Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1011: Keep hiding

After hearing the confession, he vowed, with a face on his face, and whispered, "There is still such a master in the fog? Impossible, this simply doesn't make sense!"

As the person who has controlled the four generations of water shadows behind the scenes, the soil is very clear how many houses there are in the mist.

It can be said that in addition to the four generations of Shuiying and Zhao Meiming who grew up under the protection of Wu Yin's elders, Wu Yin's other masters were either cleaned up by him or recruited into the Xiao organization.

Perhaps there are a few scattered defectors, such as those who have launched a coup and will not be slashed again, as well as the black sword thunder who defected with one of the foggy seven ninja swords. They are barely called masters.

In addition, Wu Yin has no more masters who can hold hands, and it is impossible to defeat Sasuke who can awaken Sasuke who wrote the kaleidoscope.

Jue said at this time: "The other party ’s name is 'Kirin', and it is said that he is a 'Large' blood follower ninja. , This unicorn also learned the "Lei Cha Chala Model" passed down from generation to generation in Yunyin Village! "

Picking up with a brow corner: "It sounds more like a Yun Yin ninja."

Judging lightly, "Who said no, Yun Yin's four generations of Lei Ying are said to be very annoyed by this."

Feeling that something was beyond his grasp, he took the soil and said, "Tell me about the news about the China-Ninja exam in detail."

Peer 1510 reported the information obtained by the spouse to Bandi.

After listening to the paraphrasing, the expression with soil gradually gloomed down: "A lot of masters have emerged from a mere examination of Zhong Ren Ren?"

Jue first said: "Well, not only are there five talented villages, but even the candidates from Yinni Village, Cao Ren Village, and Xiao Ren Village have performed well. Especially Yin Yin Village, it is said There are two descendants of the Wuyinxue family and the Huiye family, and they performed very well in the Zhongni examination. "

"This is the secret of the fog, fortunately we have broken it ahead of time!" After a pause, the eyes with the soil became a bit cold: "Did the water shadow's whereabouts be detected?"

He shook his head absolutely: "The other party is very cautious, and there is a guy with white eyes who follows him for 24 hours, and my avatar cannot be approached at all!"

With a soiled chanting voice: "We must lock in the shadows before Nagato!"

Before the Xiao organization is about to launch a decisive battle, the task with the soil is to lock the positions of all the tail beasts.

Of the remaining four tailed beasts, the seven and nine tails are resident in Koba. You don't need to find them. When Nagato launches a decisive battle, you can catch a net, and one tail has not been resurrected. Therefore, the target with soil needs to be locked. There are only four generations of water shadows that are three-tailed human pillars.

After thinking about it a bit, he said: "Water Shadow will not stay in Koyo for a long time, giving us a chance to play all the nets, so he is likely to leave Koyo in the near future and hide again like before, I am already on the periphery of Koyo A lot of avatars were laid, and once he leaves Koba, I will get the message immediately! "

Nodded with soil, he emphasized: "This time cannot be lost!"

He said no, then asked, "Yes, that Uchiha Sasuke, who has awakened the kaleidoscope to write chakras, what are you going to do? The pupil of the other's eye seems to be the same as his father, but it is also melanitis. What pupil has been awakened by the other eye, and no news has yet come out! "

Bringing the soil, he groaned.

A pair of newborn kaleidoscopes writing chakras is a small variable, especially when it is not clear what pupil of another kaleidoscope is writing chakras.

So whether to dig out Sasuke's kaleidoscope to write the chakras, or use Sasuke to threaten Itachi, or try to confuse Sasuke, there is still some difficult choices.

In addition, considering that the God Organization has obtained the pair of kaleidoscope writing chakras of Fuyue, the **** organization believes that the inconsistent God organization will also stare at Sasuke's kaleidoscope writing chakras. After all, the leader of the God Organization is a family with a long history of Datongmu, know The secret of writing the eye of the eternal kaleidoscope is not unthinkable ...


Muye Hospital.

After leaving Jun Malu's ward, Kakashi questioned Itachi, disguised as a sun mirror, wondering, "Mirror, have you dealt with Jun Malu and Bai before?"

Based on Itachi's observation ability, he naturally can easily see that Yin Ren's Jun Malu seems to be very reluctant to sacrifice the sunward mirror, and Bai also has an inexplicable obedience to the sunward mirror.

