Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 997: Coincidence and analysis

Lilili ...

When everyone was busy repairing the enchantment and leveling the ground, the rain clouds gathered in the sky for a long time finally couldn't support the rain, and a light rain fell in the cloud of thunderous lights.

The hazy rain curtain quickly enveloped the entire venue.

Not long after, the medical class, the seal class, and the enchantment class left one after another, and the fifth test of the China National Tolerance Examination officially started.

In the fifth test, the two sides were Wuyin Shuiyue and Sandy's Temari.

Because of the rain, Shuiyue, who is good at Minamata Ninjutsu, had the advantage. After a game, he finally defeated Temari with the mystery of his ghost lantern family.

This scene is actually a confrontation far beyond the level of tolerance. The application of various leeches and wind shinjutsu is dazzling.

It was just because of the wonderful mythical story of the kaleidoscope ‘suzano no hu’ that was written before, so this battle simply could not excite the enthusiasm of the audience in the stands and ended in a flat response.

After five matches, it was noon.

As the referee, Itachi announces a half-time break, and a final contest will be held in the afternoon.

After all, the candidates were exhausted after the first round of fighting, and the venue needed further maintenance.


Muye Hospital.

After a thorough examination of Sasuke's body, Tsunasuke said to the surrounding family members and teachers, including Fuyue, Meiqin, Itachi, and Takuya, "Relax, he's all right, that Kirin starts Very modest, the wound looks serious, but it hasn't touched any vital points! "

Looking at Sasuke lying unconscious on the bed, Meiqin was a little worried: "Why is Sasuke still unconscious?"

"Awakening the kaleidoscope at his age is a heavy burden on the body. In addition, he is too emotional, physically exhausted, and seriously injured. His mind and body are in extreme weakness, so It's not a bad thing to stay in a coma! "

Tsunade explained to Sasuke's mother very seriously.

After tearing Meiqin, Fuyue stood out and gave a gift to Chao Gang: "Sasuke, please!"

Tsuna nodded his head, then looked at Sasuke on the bed with a complex expression.

From today, she can no longer regard Sasuke as a teenager who has just stepped out of the ninja school, but must treat the other party as a film-level powerhouse.

Compared with the relieved Sasuke family members, Zilai and Kakashi still have solemn expressions.

After taking a step back, Zilai also said, "Kirin could defeat Sasuke who awakened the kaleidoscope to write round eyes. This is incredible. In our information, Wu Yin does not have such a strong person."

Kakashi nodded softly: "The identity of this misty unicorn is indeed questionable."

Kirin's tactical use, even his Naruto Naruto agent feels exquisite, and this strong person who can understand people's hearts is obviously not a silent obstinacy.

Zi Lai continued to analyze: "Kirin's last blow did not hurt Sasuke's vitality, and successfully damaged Sasuke. In such a disadvantaged situation, he can still maintain such precise control, even if you and I are not It can certainly be done, which shows that the blow was not launched hastily, but that Kirin had already planned. "

Kakashi frowned, recalled the previous battle in his mind, and said in a determined tone: "Kirin is definitely not the first time that Kaleni has written round-eye fights. He has been in Sasuke's physical condition from beginning to end. Calmly waiting for Sasuke's burden of writing kaleidoscope due to unbearable kaleidoscope, exposed instantaneous flaws. "

"Kirin ..." chewing the name, and Sui suddenly asked, "What chakra members are missing from the God Organization?"

"'Yan Luo' should represent Yin Yuan, 'Chuan Zhu' represents Water Margin, 'Yan Mo' represents Fire Hull, 'Wind Bell' represents Feng Yan, and 'Zizang' represents Tu Yuan, Yin Yang Among the five attributes of the Five Elements, there are still missing thunder and impotence ... "

Kakashi, who was talking, suddenly looked for a moment and realized something.

Zi Lai also said: "Don't you think it's a coincidence that Qilin, Lei Ling, and the mask are all added together?"

"Well, it's a coincidence!"

Previously, because his mind had been on Sasuke's sudden awakening to write the kaleidoscope, Kakashi didn't think much about it, and now he was reminded by himself. He felt that there were too many coincidences.

At this time, the two consultant elders of the three generations and Zhuan Xiaochun also rushed to the hospital.

After seeing Ziya and Kakashi, the three generations asked directly, "How is Sasuke?"

Zilai also replied: "It's okay, but it may take a few days to recover!"

The three generations nodded, and immediately said with a somber expression: "The misty Kirin is very wrong. The intelligence team just reported to me that they had never heard of this person in the eyeliner inserted in Wuyin."

Zhuan Xiaochun also said, "I have already explored the tone of Tuying, Leiying, and Fengying. They are the same as us. They have not found any information about Kirin. This person appears as if out of nothing.

Zili also raised his speculation to the three generations and Zhuan Xiaochun.

The three generations were not surprised at all, as if they had thought of this possibility, and instructed Kakashi: "Go remind the mirror and let him explore the tone of Shuiying, by the way ... check the status of Shuiying by the way. "

Kakashi stunned: "Are you worried that the water shadow is being manipulated?"

Zi Lai also quickly said, "The misty blue has always stood by Shuiying. The guy has a white eye. If Shuiying is manipulated by illusion, he cannot find it. And when we enter the village for inspection, we I have also checked the status of Shui Ying and his accompanying guards, and there are no abnormalities! "

The three generations explained: "Just in case, because the mirror is a Hyuga tribe, his use of white eyes must be better than that of the foggy blue, so it is necessary for him to check the state of the water shadow."

Tsunade came over and asked, "What are you talking about?"

Since then, he also talked about ~ ~ to Gangshou.

Gang shook his head with his hand, "This is impossible. When I entered the village, I personally checked the status of several shadows. Chakra of the water shadow was not abnormal, except for the" Don't God "who permanently tampered with the will. Ming He Qing is almost inseparable from Shui Ying. It is impossible that all three of them will hit the water-stopping "Don't God!"

"Don't **** ..."

After pondering for a while, the three generations shook their heads and denied this speculation.

If Uchiha privately controlled the water shadow with ‘Do n’t God’, then the coup they planned last time would have to involve Wuyin, but it turns out that Uchibo has nothing to do with Wuyin.

And if the stopper is really such a conspirator, it ’s much more effective to cast ‘Do n’t God” directly on the upper part of the wood leaf ...


The first is to offer, monthly ticket for double period!

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