Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1005: No suspense!

"Spiritualism ..."

Looking at the two funny-looking clay figurines that were sloppy and crooked all the way, he rushed towards him, his face slightly sinking.

This technique seems to be playful, but it is extremely dangerous.

In original time and space, Didala used this technique to help Sasuke, who was capable of restraining the owl Thousands of Ninjutsu, forcing Cangjie to flee, and he was embarrassed.

And the sun mirror is very impressed with this technique, because his soil avatar has mastered almost all of Didala's "Blasting Ninjutsu", even 'C0 self-exploding' is no exception, but this 'spirit of magic' No matter how he tried, he just couldn't grasp it.

This technique, which requires strange brain circuits to master, can be said to be completely tailored for an art lunatic like Didala.

Soon, in the sound of 'DaDa' footsteps, the two clay figurines rushed faster and faster. When they were approaching the front of Hyuga, the speed of the two funny clay figurines was approaching ordinary Shangren. Speed.

Hyuga mirrored his thoughts at this moment and had an idea. Then he pretended that he had no idea about this technique, and performed ‘Thousand Birds’ to welcome him.

Uh ...

Using his hand as a knife, under the increase of 'Thousands of Birds', he instantly cut off a clay figure and then kicked it back and flew out another clay figure.

At this time, the clay figurine that was divided into two by the sundial mirror rolled on the ground, and each of the broken parts turned into an independent clay figurine, which rushed to the sundial mirror respectively.

After a while, the clay dolls chopped by Hyuga mirrors became more and more divided, divided into two, divided into four, and divided into eight. With just a few blinks of effort, it became full.

Dedala, who controls the clay doll, laughed and said, "Haha, witness my art!"

At this time, the Hyuga mirror had no time to care about Didala, and it was uncomfortable to besiege by dozens of powerful and extremely sensitive clay figures.

Picking the corner of his mouth, Didala laughed, "It's almost over, drink!"

With a little drink from Didala, all of the clay figures scattered all over the room jumped towards the sundial mirror and swelled in midair.

The swelling of the clay figurine undoubtedly meant to be detonated!

As soon as Hyuga mirror's gaze was fixed, his hands immediately pierced into the ninja bag around his waist. While firing his eyes, he gained insight into all the clay figures pounced on himself, while pouring Lei Chakra into many specially prepared books. , And then shot out one by one accurately.

Uh ...

Instantly, in the sound of breaking through the air, Chimoto, who contained Lei Chachakra, greeted the clay dolls who rushed towards the sun mirror from all directions.

All the clay dolls in the air that were stabbed by Lei Qian's thousand thorns were like a flat-hearted ball, immediately framed down, and the natural laws of Lei Yi's restraint on the earth were revealed to the fullest.

However, not all clay figurines were intercepted by Lei Qian Qianben. The clay dolls that had been tricky from several angles successfully avoided the interception of Hyuga Chinori, and rushed to the front of Hyuga in the expansion.

Seeing these fish leaking into the net, Hyuga mirror immediately wanted to dodge, but there was a puppet on his feet, but he failed to stand firmly, delaying for a moment, so that these clay figurines who leaked the net completely leaned forward.

And just when the clay dolls came up with the explosion of fire, the face under the mask of the sunken mirror in the shape of Cangjie showed a strange smile.

Boom boom ...

The continuous explosion immediately rang through the entire venue!

In the dust of the sky, a wobbly sun-swinging mirror flashed out and fell to the side. At this time, his newly changed robe was burned, and the shoes on his feet were blown up. It was injured in a large area ...


VIP area.

The four generations of Lei Ying shook their heads and said with regret: "Kirin's previous injury has obviously not recovered, the response is slow, the action is procrastinating, otherwise, at his speed, it is impossible to escape this explosion!"

Four generations of Fengying nodded softly: "Well, his ninja throwing is also a little unsatisfactory. I thought he would only miss the clay doll in the blind spot of sight, but he didn't expect that he missed three!"

