Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1001: He's crazy!

In the deep muffled sound, Hyuga blasted Naruto's face with a full blow, knocking it out instantly!

However, they flew less than four or five meters away, and the six Chakra giant tails of Naruto Naruto nailed to the ground one by one, stopping Naruto's body from being hit.


Naruto, who has stabilized his body shape, directly supports his body in the air with his tail, and an angry roar is issued in his mouth!

Uh ...

At this time, Hyuga mirror body flickered, and approached Naruto again at nearly ghostly speed.

Naruto, who still has a part of his consciousness, is taken aback, and the subconscious will throw his fist.

Uh ...

After waiting for Naruto to raise his fist, in a muffled sound, Hyuga mirror once again preemptively punched Naruto's face!

But this time Naruto wasn't hit. Six Chakra giant tails pierced into the ground fixed his body like an anchor, so the fist of Hyuga just hit him!

Seeing this, Sun Xiang mirror frowned.

Considering that Naruto, the beast-tailed, is protected by a thick layer of Chakra coat and thick-skinned, so he did not leave any hand in the attack just now. Full effort.

The first punch was okay and barely had a knockout effect.

But I never thought that the second punch of the same force would go down, but I just beat the beastly Naruto!


After exhaling a bit of hot air, Naruto turned his head sharply, and stared at Hyuga mirror fiercely, then immediately launched a counterattack, and returned a heavy punch to Hyuga mirror!

Uh ...

It was also a muffled sound, and Sun Xiangjing was immediately repelled, and his feet dragged a long mark on the ground before he could barely stop his figure.

"Oh, kinda fun!"

He chuckled a little, and Hyuga didn't hesitate at all, and flung up again.

Uh ...

Instantly, the sunburst and the beastly Naruto lingering around the arc started the most primitive and fierce battle in the venue!

You and I come and go from one side to another. For a moment, the whole hall is filled with frightening muffled sounds from the fist to the flesh, and the shattering wind that makes people's ears uncomfortable!


In the stands.

"Is that human being?!"

"Monster, both are monsters ..."

"Kirin actually chose to fight with human body strength?"

The spectators were shocked and suspicious. Some spectators who were not in good health were even beaten by a low dull sound that struck their chests, making them breathless and panic-stricken.

VIP area.

Four generations of Fengying couldn't help but ask, "What is Kirin doing?"

The question raised by the four generations of Fengying is obviously also a doubt in the hearts of several other shadows. Kirin is obviously a 'Lanyu' blood-successive ninja, but he has to fight with the nine-tailed person's column physical body, which is undoubtedly a very stupid Tactical choice.

Three generations of earth shadows said lightly: "Maybe the pride of young people!"

Itachi, who is disguised as a sun mirror, is also puzzled at this moment. Although he asked Kirin to meet Naruto in accordance with Kirin's requirements, he also did not know that Kirin would choose this way to fight Naruto.

"Do you want to train Naruto? But this way is probably too rough. Naruto is just an ordinary human pillar, can it withstand such a test?"

Undoubtedly, it is only Sasuke's Itachi, who has not yet fully realized Naruto's potential, and has not given Naruto as much attention as his younger brother.

Only four generations of Lei Ying in the shadows were sullen, with a rough look on his face.

Others may not see anything, but as Lei Ying, and the only ninja in the current ninja world who has mastered the "Lei Chacha mode", he immediately guessed the plot of Hyuga.

Because Hyundai mirror is doing exactly the same thing he did when he practiced the "Thunder Chakra Model".

It was just that his sparring back then was to teach him the three generations of Lei Ying in the "Thunder Chakra Model", while the current sparring training of Nikko Mirror was a nine-tailed human pillar force that went into beastly transformation.

"This unicorn wants to break through his own limits with the help of Muye Jiuwei's column power?"

The fourth generation of Lei Ying's eyes flickered, his eyes full of suspicion.

Cultivating the 'Thunder Chakra Model' does require a strong sparring practice, because the probability of breaking the physical limit in a fierce battle is much higher than the probability of breaking the physical limit in ordinary training.

At the beginning, he successfully mastered the "Lei Chacha mode" with the companionship of the powerful three generations of Lei Ying.

Judging from the current situation, Muye, the beast-tailed Nine-tailed Man, has enough strength to become a sparring practitioner for practicing the Thunder Thunder Chakra Model.

