Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1003: Finally I can win once!

As Naruto fell into a coma, the results of the test were self-evident.

After a short period of silence, warm cheers erupted in the stands. The excitement of this competition was not inferior to that in the morning against the mirror against Sasuke, so it aroused great enthusiasm from the audience.

And because the “Four Purple Flame Formations” that isolated the battlefield and the stands had collapsed in the aftermath of the previous battle, Naruto in the field just fell into a coma, Tsunade, Suzuya, Kakashi, Silence, etc. A group of wooden leaf ninjas jumped into the field and surrounded Naruto.

After a while, Sumi also asked Tsunabe who was checking Naruto's physical condition, "Is he all right?"

Gangshou had a serious face: "He was seriously injured, including more than ten fractures in his body, including his arms and ribs, and there were large bruises and muscle strains on his back, legs, and even his chest, which required immediate treatment. treatment!"

Kakashi suddenly became tense: "Isn't this life-threatening?"

Tsuna shook his head with his hand: "You also know Naruto's physique. This kind of injury is indeed life-threatening for ordinary ninjas, but not for him with a whirlpool physique."

Kakashi was relieved. He also knew that the Whirlpool belonged to the mortal situation of being pulled out of the tail beast. They could stay for a while, and also release the small strong physique of Ninjutsu, so they looked back at Naruto. He glanced at the sundial mirror not far away.

Compared to Naruto, who is unconscious, Hyuga is in a worse condition.

Just to break through the limit and adapt to the state of Lei Chakra covering his whole body, he almost squeezed the power of every cell in this Lei Yue clone, plus Naruto after the beastly transformation was really difficult to attack and extremely aggressive. Strong, so he now has multiple fractures, large muscle strains, and even tears.

Also aware of this since the origin, Chao Gangshou secretly winked.

The understanding Tsunade hurriedly gave Naruto a silent treatment aside, and then quickly walked to the front of Hyuga, saying, "Kirin, let me treat you now!"

For the medical ninja, especially the top class Tsunade, treatment is also a way of spying on intelligence. As long as her Chakra enters the body of the injured, she can easily grasp the physical condition of the injured.

Hyuga mirror smiled and waved, "No need."

Tsunade stumbled: "But your injury ..."

"I can deal with this minor injury myself, and you don't need to worry about it!"

With that said, Sun Xiangjing endured the pain, stepping deeper and shallower toward the foggy rest area, leaving a crowd of wooden leaf ninjas facing each other.

As Didala defeated Dalui and Kirin defeated Naruto, the only candidates remaining in this test were Dedala, Kirin, and Shuiyue.

In other words, the ultimate winner will be produced among the Rocky Ninjas and Misty Ninjas.

Considering that Kirin was seriously injured, the referee decided that this round will be taken by Kirin, and Dida will be in good shape against Shuiyue in the previous round, and then the promoters generated between them will compete with Kirin for the five big endurances. The final winner of the Sino-Ninja exam organized by the village!

Regarding the arrangements of the referees, there is no objection to the aspects of Yan Yin and Fo Yin.

After all, the game that Kirin just fought with Naruto was too horrible. Even if Kirin took a turn, it seemed to many people that it didn't help much.

Because even if the injury can be recovered, the chakra consumed will not recover in a short while.

Soon, Itachi, the referee, announced the list of opponents between Didala and Shuiyue.

Foggy rest area.

Shuiyue, who was about to end, laughed: "Captain, rest assured, I will try to delay as much as possible to help you fight for rest!"

Hyuga looked into Didala, who had already jumped into the field. His eyes fell on the two ninja pouches around Didala's waist, and he ordered Shuiyue: "My requirements are not high, you only need Just consume his bag of detonated clay! "

The nature of the detonating clay is very unstable, so it cannot be sealed into the storage reel.

When the sundial mirror is made of soil, the birds such as clay birds, clay clones, clay maggots, etc., which are detonating clay, are counted and carried with one less.

So he knew that there must be a lot of materials for detonating clay in the storage reels that Didala carried with him, but there must be only two bags of detonation clay that had been prepared.

After listening to the request of Hyuga, Suiyue's entire face suddenly collapsed: "Captain, Dadara who solved Yunyin's Darui, did not consume a bag of explosive clay!"

Sun Xiangjing patted Shuiyue's shoulder: "Give yourself a little confidence, Didala is a little more famous, nothing!"

Shuiyue wiped the cold sweat on the forehead: "I'm afraid I'll kill him!"

"At most, it's disabled. It's so easy to die. Don't forget your ghost lanterns, but our family who is best at saving lives is definitely not going to die!"

Hyuga mirror determined.

Shuiyue swallowed, and leapt to the field.

After the two sides entered the game, the competition officially started.

Wood leaf rest area.

Watching Shuiyue, who was suppressed by Didala in the field and could only rely on the water occult art and wolf howling, Tsunade laughed cheerfully.

One side also suspected the fox: "Sasuke, Naruto have been eliminated, why are you so happy?"

Tsunade waved his hands proudly: "It's just a test of tolerance in China. The outcome is not important. What is important is visible growth!"

Sui Lai nodded her head and laughed, "Yeah, Sasuke and Naruto's performance today is indeed worthy of joy!"

At this time, sending Naruto to the silent room of Muye Hospital returned to the lounge, watching the test that had begun on the field, and laughing: "It seems that this Didara has won!"

Tsunade was proud of his expression: "It's not just this game, the next Didara has won!"

The mute sounded a little, and immediately responded.

If the foggy Kirin is in its heyday ~ ~ It is difficult to say who wins or loses between Kirin and Didala, but Kirin is seriously injured right now, and even walked a little limping. Naturally there is no suspense.

Seeing Mute reacted, Tsunade smiled, "I see!"

Silence frowned, even crying with joy: "After so many years, finally ... finally we can win once!"

Tsui was also stunned by Tsunade, the mute student and apprentice: "What finally won once?"

Foggy rest area.

After taking a sip of phosphorous, Hyuga mirror whispered while moving, "phosphor, how do I think your treatment effect seems to be stronger than before?"


The second one is offered. There are only two more today. Let me rest and add more tomorrow! During the double time period, I still ask for a monthly pass. In addition, I thank the students who gave a reward today, thank you!

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