Reincarnation Immortal God

Chapter 587: Elderly Rich Businessman

"Does that mean everyone will be reborn after death?"

Hearing Xiao Youwen's strange question, Li Xuanfeng shook his head and smiled helplessly, "You have stumped Uncle Li with this question. I don't know either."

At this time, Xiao Youwen wanted to ask more, but was interrupted by Gao Sheng, who laughed and scolded: "Do you have a hundred thousand whys in your head? Don't bother your Uncle Li for now, go home and study."

Hearing his father's words, Xiao Youwen had to leave the clinic uninterested and walked home.

After sending his son away, Gao Sheng said apologetically: "Doctor Li, Youwen is young and ignorant, I'm sorry to make you laugh."

Li Xuanfeng shook his head and smiled, "Xiao Youwen's mind is far superior to other children of the same age, and his future achievements will definitely be extraordinary."

Hearing Li Xuanfeng's praise, Gao Sheng was immediately very happy. After respectfully clasping his fists to thank him, he continued to busy himself with the work of the clinic.

He did not doubt Li Xuanfeng's words at all, but felt that it was a great honor for his son to be praised by Doctor Li.

After Gao Sheng and Gao Youwen left, Li Xuanfeng's eyes radiated a very deep light, his expression became extremely calm, and his mind was already in deep thought!

Li Xuanfeng had never thought that the question asked by Xiao Youwen would actually make him fall into a very deep contemplation!

At this time, many memories flashed through Li Xuanfeng's mind, which were his experiences of curing diseases and saving lives during the years in Qingshan City.

At this time, Li Xuanfeng had not noticed that in his sea of ​​consciousness, a group of black and white air was flickering slightly!

That was the mysterious black and white air he obtained in the secret realm of reincarnation. Although he had noticed it before, he could not only not mobilize it, but also could not sense what it was, as if it was of no use at all.

At this time, it was this black and white air that made him fall into an extremely mysterious state of perception!

A large number of memories emerged in his mind, which were the life and death he had seen!

In the few years in this clinic, Li Xuanfeng had seen a lot of life and death.

There were elderly people whose lifespans were exhausted, their body functions declined, and finally died of old age.

There were also newborn babies who came to Li Xuanfeng for treatment because of their poor physical condition. He saw with his own eyes that their vitality gradually burst out.

A few years ago, there was a wealthy businessman who was in his seventies and knew that he didn't have much time left. He came to Li's clinic to ask Li Xuanfeng for treatment.

Before coming, the elderly businessman even arranged for several assistants to carry a few boxes of gold, silver and jewelry.

After arriving at the clinic, the elderly businessman's eyes flashed slightly, and he first showed the boxes of valuables to Li Xuanfeng.

Although he had heard that Doctor Li didn't care about material possessions, he didn't comment at the time, thinking that it was because others didn't give Doctor Li enough money.

In his opinion, money can make the devil work, as long as he brought enough money, it would definitely make Doctor Li tempted.

The reason why he let Doctor Li see these boxes of valuables first was that he wanted to make Doctor Li tempted and then do his best to treat him.

However, when he looked at Doctor Li with pride, he saw that his expression was still very calm, and he even looked away after just glancing at the boxes of valuables.

Seeing Li Xuanfeng like this, the elderly rich businessman immediately believed the rumor that Doctor Li didn't care about money at all.

He had come into contact with countless people, and naturally he had seen all kinds of people, and he could

judge other people's thoughts very accurately by observing their words and expressions.

If someone loves money, even if his expression is calm, his eyes will not lie, or there will be a gleam in his eyes, or he will linger on the boxes of valuables for a few more times.

And like Li Xuanfeng, his expression is very calm, his eyes are full of waves, and his eyes are just a faint glance and then retracted. This is the first time he has seen someone like this.

Li Xuanfeng asked the elderly rich businessman to extend his arm and still diagnosed his pulse as usual.

After taking the pulse, Li Xuanfeng frowned slightly and shook his head gently, saying: "You don't have any symptoms, you are just too weak, just go home and recuperate."

He could clearly feel that the elderly businessman was only very weak because he was running out of time, and he was quite healthy and had no symptoms at all.

The businessman immediately asked anxiously: "Doctor Li has a prescription to treat my weakness, I will definitely reward you handsomely, and the valuables here are just a gift for meeting you."

Li Xuanfeng shook his head and smiled, saying: "Your weakness is due to the years, I am just an ordinary doctor, how can I have such a magical prescription?"

The elderly businessman immediately heard the implication of Li Xuanfeng's words, and was slightly shocked. Doctor Li seemed to have seen his problem after taking his pulse once.

He could also roughly feel his own situation, that he was running out of time, but after hearing about Doctor Li's extraordinary medical skills, he came to the Li Family Clinic with a glimmer of hope in his heart.

Hearing Li Xuanfeng's words at this time, the glimmer of hope in his heart was completely extinguished!

Thinking of this, the expression of the elderly rich businessman suddenly became extremely lonely. He had worked hard for wealth all his life and finally earned a considerable fortune, but before he could enjoy it for many years, his life span was almost exhausted.