"But without our Yun Yin's practice scrolls and special recovery secrets, he wants to try to spy on our Yun Yin's" Lei Chacha mode ". He's crazy!"

From the tried-and-true method of the sun to the mirror, the four generations of Lei Ying can determine that the other party has not mastered the secret scroll of his "Lei Chacha mode".

But it was also because of this that he really didn't understand the attempt of the Hyundai Mirror to spy on the 'Lei Chachala Model'.

"How is this possible! This is never possible!"

In the view of the four generations of Lei Ying, this is simply impossible to do, because even if there is a cultivation scroll and a special recovery secret, Yun Yin can only master the 'Thunder Chakra Model'. That's not even Darui, the 'Lanyu' ninja who has reached the shadow level.

He never believes that a person who has not even seen the cultivation scrolls can figure out by himself the unique skill `` Lei Chacha mode '' of Lei Ying in Yunyin Village from generation to generation!


In the field.

The fierce battle of fist to flesh is still going on. The beast-like Naruto has the advantage of six Chakra giant tails, as if it has six more arms, while the sundial mirror has the advantage of speed, and its shape is unpredictable.

In the battle, the more he hits, the more excited he is, and the more he hits, the more happily!

Many omissions that were not easy to detect in the practice before were all revealed one by one during the fierce battle, and Naruto's power after the beast turned into a sacrifice made him no longer careless, completely let go of his mind, and immersed himself in the battle .

And the more ecstatic, the more heliocentric this clone with an extra affinity for Thunder Chakrag.

"Yes, that's how it feels!"

Although the injuries on his body were getting heavier, and Chakra was consuming more and more, this immersion made him immersed in it, and he couldn't help himself!

Like the sun mirror, Naruto, the beast-tailed, is growing rapidly in a fierce battle.

Whether it is the adaptation of the fighting style or the use of fighting skills, Naruto has demonstrated a very high level of talent and is rapidly growing and learning in fierce battles.

At first, the sun mirror can also rely on its own physical advantages to occupy the absolute upper hand.

However, as Naruto became more and more accustomed to the state of tail beastization, the use of Chakra's giant tail and tail tail coat became more and more sophisticated, and the balance of the war situation gradually began to tilt.

At this time, Naruto's fists slammed into the ground.


In the shaking and loud noise, the debris on the ground was shaken into the air.

Immediately after that, Naruto flicked his tail, and the six Chakra giant tails instantly changed into a big hand, catching a piece of gravel that was shaken into the air, and threw it fiercely towards the sundial mirror.

call out...

call out...

call out...

These small stones are the size of a washbasin, and the large diameter is even close to one meter. In the throwing of the giant tail of Chakra, like a cannonball, wrapped in the whistling of the breaking wind, Asahi flew away towards the mirror!

At this time, Sun Xiangjing did not choose to dodge. Instead, he closed his palms with a slam, and then yanked it apart, releasing a large piece of "purple electricity" instantly, welcoming the wrecked gravel shells.

Boom boom ...

"Purple electricity" collided with the gravel in the air, bursting out a violent roar, and the sky and dust!

In the soot, his sore sun-drenched mirror felt like he was only one step away from hitting the 'Thunder Chakra Mode', so he ignored his physical fatigue and launched an attack on Naruto again.

Uh ...

The sun-mirror passed through the dust like an electric light, reaching Naruto in front of him, and his fists hit without reservation.

Breathing heavily, Naruto didn't hesitate after he noticed the attack from Hyuga, and stretched out his palms directly, welcoming his fists!

Click ...

After the fists fought, there was a sound of broken bones instantly.

This bone breaking sound is naturally not emitted by the sun-dial mirror as the attacking side, but because of the coat of the tail beast, the bone is not the only support of Naruto's arm. Deadly holding Sun Fangjing's fists, making it difficult for him to break free.

At this moment, of the six Chakra giant tails behind Naruto, the middle one turned into a palm, which was raised upwards, while the other five chakra giant tails surrounded the central giant tail turned into a palm. Keep releasing Chakra.

Suddenly, a huge 'spiral pill' appeared in front of Hyuga mirror!

"When did this kid learn this trick !?"

Sudden glances at the sundial mirror.

