Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1000: The limit is used to break!

At the moment when the beast turned into a beast, a magnificent tail beast Chakra was released from Naruto's body, and while Naruto was wrapped in the tail beast's coat, the chakra giant tail on the tail beast's coat Also leaked out one by one!


Immediately afterwards, Naruto in a low body gave a roar like a beast!


Raising his arm to block the air waves coming from his face, Sun Xiangjing gave a light flick.

Compared with the battle with Shiro in the morning, Naruto's emotions seemed more violent at this time, and the degree of tail beastization was deeper, and there was a breath of beasts all over his body!

"Article 6 ..."

Soon, there was a dignity on the face under the mask of Hyuga mirror.

Because Naruto leaked to the fifth Chakra Giant Tail, he did not stop there, but in the surging nine-tailed Chakra, continued to stretch out the sixth Chakra Giant Tail.

To know the limit of Naruto's beastization before, it has always been five tails. I did not expect that once Naruto entered the beastization of this time, the process of hand-in-hand temptation was omitted, the limit was directly exceeded, and the sixth tail was stretched out.

Staring at Naruto's sensible, sometimes violent eyes, Hyuga mirrors clearly, leaking the six Chakra giant tails is still a bit reluctant to Naruto now.

"Is it the limit, but isn't the limit used to break through?"

After grinning slightly, he rushed towards the mirror.

Naruto is in a semi-sane state, and his combat odor does not rise but rises. He notices that he is kicking his legs after the sundial mirror flutters. At the same time, he knocks down a large area of ​​the ground, and the whole person is like a cannonball. The whistling air wave generally greeted the sundial mirror!


The distance of several tens of meters came at an instant at the extremely fast speed of the two people. In just a blink of an eye, the sun-reflector with the arc shining around him collided with Naruto in the coat of the tail beast and issued a deafening roar!


Under the huge anti-shock force, the body of Hyuga mirror was irresistibly shaken out, and it felt like ordinary people hit a galloping train head-on!

"So much power!"

After adjusting the body's sundial in mid-air, his eyes suddenly froze, because the light in the corner of his eye spotted Naruto, who was transformed into a beast. Although he was shaken back in the shock, he slowed down when six tails were inserted into the ground. It was just a few meters back.

Without waiting for the sun-reflector to fall from the air, Naruto, who had stabilized his body, came over like a beast like a beast. At the same time, the six tails behind him quickly stretched out, like six iron whips, and he pumped fiercely from different directions. Towards the sun's mirror in the air.

In the air, the Sun Mirror, which had nowhere to borrow, immediately closed its seal and separated out a thunder clone.

Before the white smoke of Lei's avatar was cleared, he stepped on Lei Fen's body decisively, and quickly fell to the ground by this reaction.

And almost as soon as he landed, Naruto's six Chakra giant tails swept the thunder points in his air fiercely.

Zizi ...

Suddenly, the broken thunder avatar turned into a fierce thunderbolt, which hit Naruto along the six Chakra giant tails.

However, after this powerful thunderbolt hit Naruto, apart from letting Naruto emit a blue smoke, it did little damage to Naruto wrapped in the tail beast's coat, even the effects of delay and paralysis. nothing.

Rumble ...

After seeing Naruto's six Chakra giant tails being struck by lightning, their power remained unabated, or they hit the ground fiercely, smashed a large pit on the ground, or smashed into the air, and issued a broken tip. Xiao, or pumped directly on the "Four Purple Flame Formation" that isolated the battlefield and the stands, and the wall of the "Four Purple Flame Formation" dangled and rumbling!


"how can that be?!"

Staring at the ‘Four Purple Flames’, everyone in the enchantment class was stunned.

You know, even in the battle between Sasuke Kirin and Sasuke, who was awakened by the kaleidoscope before writing, the "Four Purple Flames" were not shaken. The walls of the 'Four Ziyan Formation' were shaken.

The audience in the stands was also exclaimed. The shaky “Four Purple Flames” made them suddenly realize that the stands did not seem to be completely safe.

When I turned around at the Yeye Hospital and couldn't find the big snake pill, I couldn't help but grin at the scene: "Nine-tailed is indeed Nine-tailed!"

As one of the three forbearances of Koba, Dashemaru has played against many people's column strength, so he can clearly distinguish the difference between the strength of the nine-tailed person and the strength of others.

Yao Shidou said in his heart, "I didn't expect Naruto's progress so quickly. It's worthy of your training!"

Osumaru said casually, "I don't spend much energy on Naruto."

The pharmacist complimented: "You have brought him into Longdi Cave, and you are already the greatest favor!"

With a slight smile, Dashe Wan was a little confused: "However, this boy's progress has really exceeded my expectations. It stands to reason that Jiuwei should not be so easily softened. Is it that the four generations left behind before death? What arrangement? "

VIP area.

After seeing Naruto's beastly power, several film faces were dignified.

In the last game of Naruto against Shiro, the performance was already amazing enough, but the filmmakers did not expect that it was not Naruto's limit. We must know that Naruto is only twelve or three years old. If this trend continues, then Naruto's future strength is simply inestimable, and it can even surpass the Uchiha boy genius who awakened the kaleidoscope in the morning.

After realizing this, Tu Ying, Lei Ying and Feng Ying looked at each other.

If it weren't for the exam, they really didn't find that the younger generation of Muye was so strong. If Muye's nine-tailed person Zhuli and Uchiha's genius boy all grew up, Muye would undoubtedly recover again. When the first generation of Naruto was alive, with the power of a village, the coercion deterred the entire Ninja world.


In the field.

He glanced back at the ‘Four Purple Flames’ with dazzling eyes, and Hyuga mirror grinned and said, “It ’s finally a bit of a confrontation!”

Naruto's powerful power after being transformed into a beast ~ ~ not only did not scare him, but excited him, because only under fierce confrontation and selfless fighting, the body's potential can be tapped come out.


He took a long breath and smirked, "To my turn!"

Uh ...

Before the words fell, Hyuga disappeared out of nothing, leaving only a few shining arcs, proving that he had parked here.

Uh ...

Immediately, in a low dull sound that sounded painful to listen to, Hyundai Mirror avoided all Naruto's tails at a strange angle, and punched Naruto's face with a beastly tail!


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