Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1012: It's my luck!

Hyuga mirror home.

After completing all the settlement with the casino, Hyuga left a shadow avatar in the guest house to pretend to be Kirin. He returned home and listened to Itachi's report.

Recounting in detail what happened at the Five Shadows Conference, Itachi said, "Senior, these are the whole process of the conference."

After looking at Hyuga, he looked as usual.

As he had expected before, the Five Shadows Conference still had no results. The initiative of Kakashi to set up a quick response team at the meeting, although it has been recognized by many people, once it involves specific issues, such as selection Which ninjas join, which village has command power, and so on, things will inevitably enter the skinny link.

Itachi is a little puzzled: "Seniors, the formation of a strong rapid response team is obviously good for the five big ninja villages, why can't everyone agree?"

Shen Xiangjing said: "Because the benefits and risks are not equal!"

Each of the other four shadows is human. Even the rough-looking four generations of Leiying have a thick and thin side, so they are all clearly aware of the need to form a quick response team.

They just do not want to send powerful ninjas such as Didala and Dalui as their respective successors to join this fast response squad.

Because of the nature of the quick-response team, this team must inevitably engage in Xiao organization without sufficient preparation, so the risk factor is very high, and villages such as Yanyin and Yunyin cannot afford the successor's warfare. The price of death.

But then again, if there is no Dedara and a new generation of strong men such as Darui join, the existence of this rapid reaction team will be meaningless, because the ordinary Shangren team cannot organize with Xiao Performing maneuvers.

Secondly, the ownership of command power is also a big issue.

You should know that such a squad consisting of many shadow-level ninjas, elites, and other ninjas is a powerful force that can control the ninja world, so whoever has obtained the command of this squad can be in the Five Shadows Conference. Occupy absolute right to speak.

And Muye is already the first of the five Ninja villages. If this fast-response team is again under the command of Muye, other Ninja villages are likely to become subordinates of Muye in the subtle way, and this is other Ninja villages. Especially Yan Yin and Yun Yin are absolutely unacceptable.

In short, although the benefits are not small, the risks and hidden dangers are greater. This is the most fundamental reason why everyone cannot reach consensus.

After thinking about it for a while, Itachi sighed, "I'm sorry, I couldn't handle this."

Heixiang Jing waved his hand: "Don't pay too much attention, this is the Five Shadows Congress, you must learn to get used to it!"

Even himself cannot join this quick response squad as ‘Kirin’, so Kakashi ’s initiative is simply not something that can be done in a short time.

Itachi then reported: "Senior, according to your suggestion, we did not confide the truth to Sasuke. He is very excited now. He tried to go to the guesthouse to find the Kirin duel several times, but we were stopped."

"Is that ..." With a slight smile, Hyuga mirrored, "It's a good thing to be motivated, you don't have to worry too much, Kirin will leave the village right away."

Itachi asks, "So how do we guide Sasuke next?"

Hyuga mirrored for a moment and said, "Don't deliberately stimulate him anymore. He has now awakened the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye. Excessive stimulation will only make him go extreme. What you have to do now is to train him to use the kaleidoscope writing wheel. Eye skills. "


Itachi nodded seriously.

Sunxiang Mirror smiled: "After eating such a big loss in Kirin's hands, he should have learned a lot, maybe he can help us a lot in the next attack of Xiao organization."

Itachi immediately asked: "Senior, what should I do if that member of the Xiao organization who calls himself" Uchiha-ban "finds me again? Sasuke awakens the kaleidoscope to write the chakras, and I worry that it will cause his attention!"

Sun Xiangjing put a smile on his face, and said with a look: "All the conditions he proposed can be temporarily agreed. Only in this way will he reveal to you their attack plan for this round, and we must figure out their plan in advance before we can Make the appropriate deployment. "

If possible, Hikari naturally hopes that after he has completed the "blood following fusion ceremony" and became a "blood following snare", he will fight against Nagato.

In that case, there will be no risk at all.

However, from the time when he was suddenly found before taking the soil, using the "bird in the cage" as a bait, let him confirm the position of the nine-tailed and seven-posted column forces. Already.

After discussing about how to deal with Xiao organization, Itachi left and left.

As soon as Itachi left, a knock on the door rang outside the hospital. It was Ningji who was a disciple of Hyuga.

As soon as he entered the house, Ning Ci bowed to Asahi to apologize: "Teacher, I didn't even advance in the third game of the China-Ninja Exam, which disappointed you!"

Sun Xiangjing took a serious look at Ning Ci, and found that although Ning Ci was apologetic, his self-pity and sorrow were lost in his expression, and he was at a loss.

"sit down!"

He greeted Ning Ci, and Sun Xiangjing sat down first.

After seated, Ning Ci was silent for a while and said, "Teacher, now I finally understand why you asked me not to compare with Sasuke and Naruto."

He pointed to the corner of his mouth: "Think it out?"

Ningji nodded, then shook his head again: "The fact that Sasuke and Naruto are better than me is the fact that I must accept ~ ~ I will learn to adapt, but chase their goals , I wo n’t change, even if I ca n’t catch up with my whole life, I wo n’t give up. ”

There was no expression of excitement or sternness. Ning Ci's tone was very flat, but it sounded inexplicably firm.

Hyuga mirror smiled: "Are you still dead?"

Ning Ci lowered his head and said gently: "My father persuaded me at home that I was good enough, and Sasuke and Naruto of the same year are peerless geniuses like those of the fourth generation that are rare in a century. In the same session, it was just that I was out of luck. "

He didn't interrupt Ningji, but sneered at the corner of his mouth, toasted and drank tea.

Ningji slowly raised his head at this time, his eyes were clear: "But I feel that the same session as the peerless genius like Sasuke and Naruto is not unlucky, but my luck! Teacher, I am not impatient, I just want to make myself Life is more meaningful! "


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