Obviously, this is not because of the identity of Hikaru Naruto, so the only explanation is the question raised by Kakashi, and Jun Maru and Bai must have dealt with Hikaru in some form.

"Seniors know these two tolerants!"

After confirming this, Itachi didn't dare to take a stand easily, just shook his head vaguely.

Kakashi glanced deeply at Itachi: "That's weird, they both seem to be afraid of you."

Itachi explained: "Maybe it's my identity to Naruto!"

Kakashi smiled: "Perhaps, anyway, this time they did not directly reject our proposal, it is already a very good result. You know, when I mentioned to them yesterday to join the rapid reaction team, they did not think I just refused. "

Itachi's explanation is not completely unreasonable.

After all, to some extent, Konoha's Naruto can be regarded as the highest-ranking ninja in the entire Ninja world. It is not a strange thing that the ninjas in the small Ninja village saw Naruto for a moment. Maru and Bai also quickly adjusted their attitudes, so Kakashi did not get too entangled in this issue.

Just then, the two met silence in the hospital aisle.

Silent beckoned and said, "Mirror, Kakashi, Sasuke wakes up!"

Kakashi and Itachi were both moving, and quickly walked towards Sasuke's ward.

Sasuke's ward.

Looking at the father who lost his eyes, Sasuke sitting on the bed looked guilty: "Father, I ..."

Before Sasuke finished speaking, Fu Yue interrupted him with a look of dignity: "Don't say anything, I know everything!"

Meiqin immediately stepped forward and gently held Sasuke: "Sasuke, your performance is already very good, my father and I are proud of you!"

Sasuke shook his head stubbornly: "No, I am ashamed of our Uchiha family!"

Meiqin said gently: "What a silly child, you can awaken the kaleidoscope to write wheel eye is the greatest glory."

Sasuke asked carefully: "Father, mother, you ... don't you really blame me for losing the test?"

Meiqin laughed: "Of course we won't blame you."

Mother's encouragement suddenly made Sasuke rekindled: "Father, mother, please believe me, I will defeat Kirin and recapture everything that belongs to us Uchiha!"

Fuyue smiled and nodded slightly.

As to whether or not to tell Sasuke the truth about everything, the Uchiha family sought the opinion of Hyuga, and the advice given by Hyuga was to keep it hidden.

In all fairness, Sasuke is not a person who is indifferent to emotions and hides his heart.

It doesn't matter if he is simple or stupid. In short, he is a person who is easily affected by emotions and easily manipulated.

He always lived in lies in space and time. He was mostly led by his nose from childhood to childhood, starting with Itachi, then Osumaru, and then with soil.

He has little ability to calmly analyze and make subjective judgments.

Imagine that Uchiha, the first giant of the leaves of wood, was destroyed overnight without the village being invaded by foreign enemies. This kind of weird things are everywhere. He didn't even suspect the village's role in it. Itachi was holding his nose all the way and focused his full of anger on Itachi without any analysis or judgment of his own.

After discovering that the teacher Kakashi was also under the control of Itachi, he was immediately stunned by the big snake pill, and he chose the rebel village without hesitation.

After bringing the soil to reveal the truth, he instantly got on his head again, clamoring to kill Tuanzang and destroy the wooden leaves. For this reason, he even dared to break into the Five Shadows Conference and almost lost his life.

After being re-educated by the ferret who was reincarnated from the dirty soil, he changed the idea of ​​destroying Kobe again 180 degrees and turned to Naruto.

It can be said that until the final battle of Termination Valley was defeated by Naruto, all of Sasuke's thoughts and all actions were guided by others, and people were holding their noses all the way.

Based on Sasuke's character, Hyuga feels that instead of telling him the truth, it is better to keep him in the dark.

Because from the story of stimulating Sasuke's awakening kaleidoscope to write round eyes, it can be clearly seen that Sasuke's progress is very rapid in the case of clear pursuit.

The speed of this progress is even horrible!

Therefore, under the threat of Xiao organization from the outside, there is absolutely no need to take the initiative to withdraw this target, so that Sasuke loosens the string in his heart.

Moreover, through previous contact with the soil, Hyuga decided that the Xiao organization would launch an offensive in the near future.