Four generations of Lei Ying frowned and said, "He shouldn't use ninjas to intercept, and it's not Hitomi blood succession ninja. How can he see the attack in all directions in an instant? Things are so complicated! "

Three generations of earth shadows made a joke: "Lei Ying, how many chakras do you think he has left after fighting with Jiuwei Zhuli?"


The four generations of Lei Ying suddenly spoke.

Four generations of Fengying on the side smiled: "Not everyone, like Lord Lei Ying, has a horrible amount of chakras comparable to human power!"

Four generations of Lei Ying sighed: "Hey, it looks like there is no suspense in this game!"

Itachi frowned in disguise as a sun mirror. Kirin's performance in this game surprised him a little, and he secretly exclaimed, "Is the injury really unhealed? Or some kind of deception?"

The four generations of Shuiying, who had not participated in the conversation at all, looked indifferent and looked at the scene calmly.

Wood leaf rest area.

Uh ...

Tsunade hit the guardrail with a punch and said proudly, "I'm right, how could he not avoid the explosion just now at his speed!"

Zi Lai also said: "Well, although he was trying to hide it, his inconsistent movements and slow response still exposed the true state of his body. It seems that as you judged, his injury has not completely recovered. "

Tsunade laughed: "Of course, even the injury he had just suffered, even if it is me, it is difficult to completely cure it in ten minutes. Is it possible that there is a medical ninja that is stronger than me? "

Seeing that the overall situation has been set, Mute breathed a long sigh of relief: "Huh, finally rest assured!"

Tsunade laughed and patted his silent shoulder: "I said don't worry!"

Suspiciously staring at Tsunade, Silent Fox muted the pair of teachers and students and asked, "Well, you two are too concerned about the results of this test, right?"

Tsunade quickly staggered his eyes: "No ... nothing!"

Mute also guilty turned her face aside.

Seeing this, he has become increasingly suspicious, and asked, "Would you guys be gambling again? The old man has made three orders and forbids you to gamble!"

Tsunade waved his hand: "No!"

Zi Lai also made a past, staring at Tsunade, "Really?"

Tsunade, who was also staring at uneasiness, laughed and said, "Just ... just a little bit!"

Zi Lai also said, "Did you really gamble? Or did you gamble in the village? If you let the old man know, you can ..."

"Shhh ... hhh!" After a pause, Tsunade said, "In fact, I didn't bet much, just bet fifteen thousand!"

Zi Lai narrowed his eyes, "Fifteen thousand?"

"Well, it's 150 thousand ..."

"One hundred and fifty thousand?"

"Uh, I still can't hide from you, it's 1.5 million!"

He was also startled in shock: "Are you crazy, 1.5 million bets !?"

Since he was not a rich man, 1.5 million was already a huge sum for him. You should know that when he took Naruto out of the field to practice, his expenses were all paid by Naruto. The nagging frog purse of Naruto, who had torn down so hard, was carried away within a few days.

Tsunade smiled proudly: "Don't worry, I bet Dedara!"

Mute also said: "You are also an adult, rest assured, I deliberately disguised it when I bet, no one will find it!"

"you guys..."

Since he was speechless.

Foggy rest area.

Sam Yiyi said in a stunned mood, "Hey, the victory has been divided."

After carefully perceiving for a while, Nod nodded: "Well, the chakra on Kirin ’s body is very volatile. It looks like it was consumed too much in the previous war. In the face of a strong man like Didara, his physical state There should be no chance of winning! "

Dalui did not speak, but looked at the scene seriously.

After discovering Darui's anomaly, Samui asked, "What's wrong?"

Darui shook his head: "A bit wrong!"

He asked aside, "What's wrong?"

Darui frowned, "Should he not recover from his injury?"

I was a little puzzled: "The injuries he had suffered before were not minor. In just ten minutes, it is normal to not recover!"

Darui explained: "You do n’t know, the phosphorous in his squad is a very powerful medical ninja, so powerful that he can recover from the injury instantly. Before he met me, he relied on that phosphorous. The whole body's injuries were restored in an instant! "

Because this incident was too incredible, Dalui hadn't mentioned it to others before, but now seeing Kirin playing with injuries, he immediately smelled a trace of conspiracy.

