Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 995: Do you hate me so much?

Under Sasuke's unrestrained profligacy, the dark flame of ‘Azure’ soon spread over half of the venue!

‘Tian Zhao’ has nothing to burn at this moment.

In this meeting place with almost no combustible materials, Hei Yan is getting more and more burning. The earth ’s soil, gravel, and even the “Four Purple Flame Formation” which isolates the meeting place from the stands, etc., have become the objects of Hei Yan burning.

At first glance, the whole venue looks like a huge stove, but it is burning in the hearth.

The heat wave generated by the combustion continued to rise and rise, only a few minutes, and the temperature in the entire venue soared by more than ten degrees!

The audience in the stands wiped their sweat while watching the battle in horror.

For a while, it was even difficult for them to distinguish between themselves. Whether the sweat in their bodies was caused by the soaring temperature in the venue or the tension caused by witnessing the battle in front of them!

The entire venue, at this time, was strangely quiet.

There was no warm call and excited shouts in the stands, including the VIP area and rest area. Regardless of their status, strength, or strength, all the audience held their breaths and watched the final battle between the endurance and the endurance. Go!


In the field.

The sundial mirror, whose active area was gradually compressed by the "Tianzhao" melanitis, was constantly defamated in the bottom of his heart, but the face under his mask was not very worried.

At this time, he avoided Hei Yan again, glanced up at the sky without any trace.

The "Four Purple Flame Formation", which is isolated from the venue, looks like a large chimney at this moment. It will heat the heat generated by the constant burning of the "Tian Zhao" black flames in the venue, and all will force it to rise in a straight line.

This caused a large amount of hot air to surge up into the clouds, and the original sunny sky changed.

Although this micro-movement of the sun mirror did not leave a trace, it still couldn't escape the insight of Sasuke's kaleidoscope writing round eyes, so Sasuke also looked up and glanced at the changing sky above his eyes, and then a sneer appeared.

The sneer on Sasuke's face was immediately taken into account by Hyuga.

However, it seems that Hyuga is still playing the cat-and-mouse game with all his heart. He is chased by Sasuke's "Suzano Nobo" and "Azumi" and seems to be waiting for some time.

"You have no secrets under my kaleidoscope writing wheel, let's die!"

After a loud shout, Sasuke's eyes were bleeding again.

Under the impulse of his pupils, his purple "Suzano Noju" immediately took the pose of archery and archery. At the same time, the "Tianzhao" black inflammation also adhered to the spirit like a spirit. He's on the arrow of Susano.

Seeing the mirror, Hyuga mirrored his eyes and said, "Add your own life !?"

This ability to manipulate the morphological changes of the skylight is undoubtedly the original kaleidoscope pupil technique of the original time and space.

"Do you hate me like that?"

Sun Xiangjing followed with a bitter smile.

Obviously, as the pupil of the spiritual portrayal, the huge hatred made Sasuke awaken the kaleidoscope pupil technique consistent with the original time and space. The only difference is that the objects Sasuke wants to destroy in the original time and space are Tuanzang and Muye. The object he wanted to avenge was the sun mirror and the **** organization wearing a 'Kirin' vest.

After waiting for Hyuga to think about it, Sasuke's arrow shot by Susuke Nobuyuki hit him at lightning speed.

"So fast!"

He was surprised, and immediately launched the 'Thunder Stimulation Method' to try to avoid Sasuke's blow.

Uh ...

In the shattering wind, he avoided the arrow shot by Sasuke's "Suzano Nobo" dangerously, and the sleeve of his left sleeve was torn a lot.

However, he avoided the arrows, but was unable to avoid the 'Tianzhao' melanoma attached to the arrows.

The ‘Sky Photo’ Hei Yan, which burns without any substance, spreads along the sleeve of the left sleeve and burns quickly to his left arm.

Sasuke under suzuka nobu sneered immediately.

He seemed to have seen Hyuga mirror sorrow and pain, kneeling and begging for mercy under the burning of 'Azure'.

But beyond all expectations, Zhongzhao's sundial was very calm. He immediately concentrated the entire body of Chakra on the left arm, forming a layer of rich Chakra clumps visible to the naked eye on the left arm, and then quickly cut After a large number of chakras, the chakras fell to the ground together with the 'Tianzhao' melanitis that burned his left arm, and was separated from the body.

The whole process was like running water, as if it was not the first time.


Seeing this scene, Sasuke's pride was instantly solidified, and there was a feeling of uncomfortable eating flies.

In fact, the technique that Hyuga was just using to solve the problem of ‘Azora’ is not his original. Naruto in space and time used this method to get rid of Chakra ’s coat to deal with Sasuke ’s ‘Azura’.

The surface of the sundial mirror seems easy and freehand, but in fact, just now, he consumed at least a third of the chakra in his body, so ordinary people can't just play like this.

Of course, it is better to consume Chakra than to break the arm after hitting the "Tian Zhao" in the iron shovel of the four generations of Lei Ying in the original time and space.

Bang ...

Just then, there was a thunder in the sky!

The audience in the stands only realized that at some point, a large cloud covered their heads.

On the referee.

Kakashi looked up into the sky and muttered to himself: "Fortunately, Sasuke has mastered 'Kirin' ..."

The ferret on the side stared at the field, because the way Kirin responded to the ‘Azhao’ just now surprised him.

In the field.

Sasuke also looked into the dark clouds in the air, with a cold face: "Do you really want to use this trick to deal with me? But you are going to miscalculate, when the thunder falls, it is your burial body!"

With the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, when will the thunder and lightning contained in the dark clouds in the sky reach the highest peak, Sasuke can easily figure it out.

So he had already planned it in his mind. In the first moment before the thunder and lightning in the cloud of the sun mirror, he performed the "Kylin" to advance the thunder and lightning, so that he could taste the taste of the "Kylin" ~ www. ~ Sasuke inevitably relaxed because he thought he had mastered the tactics of the sun mirror.

But when many people, including Sasuke, thought that the sun was going to make use of the dark clouds in the sky, the opportunity that he had been waiting for finally appeared.

I saw Sasuke suddenly cover his eyes without warning and moaned in pain.

The "Suzano Nobo" shrouded in Sasuke also quickly dissipated at this moment. The form of holding the bow and arrow and wearing armor was instantly degraded back to the skeleton form, and then even the skeleton form was somewhat difficult to maintain. A little bit scattered, and finally turned into a ball of purple Chakra barely shrouded Sasuke.

And almost at an instant, Hyuga didn't have a dark cloud over his head at all, and a ‘thousand bird’ directly pierced Sasuke ’s almost disintegrated ‘Suzano Nosu’ and penetrated Sasuke ’s non-critical right chest ...


The first one is offered. I was surprised to see that there were double activities on New Year's Day to the 7th. I implore everyone to have a guaranteed monthly pass!

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