But the integration of the eternal kaleidoscope to write the eye of the kaleidoscope takes several months. Now it is simply too late to write the eye of the eternal kaleidoscope for the fusion of Sasuke before the attack of Xiao organization. Therefore, even if the truth of Sasuke is told now, the eternity cannot be performed immediately Kaleidoscope writes the fusion of round eyes.

All these factors are taken into account, which led to this suggestion of the sun mirror.

After discussing the relationship between Fuyue and Itachi, they finally chose to accept the suggestion of Hyuga.

Fuyue feels that Sasuke's strength has improved rapidly in this state of vengeance, so extending this state is not a bad thing. After all, strength is the foundation of the ninja.

Itachi feels that Sasuke is not yet mature enough, and telling him the truth about the divine organization may well reveal the secret of the divine organization.

In short, both the father and the son felt that Sasuke had just awakened the kaleidoscope to write the chakras, and the pupil power was enough for him for a while, and let him taste the bitterness after the exhaustion of the pupil power, which also made him cherish the pupil of the kaleidoscope In the later battles, he used his own kaleidoscope to write round eyes in a more cautious and sane way.

Soon, Itachi and Kakashi, disguised as sun mirrors, came to Sasuke's ward together.

Seeing Sasuke recovering well, Itachi and Kakashi were relieved.

Sasuke asked Kakashi calmly, "Mr. Kakashi, where is Kirin now?"


In the guesthouse.

"Five Shadows? Huh, is there any money to be happy?"

Looking at Shuiyue, who was counting the boxes of banknotes he had won from the casino, Ri Xiangjing laughed secretly.

He has participated in the Five Shadows Conference several times, but each time he started with a quarrel and ended with a quarrel. A few forbearing villages with thoughts could not let go of their prejudices at all.

No matter how many conferences there are, it is hard to get any results, so he sent Itachi.

At this time, Shuiyue, counting the money, said cheerfully: "Captain, I didn't expect to make money so easy!"

"Easy? I got my sweat for every penny!"

Hyuga mirror poked his lips.

The casino just completed the settlement with him. This time he won a total of more than 110 million. There are several boxes in the box. The reason for this is mainly because he was not famous before the exam. The bet is hot, so compared to Didala and Darui, his odds are very high. In addition, he also put a 50 million re-bet in the form of mortgage 'diaphragm', so he won. So much.

Shuiyue sighed again: "Hey, I knew I should have taken a little more!"

Ignoring Shuiyue, the chairman sighed sighing, looking at a box of money in the house, Hyuga whispered: "Now the 'Thunder' Chakra Model 'has touched the door, and the development of this thunder's clone has come to an end. The only places left to spend money are the clones, the impotence clones, and the ceremony. "

The layout of the blood following fusion ceremony is also very particular and expensive.

The ceremonial place of Beiluhu is on the top of the mountain, and the expenses are borne by Xiao organization. Most of the money spent is the hard money of Jiaodu and the misappropriation of public funds with soil.

The ceremony of the Tuanzang ceremony was in the volcano, hundreds of roots were dispatched, and the entire mountainous area was almost hollowed out. The amount of engineering was huge. At that time, Tuanzang was the agent of Naruto, so the cost was mostly embezzled from the village's public funds.

The ceremony of the Sunward Mirror ~ ~ is more complex and larger than the Beruhu Hoh Tsang in design, so the cost is likely to be several times more than that of Beru Hoh Trang.

No one paid for this fee, and he didn't plan to tell anyone, so he had to figure it out by himself, but fortunately, with this fund accounted, plus the rest of the last transaction with the village Funds, as long as the cloning of the impotence clones does not show much leakage, even if the funds are not enough, it will not be too much.

Capturing his chin, Hyuga mirrored: "Aim for a thorough mastery of the Thunderbolt Chakra Model within one week, complete the development of this Thunderbolt clone, and then you can concentrate on dealing with Takashi's troubles!"

The four generations of Lei Ying thought that it would take several months for the Sun Mirror to fully grasp the 'Lei Chacha mode', but in fact the most difficult part of the Sun Mirror has been mastered. The next 'modeling' is for other ninjas. Maybe it is a problem, but it is not a problem at all for the sun mirror that masters the "reincarnation eye chakra mode" ...


Two even more, for recommendation tickets, monthly tickets! In addition, I thank the students who gave a prize today, thank you!

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