VIP area.

"how can that be!?"

Looking at the plausible ‘Lei Cha Chala Mode’ shrouded in unicorn on the field, the four generations of Lei Ying's face was extremely embarrassing!

Needless to say, the current Lei Chakra model covering Kirin's whole body is not really a 'Lei Chacha model' in the true sense, not even the prototype.

However, this state of flooding Lei Chachakra is the most critical and difficult step in practicing the 'Lei Chacha Model'.

And once this is done, it is only a matter of time to master the 'Lei Chacha mode'. After the fourth generation of Lei Ying completed this step, it took less than half a year to fully master the 'Lei遁 Chakra Model '.

Therefore, if Kirin does this, it means that either Kirin will be killed decisively now; otherwise, the secret of Yun Yin ’s secret “Lei Chachakra Model” will be a foregone conclusion.

As a result, a killing urge came to the minds of the four generations of Lei Ying, and Chakra on him also became restless!

The skill of changing the nature of a single thunder attribute, Chakra, and the leakage of the ‘Lan Ying’ blood boundary have already annoyed and disturbed him, Lei Ying.

Now even the "Lei Chacha model" is about to leak.

It can be said that Yun Yin's means of challenging wood leaves and striking the heads of the five forbearing villages have all been missed.

Seems to be aware of it, the three generations of Tuying drifted from the seat into the air, and said something: "Hehe, it seems that there needs to be one more ninja in the Ninja world who masters the" Thunder Chakra Model ". It is not easy. ! "

This reminder of the third generation of earth shadows is to remind other shadows around them to be careful of the fourth generation of thunder shadows.

At the same time, it is also reminding the four generations of Lei Ying not to be impulsive and not to worry too much, because Kirin can master the 'Lei Chacha mode', which does not mean that other people in the fog can also learn that the 'Lei Chacha mode' itself The difficulty of cultivation has limited its spread.

Being reminded by Onoki, the four generations of Minzu who were still on the scene were immediately on alert.

The ferret disguised as a sun mirror is also secretly gazing. After all, it is wood leaves. Once there is any accident, the host Naruto can't stay out.

The four generations of Fengying pulled back a bit, and watched coldly.

After a change of shade on his face, the four generations of Lei Ying sighed longly: "I didn't expect that there was such a genius in Ninja. Since he had explored it by himself, we Yun Yun would not find him in trouble!"

The four generations of Lei Ying have made up their minds. After the Zhong Ren exam, they forced Da Rui to conduct special death training, allowing Da Rui to master the `` Lei Chacha mode '' at a rate not losing the Kirin.

Seeing that the fourth generation of Leiying had let go of the killing, the third generation of Tuying laughed and said, "That's right, if we, the film, have no such energy, wouldn't it make people laugh!"

The four generations of Lei Ying gave a cold glance at the three generations of Earth Shadow: "I heard that the‘ Zizang ’of God ’s organization has mastered the‘ Dust ’, and the genius of the Ninja world is endless. We really need some energy!”

After hearing about the four generations of Lei Ying's mention of "Dust", the old face of Ohnoki, who was laughing, suddenly became gloomy.

The leakage of "Dust" has always been his heartache.

Four generations of Fengying said with emotion: "It is said that the" wind bell "organized by God holds the" Magnetium "and I don't know how they did it!"

The ferret, the **** organization ‘Flame’, groaned a little and echoed: “Yeah, there are still Uchiha people in the God organization who have awakened the kaleidoscope to write chakras.

Wood leaf rest area.

"No wonder that night, his practice in the driving range was so weird. No wonder just now he would choose to use the physical skills to shake the beastly Naruto. It turned out that he was trying to develop Yun Yin's" Lei Chacha mode ". .. "

After seeing the unicorn covered with a layer of Lei Chakra in the field, Kakashi had many doubts hidden in his heart before, and immediately wanted to understand.

After understanding all this, the doubts in his heart not only did not diminish, but more: "'Purple Electricity', 'Lan Ying', now it is Yun Yin's 'Lei Cha Chala Model'. In the end, this unicorn is Who? Why can he do this? "

"Is this the Thunderhead Chakra Model?"

"It looks like it, but it doesn't look like ..."

"It is possible to resist Naruto's" Helix Pill "at such a close distance. Often, it is Yun Yin's" Lei Chacha mode "..."

"But isn't the 'Thunder Chakra Model' the secret of Yun Yin's non-transmission?"

Unlike Kakashi, who was hesitant and troubled, the other guides all spoke in a murmur with a dark face.

Because no one had expected it, Kirin actually used a plausible 'Thunderbolt Chakra Model' to block Naruto's almost inevitable 'spiral pill'.


In the field.

Looking at the figure standing in the smoke and dust, he was already wounded, and Naruto, who had retreated from the tail, was surprised.

At this time, Sun Xiangjing dispersed Lei Chachaak, who was shrouded in his body, while panting slightly, he walked towards Naruto: "What happened just now really surprised me!"

At this moment, the sundress, the robe on his body was shabby, and even the sleeves of his arms were missing, and his body was covered with wounds of different sizes, with different shades, even covering the characteristics of his face. There were also tiny cracks on the mask.

But even if Hyuga Kojiri is so far, his calm manners and strong posture around him have created an invincible image in Naruto's heart.

Naruto stepped back subconsciously, a flash of panic flashed across the tired face.

Hyuga mirror said calmly: "Naruto Uzumaki, your performance is already very good, let it go, don't be shameful!"

For a moment, Naruto shook his head vigorously, and then took a big step forward, as if talking to himself, and as if the declaration said: "I promised everyone clearly, how can I lose here, but I can do it, but Oh my naruto Naruto! "

Talking ~ ~ Naruto clenches his teeth and wants to enter the state of tail beastization again, but at this moment, he is extremely exhausted, whether he is a spirit body or a body, so he accepts the nine tail investigation Carat speed has slowed a lot.

Uh ...

Just as the orange-red Nine-tailed Chakra poured out of Naruto's body, a sunburst flashed behind Naruto's body, and then a sharp hand knife hit Naruto's neck.

Uh ...

With a muffled sound, he was exhausted, and Naruto, who was seriously injured, was stunned in an instant.

"Do you bear it, this boy!"

Looking at Naruto falling to the ground, Ri Xiangjing's face showed a touch of relief ...


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