Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1004: He must be holding up!

In the second test before, he had received the treatment of phosphorous, and when he was treated with phosphorous again seven or eight days later, he immediately noticed the difference.

By comparison, this difference is very subtle.

Ordinary people may not be aware of it unless it is a strong man with white eyes and meticulous control of all the details of the body.

Xiang Phosphorus was a little puzzled: "Are there any enhancements? I'm not sure!"

He didn't say much, but inspected his body by himself.

There is no doubt about the healing ability of Xiangtan. Heixiangjing just took a simple sip. All the fractures, strains, bruises and other injuries on his body all faded quickly with the horror speed visible to the naked eye.

In just a few moments, his wounded thunderclone clone recovered as before.

"The healing effect is indeed enhanced!"

Taking a closer look at himself, heliostat ruled out the possibility of illusion.

Because not only the wound was healed, but also the tiredness on the body was slowed down a little, which was obviously a capability that Xiang phosphor did not have before.

Glancing at some of the scented phosphorous, Hyuga mirrored, "Is it because of reincarnation?"

'Reincarnation Eyes' is the product of Yin-Yang 遁, which contains the power of "Sin Luo Vientiane" which is a combination of Yin and Yang. When this power is used to the extreme, it can even distort life and death and completely resurrect the dead. Eighty-nine is related to the reincarnation eyes in her eyes.

This also means that the 'power of Senra Vientiane' contained in the eyes of samsara is a little affecting Chakra, which is a phosphorous, and she has gradually added a 'Yinra Vientiane' which is a combination of yin and yang in her original yang chacha. Power'.

This change is undoubtedly a good thing.

This shows that with the powerful assistance of 'Type III Biological Armor', the incredibly good phosphorous has been gradually accepted by the body, and even the reincarnation eyes in her eyes have been developed.

Rumble ...

As the sun-recovered mirror recovered from the injury, there were endless explosions in the field!

Shuiyue, who is good at 'hydration', is indeed the family of ghost lanterns with the strongest ability to survive and submerge in the fog. Under Dedara's repeated attacks on explosive clay, he is still struggling to deal with it.

In fact, if the battlefield is complex enough, or there are a lot of water sources nearby, there is still a lot of room for Shuiyue to play.

Of course, then again, there is really no need to worry about it. Didala will have more room to play. After all, whether to destroy the wood leaves is only his thought.

Due to the obvious air superiority of Didala in the previous battle between Didala and Dalui, the four generations of Leiying personally questioned the referee, so after the deliberations of the referee group, Didala was temporarily A new restriction was added, which was to prevent Didala from flying higher than the height of the venue.

In this way, even if the moon is on the ground, many ninjutsu can threaten Didala, at least not like the previous Darui, is completely passively beaten.

In the end, after barely working for ten minutes, Shuiyue, who had been blown into a muddy pool, surrendered and surrendered.


Sun Xiangjing in the Wuyin rest area chuckled slightly, and then waited for Shuiyue in the field to leave the field, then flew in shape and fell directly into the field.

At this time, he had put on a new set of masks and clothes, which looked completely different from those who were just embarrassed and limped.

Shuiyue came together at this time, and said, "Captain, I really do my best!"

Although every effort has been made, the gap in strength is there, so Shuiyue barely consumed about half of the bag of detonated clay in this game.

Hyuga mirror waved his hand: "Back down!"

The reason he didn't wait for Itachi, who was the referee, to announce the match list, and hurried to the field in order to not give Didala the opportunity to detonate the clay.

In the first battle with Darui, Didala consumed about a third of the bag of detonated clay.

Due to the lack of consumption, Didala did not panic to replenish, and just after fighting with Shuiyue, Didala consumed another half of the bag of detonated clay.

Hyundai Mirror entered the game at this time, and it was naturally inconvenient for Didala to exit the field to replenish the detonated clay, so there are only a little more than two bags of detonated clay on Didara's waist.

In other words, without the use of 'dust', the staying power of Didara's battle has been halved.

At this time, the opposite Didala glanced at Hyuga mirror and shrugged indifferently: "Hey, Kirin, you can actually rest for a while, I'm not in a hurry!"

Hyuga snorted coldly, "Hum, I'm fully recovered!"


VIP area.

Seeing that Kirin not only changed his head, but also took the initiative to enter the venue in advance, the three generations of Tu Ying who had determined that Dedara had won the game steadily smiled cheerfully: "It's really young and vigorous!"

Four generations of Lei Ying shook his head and sighed lightly.

He is very happy to see Kirin defeat Didal. After all, Dalui had been too embarrassed to lose in Didal ’s hands, and Didal ’s under-flat face also made him think How upset, but he also knows that with Kirin's injury just a short ten minutes, even treatment is enough, let alone recover Chakra.

Four generations of Fengying said: "Kirin should be holding hard now!"

Three generations of Tuying smiled: "Well, young people always want some face!"

Itachi, who was disguised as a Hyuga mirror, was also curious at this moment, and he really wondered what would happen to Kirin, who was seriously injured, to deal with Yan Yin's Didala.

Wood leaf rest area.

I was about to suffer from the silence of post-traumatic stress disorder. Looking at Kirin, who looked refreshed in the field, murmured a bit worried: "Well, why does his injury seem to be all recovered?"

Tsunami embraced his chest with both hands, his tone was assured: "What's the use of changing clothes? It hurts if you are injured. Even if I treat him personally, it may not be completely recovered in such a short time ~ ~ He must be bracing now! "

Tap also nodded.

The whole process of Kirin's injury just now is in everyone's eyes. It can't be done halfway, so he doesn't believe that Kirin can fully recover in such a short time.


In the field.

With the rise of the "Four Purple Flames" around, Didala opened her hands: "Forget it, solve you quickly, I can also get rid of this boring China-Ninja exam!"

Before the words fell, he spit out a large white explosive clay from the palm of his palm.

Immediately afterwards, the detonated clay on the ground changed into two funny-looking clay figurines, who flew towards the sun-mirror ...


The first is to offer, monthly ticket for double period!

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