I can always make some unexpected Naruto, and this time really shocked him, and at this moment, his fists were held by Naruto's hands, and he could not break free, nor could it be printed, and he could only watch with open eyes. With the 'spiral pill' made by the giant tail of Chakra, he gradually approached himself ...


Wood leaf rest area.

"Huh, it's finally over!"

Watching the appearance of the "spiral pill", Kakashi sighed with relief.

The battle in front of him was really frightening, and he felt a little unbearable even when he was worried that Naruto would run out of control.

Zi Lai also held her forehead and said with emotion: "I didn't expect to fight to such an extent!"

Like Kakashi, he has always been intimidated, because the two fighting in the field is too chaotic, even the sundial mirror that has always been dominant, covered with scars all over his body, let alone that Naruto, who has been battered.

You must know that the tail beast Chakra coat, although it can provide a strong defense for human column power, but this defense is not unlimited, otherwise, the original four generations of water shadow, and the six tail captured by Xiao organization not long ago Ren Zhuli Yu Gao will not be defeated.

Naruto's injuries are actually much more serious than sunbursts that seem to be all over, but once they are covered by a tailed beast's coat, they can't be seen on the surface. Can barely support.

But even so, after this war, Naruto would have to be sent to Muye Hospital by this unicorn for a while like Sasuke.

Tsuna shook his head and said, "Fortunately, that Kirin is too arrogant and chooses Naruto who uses the physical skill to fight the beastly tail. Otherwise, it is difficult to predict the outcome!"


Tap also nodded and Kakashi agreed at the same time.

However, Kirin's tactical choice did make them a bit difficult to understand. In the previous battle with Sasuke, Kirin applied the tactics to the extreme, and he swayed Sasuke all the way, making Sasuke's final emotional runaway, exposed in the unbridled splurge of his pupils. After the flaw, Kirin seized the opportunity to counterattack, completing an instant reversal.

Such a ninja who uses tactics and human heart to the extreme, it stands to reason, it will not make such low-level mistakes as before, but this happened.

In this battle, Kirin did n’t even say ‘Lan 遁’. Ninjutsu was n’t used much. Almost all of the time, he was fighting physical Naruto with Naruto. This is incredible!

Ordinary stands.

Dashe Wan also narrowed her eyes at this time, and she was always in a calm face, showing a little puzzled.

Throughout the exam, neither Yan Yin's Didala nor Yun Yin's Darui, he did not pay much attention, even Naruto and Sasuke, he also looked down condescendingly.

Only this misty unicorn made him wonder.

He instinctively felt that the foggy unicorn was like himself, the purpose of taking the China National Tolerance Examination was impure, and he always had a feeling that he couldn't tell, as if he knew the unicorn.

Watching Naruto consolidate the 'spiral pills' with the giant tail of Chakra, and Kirin was temporarily restrained by Naruto's arms, his mouth could not help but grin slightly: "Let me see the true face under your mask Come on! "


In the field.

Under the public's attention, Naruto's "Spiral Pill", which has a diameter larger than that of a basketball, condensed by Chakra's giant tail, is finally completed.

Whew ...

The "spiral pill" wrapped around the air waves, which looked extremely dazzling under the support of the chakra giant tail.

At this moment, everyone in the venue held their breath!

And Naruto did not relax or hesitate. At the moment when he finished the helical pill, he jumped out and raised the Chakra giant tail holding the `` spiral pill '' and slammed it into the sun mirror.


The huge explosion almost overturned the entire venue!

The ‘Four Purple Flame Formation’,, which isolated the battlefield and the stands, was shaken violently for a while under the shock of the shock wave generated by the explosion, and could no longer withstand the devastation and collapsed suddenly.

The enemies did not recover the "Four Purple Flame Formation", but looked at the smoke and permeated the field.

Not only the enlightenment class, but everyone in the venue at this time focused their attention on the scene, into the sky of smoke.

At this moment, the dust gradually dispersed, revealing two figures.

One retired from the beastization, half-knelt on the ground with a weary face, covered with a whirlpool of naruto wounded, and the other, covered in a layer of dazzling thunderbolt Chakra, was leisurely graying. Sun mirror ...


For the coherence of the plot, the second and the third are more, so it's a bit late, sorry. In order to double the activities, I really did my best, and I did n’t have a drop. I implore everyone to support it with a monthly pass!

In addition, I thank the students who gave a prize today, thank you!

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