clinic, he would follow Li Xuanfeng instead of his father Gao Sheng.

Therefore, during this year, Gao Youwen saw many patients being treated by Li Xuanfeng.

Finally one day, Gao Youwen asked Li Xuanfeng with a slightly puzzled look: "Uncle Li, why do people who come to see you for treatment leave either very happy or very disappointed?"

After observing for this period of time, he was very surprised to find that most of the people who came to see Uncle Li for treatment left very happily, but there were also a few who left with a pale face, like a walking corpse.

Li Xuanfeng smiled and said, "People who are happy are because they have found a cure for their illness, and people who are disappointed are because they know that they are incurable."

The young Gao Youwen nodded as if he understood, and asked again, "What if there is no cure?"

Li Xuanfeng shook his head and smiled, "If there is no cure, then you can only enjoy the rest of your time."

Gao Youwen frowned slightly and said, "Uncle Li, will everyone die?"

"Of course, this is a rule that cannot be violated in the world. Everyone's life span has a limit. When it reaches this limit, it will run out of energy and die." Li Xuanfeng explained softly.

After hearing this, Xiao Youwen tilted his head and thought for a long time, then asked again: "If everyone will die in the end, then won't there be fewer and fewer people in the world?"

Li Xuanfeng couldn't help but chuckled after hearing this: "Silly child, there is life after death, and the people in the world are almost balanced. Weren't you born only eight years ago?"

Gao Youwen nodded again, not quite understanding, and then asked with a gleam in his eyes, smiling: "Then will everyone be born again after death?"

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