Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 996: Kirin is better than me!


Sasuke was shocked, and his eyes were incredible.

The sun mirror pulled out the arm that pierced Sasuke's chest, and scattered the flash of electric light in the palm, and said lightly, "Boy, there is still more to learn!"

噗通 ...

The moment Sasuke pulled his arm out, Sasuke's legs sprayed with blood on his chest dropped to his knees softly. After staring out of focus for a while, he slumped to the ground with his body on the head and passed out.

Hyuga slowly raised his hand and signaled to everyone that he had won.

At this moment, there was silence in the huge conference hall, only the ‘Sky Photo’ hunting and hunting which was constantly spreading and burning.

Needless to say, this sudden change in the field surprised everyone, even the itachi, Shuizui, Shinichi, and Sasuke's parents who knew the inside story.

In the stands.

Uchiha Mikoto slammed up, her eyes full of worry.

Fu Yue, who closed her eyes, pressed her emotions, she said, "Sit down!"


Fuyue shook his head, and some hated iron and steel and said, "This boy is too cautious. How can there be such a splurge of pupil power, it is a good thing to eat a loss!"

Sasuke's reckless profligacy on pupil strength makes Fu Yue, who knows the preciousness of kaleidoscope pupil strength, quite unhappy.

Meiqin sat back hesitantly: "I don't know if I was seriously hurt ..."

Fuyue sighed: "When will he let me worry like his brother!"

Wood leaf rest area.

Naruto exclaimed: "Sasuke!"

Sakura was shocked, she couldn't believe that Sasuke, who had awakened the kaleidoscope to write the round eyes, would lose, and she lost so suddenly, so inexplicably!

Ning Ci wondered: "How ... how can I lose?"

Kai, who acts as Ning Ci's guide, can't answer Ning Ci's doubts at this moment, because the scene just now is too sudden.

Tsunade didn't know if he should be happy or worried, so he had to instruct Mute: "Hurry up, take the medical class to see!"

The fastest action is undoubtedly the teacher who came from Sasuke. He jumped into the field almost as soon as the "Four Purple Flames" fell and rushed to Sasuke, who was injured and unconscious.

Soon, people were coming and going in the venue, and it was a mess.

The first to enter was the medical class and the seal class. The medical class rushed to Sasuke's side as soon as possible, and used medical ninjutsu to start emergency treatment for Sasuke, who was seriously injured. The seal class carefully spread the seal and spread across the field. 'Tian Zhao' melanitis.

Immediately afterwards, the enchantment class also entered the site, and repaired the "Four Purple Flame Formation" bitterly.

In the first battle, the enchantment class did their best to maintain the "Four Purple Flame Formation", and barely prevented Sasuke's "Tian Zhao" from spreading to the surrounding auditorium. However, after the war, the "Four Purple Flame Formation" It is also basically scrapped, and the seal technique everywhere needs to be repaired urgently before it can be opened again.

Looking at the busy crowd around him, Sun Xiangjing stood in the field and breathed a sigh of relief.

Just now, he was able to reverse the situation in an instant and defeat Sasuke, who was awakened by the kaleidoscope to write chakras. It was not a fluke, but it was based on his understanding of the kaleidoscope to write chakras and ‘suzano no.’

It can be said responsibly that it is not others who are most experienced in the use of ‘Suzano Nobu’ in the Ninja community.

So he knew very well that the kaleidoscope's pupil force was extremely unstable. Once the user's consumption of pupil force exceeded the body's load, ‘Suzano 'would quickly disintegrate.

This point was clearly manifested in the battle between Sasuke and Tuanzang in the original time and space, and in the battle between Itachi and Sasuke.

Only after the first generation of cells are transplanted or merged into the eternal kaleidoscope to write the chakras, the pupil strength will gradually stabilize, and ‘suzano will’ be truly astonishing.

Because he knows this better than all Uchihas, when Hyuga was pushed into despair by Sasuke's ‘Azure’, he was still at ease and was n’t rushed.

Because he was determined that with Sasuke's unbridled squandering of his pupil strength, it would not take long for Sasuke's body to become overwhelmed.

The fact is indeed as expected by Hyuga, except that Sasuke has persisted for a long time longer than he predicted, and this is most likely due to Sasuke's large barrel of wooden Indra's Chakra.

What really caused Sasuke to reveal his flaws was that he thought he had guessed the tactics of Hyuga, and he won the game, and the vengeance that had always supported him was relaxed.

This flaw was only for an instant. If it had not encountered the sun-dial mirror that had been waiting for this flaw, Sasuke could quickly suppress the discomfort of the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye and adjust the state.

It's a pity that his opponent is a heliodon who knows more about kaleidoscope and writing chakras than he does.

Sasuke's strength is actually not bad, so many masters in the venue dare to say that they are steadily better than Sasuke.

In particular, Sasuke's Susano Nobu's weapon is a bow and arrow, and its speed is very fast. The speed of the thunderclone clone of the sun mirror can only be reluctant to dodge. If it is an ordinary ninja, most of it will solve the battle with one arrow .

Another advantage of bows and arrows is that Sasuke will be very advantageous when dealing with airborne enemies. In addition, Sasuke's own speed is extremely fast, so even if he is against Didara, who controls the dust, Sasuke also has Very high odds.

So Sasuke's biggest problem is his easy-to-expand personality.

He was awakened by the kaleidoscope to write the chakras in the sky, and he could not find Yun Yin's eight-tailed person, Pilar Kirabi, and was immediately tortured by blood. He almost died in Kirabi's hands.

After confirming that Sasuke had been treated in time, the sun mirror in the field took a step and slowly walked towards the foggy rest area. The whole process was calm and calm, as if he had not beaten the one he had just defeated. A kaleidoscope of Uchiha's mind.

And looking at the sun-headed mirror who calmly left the field, the defender beside Sasuke also stared at Kakashi with a serious look.

Rock hidden rest area.

Black soil murmured to himself: "It turned out that Kirin won ..."

Didala narrowed his eyes ~ ~ The expression was somewhat interesting: "This unicorn must have played against a kaleidoscope Uchibo before, otherwise he would not be so skilled!"

The black soil wondered: "Why are you so sure?"

Didala said: "Because I have played against the **** organization 'Flame Demon' and know this feeling!"

Yunyin rest area.

A blonde Sammy was stunned. "Why is this happening, Uchiha of the kaleidoscope was defeated in one-on-one?"

Dalui groaned for a moment, as if deducing the war just now, and then shook his head: "Kirin is better than me!"


The second more is offered. There are no preparations today, only two more. Tomorrow will continue to add more! In addition, I thank the students who gave a prize today, thank you!

This is the double monthly pass period, and I beg you for your support!

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