Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1006: Congratulations on becoming a Chinese forbearance!

Playing with the clay spider in his hand, Ni Xiangjing's face teased: "I have already told you that I am fully recovered. I just did n’t even warm up in those few moments. Why did you tell the truth and you did n’t believe it? Then! "

"How ... how could this happen ?!"

The swollen-faced Didala didn't care about the sun-mirror, but stared at the clay spider still struggling in the hands of the sun-mirror. His eyes were full of mistakes!

He is not a fledgling rookie. Although he is not very young, he has a wealth of combat experience and will not underestimate the enemy because of injuries to his opponent.

The reason why I just relaxed the alert and entered the way of the Hyundai Mirror is because this clay spider that he deliberately hid in the slit of the Sun Mirror's clothes could always be controlled by him, so he was quite sure that the clay spider was not blocked by the other party Thunderbolt Chakra was destroyed.

It is for this reason that he feels that he is firmly in control and relaxes his vigilance.

When seeing Dedala's look wrong, Hyuga mirror chuckled: "What, is it unexpected?"

Didala couldn't care less about his own embarrassment, and asked eagerly, "Why is this? What on earth have you done?"

He was really surprised, because he was surprised to find that until now he could still control the clay spider held by the hand of Hyundai Mirror. It can be seen that the clay spider had not been damaged by Thunder Chakra, but he tried When the little clay spider was detonated, it was unprecedentedly dumb.

Looking at the clay spider that was struggling in his own hands, Hyuga mirror gently pressed his finger and crushed it with a ‘click’, and then said, “It can move, it does not mean that it has not been destroyed!”


Didala was shocked. It turned out that the clay spider had long been noticed by the other party, and he had been tricked by the other party.

He went on to say, "In order to make your clay spider attach itself to me, I spent a lot of energy!"

For a sunlit mirror with white eyes and absolute control over himself, it is impossible for any foreign object to attach to his body to hide his insight.

So this clay spider from Didala can quietly attach to him, which is exactly what he intended.

And in order to make the process look more realistic, he also made himself sturdy and suffered two clay explosion attacks from Didala, and even his shoes were blown up.

As for the clay spider of Didala, it is even a piece of cake for him.

Don't forget that the soil avatar of Hikari Kyouri has the blood explosion limit of 遁 爆 遁. He may not play as much as Didala, but it is not far behind.

What is the composition of the detonating clay, what characteristics it has, how to make it detonate, how to make it ineffective, and so on, he has already done countless experiments in his own laboratory.

Even if he didn't use thunder, he had at least three ways to make the clay spider that had just been hidden in the seam of his clothes not only controlled by Didala, but also unable to detonate!


VIP area.

The reversal in the field was only completed in an instant, and the process was so fast that the three generations of Earth Shadow Onoki in the VIP area had too little time to converge on their faces.

The four generations of Lei Ying also stunned for a moment, and then said a little annoyed: "It turned out that the boy has been deliberately showing weakness, huh, even we were fooled by him!"

The four generations of Fengying have a complex look at the four generations of water shadows who have a calm look from beginning to end.

If the previous Kirin was just a young and vivacious rising star in his eyes, after this war, Kirin, who could put down nothingness and choose to win the battle at the least cost, became in his eyes. A strong man who deserves equal treatment.

And if such a character can appear in a forbearing village, it often means that the forbearing village will be in a steady rising period in the next ten years or even decades.

"Is that so ..."

Itachi didn't feel too surprised to disguise himself as a sun mirror. Instead, he felt more relieved when some answers were revealed, because he knew that since Kirin had chosen the test, he must be sure.

It's just that Kirin defeated Didala in this way, he didn't expect it.

After a while, the three generations of Tuying opened their mouths: "Didara's kid was too frivolous and not calm enough, so I let him participate in the China-Ninja Exam. This time, he can learn a lesson. I didn't waste all my hard work. Speaking of Shuiying, I really want to thank you! "

The fourth generation of Shuiying was expressionless: "You're welcome."


I thought that the Water Shadow Club politely gave way to two sentences, and then everyone could have a step down, but never thought that Water Shadow had generously accepted his thanks, causing Ohnoki to open his mouth, but he didn't know what to do. Say something.


The four generations of Lei Ying who always had trouble with Yan Yin laughed directly.

Four generations of Fengying turned their heads aside and grinned hard.

Wood leaf rest area.

Looking at Didala who was knocked to the ground by Kirin, silently stunned: "Didala lost ... lost ?!"

Tsunade frowned at this moment: "His injury was disguised?"

He also had a dignified expression and said with emotion: "I didn't expect us to be fooled by him!"

Soon, Tsunade and Taeori looked at each other and realized the seriousness of the problem.

This is not a trivial matter. If Kirin's injury is disguised, it means that Kirin did recover his whole body injury in just ten minutes, and this undoubtedly shows that Wuyin's medical jutsu has made a huge breakthrough .

But the village did not receive any relevant information!

the other side.

While Kakashi was relieved, the doubts in his eyes became even stronger. In his eyes, Kirin's body seemed to be full of mysteries.

"I didn't expect it to be like this, it was really unexpected!" After a pause, Asma said with a bit of loneliness: "After watching these few games today, I even have some doubts about my identity!"

Kay said enthusiastically: "Watching these young people sweating at the exam room ~ ~ how can we be so backward in our guidance!"


In the field.

Hyundai mirror slowly raised his hand to signal that the referee had won the match.

And as he raised his hand to signal, the quiet stand suddenly made a sensation, exclaimed, surprised, cheered, debated, and even scolded, all kinds of noisy hybrids woven together and rang through the entire venue.

Uh ...

At this time, Itachi, the referee, came to the field and said to Hyuga: "Congratulations, from this moment on, you have officially become a Ninja!"


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