Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1013: Body surgery is body surgery!

Some accidental Hyuga mirrors put down the tea cup in his hand, and gave Ningji a grateful look: "It seems that I don't need to say any more nonsense that comforts you today."

Ning Ci gave a gift: "It bothers you!"

Sun Xiangjing shook his head: "As your teacher, to help you adjust your mentality, I should have done it. By the way, is my injury better now?"

Ning Ci moved his arm: "It's much better."

As a disciple of Naruto, Ningji naturally received special care in the Muye Hospital, so after lying down for only one day, he was discharged with Sasuke and Naruto.

Hyuga nodded, then asked, "How's the practice of 'Bamen Jiajia'?"

After seeing the mirror, he asked about the practice. Ning Ci quickly sat up and said, "I'm sorry, at present I can barely open the first door," open the door, "and the second door," the door is closed. "

Hyuga mirror frowned.

This progress may be normal for ordinary people, but it is undoubtedly a bit slow for Ningji, who has the name of "genius" and has practiced physical skills since childhood.

After asking several questions about Ningji's cultivation, Sun Xiangjing quickly found the crux.

Although Jiuquan and Gangquan are both physical skills, due to the difference in style, the ninjas who cultivated Jiuquan and the ninjas who practiced steel boxing had completely different views on physical skills.

The soft boxing ninja, or more precisely the Hyuga tribe, because of their white eyes, therefore emphasizes the precision of their moves and the restraint of their mentality.

Taking the "Bagua Palm" of Rouquan as an example, whether it is "Sixty-four Palms" or "One hundred and twenty-eight Palms", it is based on the orientation of the Eight Diagrams and corresponds to the acupuncture point of the target body. Pay attention to how to make a move, how to force, how to use Chakra, there are clear rules.

At the same time, in order to ensure the precision of the moves, the Hyuga people must restrain their emotions.

This led to the people of the Hyuga tribe generally calming down during the battle, giving them a cool feeling.

The Steel Boxing Ninjas are quite different. They are more concerned about tapping their own potential, and they are pursuing faster speed and greater strength.

This makes the steel boxing ninjas often very energetic, and they will be very **** during the battle.

‘Eight Gates’ Armor is undoubtedly the strongest secret skill of Gang Quanliu.

Its core mystery is to continuously tap the potential of the human body, by breaking through the eight levels that limit Chakra's circulation in the human body, let the ninja break through his own limits step by step!

One is to be precise, restrained and need to stay calm at all times.

One needs an indomitable impetus, and an indomitable blood.

So in style, Rouquan and ‘Eight Doors’ are incompatible.

"Perhaps this is why Kayoshi did not instruct Ningji, a native of the Xiangxiang tribe, to practice 'eight door armors'!"

Hyuga mirror secretly sighed.

The reason why he practiced ‘Eight Doors’ is very smooth, because his concepts do not have the rules of soft boxing, so with a little practice, he can easily immerse himself in the intense state of ‘Eight Doors’.

Ke Ningji was stunned from his ears and was greatly influenced by the concept of soft boxing. He used to use the precise and restrained style of cultivating soft boxing to practice ‘Eight Door Armor’, and it was only natural that his progress was slow.

After seeing Hyuga mirror groaning, Ning Ci said, "Mr. Akai said that I was not suitable for cultivating‘ Eight Doors ’, and I also felt that my cultivation progress was not as good as that of Li.”

Sun Xiangjing said faintly: "Ningji, if you really want to achieve something on the Eight Doors, you must first break free from the fetters of soft boxing!"

"This ...!" Ning Ci was surprised and suspicious, with a surprised look: "Do you mean that you want me to give up soft boxing and practice steel boxing instead?"

Heixiang Jing shook his head: "In my body art is body art, regardless of soft boxing or steel boxing. When encountering an enemy who needs to attack the meridian precisely, we should attack the enemy's meridian precisely. We should use speed and strength to solve the enemies that are solved by power! Physical training should be so simple! "

Ning Ci frowned and thought.

Sun Xiangjing didn't bother Ning Ci thinking, and drank tea by himself.

After a while, Ning Ci asked: "Teacher, if I specialize in soft boxing, is it possible to catch up with Sasuke, Naruto?"

Hyuga shook his head: "Sasuke, Naruto's potential is not only here, it is just the beginning. In the next few years, their progress will be even greater and faster, and even I may be thrown away by them. Therefore, you can't catch up with them when you specialize in soft boxing, and 'Eight Doors' is the most effective way to catch up with them. "

Ning Ci said: "I see, I will try to break free of the fist of fist as you said!"

Seeing Ningji make this decision, it seems that he has made a great deal of determination, and Hyuga chuckled: "Don't feel that doing this is a betrayal to the family. The soft boxing is just a physical skill, it does not represent the Hyuga family."

Ning Ci felt better: "Yes, I remember!"

At this time, Sunrex took a scroll from the ninja pouch around his waist: "It contains a secret technique called 'Yin Seal' and a breathing method I have organized myself. You can practice it. ! "

This scroll was prepared by Ning Xiangjing for Ningji. Even if Ningji is not available today, he will give it to Ningci tomorrow, because he will leave the village tomorrow and **** Xiangxiang to the air fortress.

As for the "yin seal", Hyuga had promised that Tsunade could not be passed on, but now he is the village's Naruto and has the authority to freely inspect and practice the "yin seal", so at this time he improved himself. The Yin Seal was passed on to Ningji without any problems.

And the breathing method attached to the scroll ~ ~ is naturally the product of him peeping at the violet after practicing ‘Seven Days of Calling Method’.

After his streamlining and improvement, this set of breathing methods is very different from Violet's "Seven Days Calling Method". His set of breathing methods pay more attention to the activation of the heart and lungs, so the effect is It is far less than the "seven-day exhalation method" of Viola's whole body activity, but the advantage is that it can be compatible with any kind of body surgery.

Heliostats use this breathing method to activate the heart and lungs and successfully stepped into the threshold of the "Thunder Chakra Model".

With a look of joy and excitement, Ning Ci, Sunxiang Jing instructed: "Whether it is the" yin seal "or breathing method, it is a top secret, so you can only practice it yourself, and you are not allowed to pass it to anyone!"

Ning Ci's expression was clear: "Yes!"

Hyuga mirrored a corner of his mouth at the moment: "I look forward to your growth!"


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