However, no matter how unwilling he was in his heart, no matter how much wealth he had, he could not fight against fate, and could only accept this fact helplessly.

The elderly rich businessman then stood up with a lonely look, bowed slightly to Li Xuanfeng, and was in no mood to say more, so he turned around and prepared to leave the Li Family Clinic.

At this time, the waiters who followed him suddenly showed a lot of doubts. Doctor Li did not treat the disease, so why did the boss not ask to take away the boxes of valuables brought by him? Did he still have to give them to Doctor Li?

This matter made them a little overwhelmed. They didn't know whether to leave these boxes of gold and silver treasures here or take them away.

Seeing that the elderly rich businessman was about to leave, Li Xuanfeng immediately shouted: "Wait, take away the boxes you brought!"

Hearing Li Xuanfeng's words, these waiters were immediately happy. Doctor Li said it just right. Otherwise, they would not be able to leave or not leave.

The elderly rich businessman said nonchalantly: "You can take these valuables with peace of mind. It is my thanks to you for saving the people of Qingshan City."

After hearing this, Li Xuanfeng shook his head and smiled and said: "Li has always been a person who does not accept rewards without merit. You can't break my rules."

Hearing Li Xuanfeng's words, the elderly rich businessman immediately shook his head and smiled, turned his head and looked at Li Xuanfeng deeply, and had to order the clerk to carry away these boxes of gold, silver and jewelry again.

At this time, the elderly rich businessman had already developed a trace of respect for Li Xuanfeng in his heart. He didn't expect that there was such a unique doctor who didn't care about material things at all.

If an ordinary person, even the city lord, saw these boxes of gold, silver and jewelry, he would probably light up his eyes instantly, and even be reluctant to take them away when he saw him taking them away, let alone take the initiative to let him take them away.

A few days later, the elderly rich businessman came to the Li Family Clinic again, but this time it was not to let Li Xuanfeng treat his physical weakness, but to judge how long he could live!

After seeing that Li Xuanfeng knew that he had not much time left after taking his pulse last time, the elderly rich businessman thought that Li Xuanfeng should be able to tell how much time he had left, so he came again.

He had also asked other doctors to judge his remaining lifespan, but those doctors frowned and hesitated, letting him know that they were not sure at all, so he found Doctor Li.

After knowing the wishes of the elderly rich businessman, Li Xuanfeng smiled helplessly and said, "Are you too proud of me? I am just an ordinary doctor, how can I judge my lifespan?"

Although he could roughly judge how much time this person had left by taking his pulse, it was not easy to say it out loud.

The elderly rich businessman was already extremely afraid of death. If he knew that he had not much time left, he would probably be even more anxious.

However, the elderly rich businessman's expression was full of disbelief, as if he was very sure that Li Xuanfeng could judge his lifespan, and he still asked about it firmly.

On this day, Li Xuanfeng kept silent, so he had to invite him to sit next to him and started to see other patients.

It was not until sunset that Li Xuanfeng asked him to leave, and the elderly businessman walked out of the clinic reluctantly.

Originally, Li Xuanfeng thought that this man would not come again, but he saw him again the next day.

The elderly businessman was very determined. In order to let Li Xuanfeng speak, he even came to Li's clinic every day. If there were no other patients, he would sit opposite Li Xuanfeng and talk.

If there were other patients, he would not bother them much, but just sit aside and wait quietly.

Li Xuanfeng ignored him for several days, and even said many times that he could not judge the life span, but the elderly businessman did not believe it at all and still came to Li's clinic every day.

Finally, Li Xuanfeng finally couldn't stand the man's patience, and said helplessly: "According to Li's guess, you will be safe and sound within the next three years, don't worry."

Seeing Li Xuanfeng finally speak, although there was no affirmation in his tone, the elderly rich businessman was still quite happy. He already knew that this was Li Xuanfeng's implicit statement.

And hearing Li Xuanfeng's words, the elderly rich businessman smiled instantly. He thought he could only live for about a year.

Hearing that his life span was far beyond his expectations, he was immediately very surprised, and the loneliness on his face instantly dissipated.

Seeing his appearance, Li Xuanfeng was a little surprised, and only then did he know that it turned out that this person was too pessimistic about his remaining time before, and now that he knew there were still three years, he was in a good mood instantly.

Then the elderly rich businessman bowed to Li Xuanfeng with great respect, and even presented a gold ingot, asking Li Xuanfeng to accept it.

He knew that Doctor Li would not charge too much money, so he took the gold ingot with him and prepared to give it to Li Xuanfeng as a thank you gift.

Seeing that he was extremely persistent, Li Xuanfeng had to accept the gold ingot, and the elderly businessman left the clinic with satisfaction.

Seeing the elderly businessman leave, Li Xuanfeng shook his head and smiled helplessly, thinking that he had finally sent this big Buddha away.

PS: There will be two chapters every day for the next two days at the end of the month, and there will be two chapters every day for a few days during the Chinese New Year next month. Because I have to go to work every day, I don’t have much free time, so I write less. I hope everyone understands and supports me. Thank you. If I have some time to save some manuscripts, I will burst out for everyone.

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