Greek and Samui looked at each other after hearing the words, and then the two of them looked at the field intently like Dalui ...


In the field.

Looking at Kirin, who was exploded into a wolf howl, Didala pierced his hands again into the ninja bag around his waist, and whispered, "Can't you completely escape the explosion just now?"

From the temptation just now, he confirmed that not only was Kirin's injuries unhealed, but there was not much chakra left in his body, and it seemed that he was not very proficient in throwing ninjas.

After receiving the feedback from these messages, Didala's hands were pulled out of the ninja sac around the waist, and the palms spread out, exposing the clay spider full of two palms.

For opponents who are unable to perform large-scale ninjutsu and are not proficient in ninja throwing, the large number of clay spiders is almost insoluble.

Didala finally advised: "Hey, you still give up, otherwise, you will really die!"

While he was panting lightly, Hyuga mirrored the injury on his foot, and said coldly, "Huh, this little injury is nothing, I haven't warmed up yet!"

Didala laughed and tossed the clay spider in his hands: "Really, then you can accompany my clay spider and have fun!"

These clay spiders thrown by Didala are all the size of a thumb, but they are extremely sensitive. With a single leap, they can jump out four or five meters away. They are all moving bombs.

Seeing this, Hyuga mirrored, while firing a thousand shots of Thunder, and nailed the thumb-sized clay spiders one by one to the ground.


At this moment, Didala smiled and drank softly.

Except for the clay spiders nailed to the ground by the sunburst thunder, the rest of the clay spiders jumped towards the sundial mirror and detonated instantly.

Boom boom ...

Another violent explosion!

When the sundial mirror broke out of the smoke, there was another obvious wound on the left shoulder.

Didala narrowed his eyes and yelled, "Once my clay spider is close, he can't do anything. It seems that his chakras are really running low! Che, I thought there would be a fierce battle, I didn't expect it to be so boring! "

It seemed to realize that the passive bombing had no chance of success, and the sun-dial mirror, breathing like a bellows on the chest, no longer hesitated, and slammed into Didala himself.

Seeing Sun Xiangjing fluttering desperately, Didala grinned: "This is your own death!"

Suddenly, a white clay spider crawled out of the folds of Hyuga mirror clothes!


A lot of sharp-eyed experts in the venue found this out in the first place and took a breath.

Obviously, in the recent attack, Didala did not detonate all the clay spiders, but detonated a part of them, and by the cover of the explosive smoke and dust, a clay spider was quietly attached to Kirin's body.

This is undoubtedly a killing move. You must know that close-range explosions are completely different from personal explosions.

Moreover, at this time, Kirin was not only seriously injured, but also had few chakras left. He could not withstand such a personal explosion.

Kakashi's gaze in the Muye rest area was suddenly hesitant, and he immediately made plans to launch the "Thundercraft" to save people.

Although Kirin eliminated Sasuke and Naruto, he felt that after all he had stolen the other party's "Purple Electricity" and tried to save others, and it should be the other person's affection!

In the field.

Didala grinned, "I hope you can survive and drink!"

Without any hesitation, Didala detonated the small clay spider attached to the sundial mirror.

However, at the moment everyone in the room mentioned the voice of his throat. The expected explosion did not occur. On the contrary, the sun mirror that flew towards Didala accelerated instantly, and the originally sluggish figure turned into An electric light!

Uh ...

Didala, who had already dropped her alert, was caught off guard by this sudden change, and the shock on her face had not been completely shaken yet, and she was blown to her face with a fist.


In a boom ~ ~ Didala was hit hard and flew out.

There was another sound of wind breaking, and Sun Xiangjing rushed to Dedala in front of him with a ghostly speed. He punched Dedala's face again and slammed it to the ground.

Uh ...

In the muffled sound, Didal fell to the ground and was stunned.

At this time, Hyuga's unshoeed feet stepped on Didala's face severely, then twisted the clay spider hidden in the seam of his clothes from the back, and played with it in his hands ...


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