Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1014: Do you think I'll be like Sasuke?

Uh ...

In the roar of the broken wind, the three figures quickly shuttled through the forest. They could easily jump more than ten meters away with just a little foot under their feet, showing that they are all powerful ninjas with good strength.


Just then, an explosion blocked the way of the three.

After the smoke from the explosion gradually dissipated, two figures wearing Xiao organization red cloud suits appeared in front of the three. The two uninvited guests, not others, were the corners of Xiao organization's undead duo, and carrying Flying segment of the **** March sickle.

Uh ...

The **** March sickle in his hand was severely hit on the ground, Fei Duan laughed: "Water shadow, it is not easy to find you!"

Undoubtedly, the three people intercepted by Jiaodu and Feiduan are the fourth generation of water shadow citrus orange Yakura who has just left the wood leaves, as well as his personal guard photos Meiming and Qing.

Because it is known that the Xiao organization will launch an attack on Muye in the near future, the citrus Yakura, which is a three-tailed person, did not stay in Muye for a long time, but left Muye as before to avoid being wiped out by Xiao.

At this time, Qing, who was next to Yakura, said, "No wonder I always felt that someone was spying on us. It turned out to be you!"

Fei Duan licked his tongue: "This time I want to taste what the taste of Shui Ying's blood is!"

Jiao Du said coldly, "Don't talk nonsense, do it!"

The flying section no longer talked. After a weird laugh, he waved the **** March sickle and rushed to the three of the citrus Yakura. At the same time, the horns also directly ripped off the red cloud suit on his body, and the four masks on the back were simultaneously Off the body, launched different types of jutsu.

Rumble ...

In an instant, the continuous roar rang out in the forest!

far away.

Take your hands on the chest with soil and stand quietly on the crown of a large tree, looking at the battlefield.

At this time, she fell to the side of the soil: "All goes well, they stopped Shuiying and his party."

With soil asked: "It's too easy to discover the whereabouts of Shuiying this time. I always feel something is wrong!"

It seemed to know what the band was worried about. He said, "Be assured, my avatar is on alert all around, and once there is reinforcements from the other side, I will know immediately."

Nodded with soil, he looked in the direction of Muye Village immediately: "After solving the three tails, I have to hide in the leaves of the nine and seven tails."

There is also a complex emotional emotion: "Yeah, it's finally about to succeed!"

After regaining his eyes on the leaves of wood, he brought his eyes back to the battlefield in the distance: "Only the corners and flying segments, it is difficult to make a quick decision."

Never asked: "You want to do it yourself?"

With no answer, the band disappeared directly into the twisted vortex.

The fourth generation of Shuiying is a veritable film-level powerhouse. In addition to it, there is a twin-blooded Ninja who is both ‘boiling 和’ and ‘melting 遁’, and an elite with white eyes.

In the face of such a lineup, Jiadu and Feidan have the possibility of surprisingly winning with special tactics, but it is obviously impossible to win easily and quickly. Once the delay is long, some unexpected events will inevitably occur. Accident.

On the battlefield.


The smiling flying segment used the **** March sickle's attack range to sweep the battlefield and forced the citrus Yakura, according to Meiming and Qing Sanren to avoid.

And the cooperation of the horns and his four mask monsters has become more and more sharp. The fire and fire combined ninjutsu and the mines combined ninjutsu destroyed everything on the battlefield recklessly.

For a time, the sea of ​​fire screamed and the lightning flashed.

Looking at the citrus Yakura who fled in the battlefield, according to Meiming and Qing, the horns gradually frowned.

The opposition's resistance was much weaker than he thought.

Suddenly, a twisted vortex appeared without warning behind the citrus Yakura.

"Be careful!"

Zhao Meiming and Qing shouted aside.

However, this twisted vortex appeared too suddenly, and before the reaction of Citrus Yakura, the band took out a half body from the vortex and grabbed Citrus Yakura.

"It worked!"

Seeing the body of the tangerine Yakura being pulled in his hands began to twist and deform, the corners of the face under the soil mask slightly raised.

Wow ...

But just when the citrus Yakura was about to be pulled into the vortex by the band of soil, the metamorphosis protruded, and the body of the citrus Yakura suddenly shattered into a ball of water, splashing the band of soil.

"Moisture !?"

After taking the soil for a while, he stopped ‘Shenwei’ and stared at Zhao Meiming and Qing, not far away.

Zhao Meiming said coldly at this time: "No one can take water shadow as a prey. This account, we will certainly double the return in the future!"

After all, Zhao Meiming and Qing also exploded into a ball of clear water without waiting to talk back.

"What's the matter, it's all hydrated!" Coming with the flying section of **** March sickle, he complained, "Hey, this information is too unreliable!"

The horns put away the mask monster and picked up the red cloud suit on the ground: "It seems that the other party has been guarding us!"

At this time, he absolutely fell on the battlefield, staring at the beaches of clear water, his face a little embarrassed: "I did not expect it to be a bait, Shuiying's guy became more and more cautious."

Gloomy with soil.

Now that this is a bait, the true body of Shuiying has probably left the wood leaves through other means. In other words, most of this operation to stop Shuiying will end in failure.

Fei Duan asked: "Hey, what should we do now? I didn't catch Shui Ying. I'm afraid it's not easy to explain to the leader!"

The corners are a bit embarrassing.

A few days ago news came from Nagato, saying that he had completely mastered the new Penn Six, and even the most troublesome eight-tailed person, Likirabi, had been completely surrendered, so the decisive battle was in the near future.

But don't say they caught Shuiying right now, they haven't even locked in on Shuiying's whereabouts, and they can't explain to Nagato at all.

After pondering for a while, belt soil suddenly asked Jue: "You said before, your clone found that Wu Yin's team participating in the China-Ninja test is also Koba who left today?"

He nodded his head: "Well ~ ~ with cold air:" Where are they now? "

He pointed to the direction of the dynasty vortex and said, "There should be a perceptual ninja in the opponent's team. I originally wanted the clone to follow them, but it seemed that they were aware of it, so my clone stopped tracking, and now only I can tell which direction they are in! "

In the direction of the absolute finger, I took the soil and looked at it: "This unicorn should be the subordinate of Shui Ying. He may know the whereabouts of Shui Ying. I'll get him back!"

He quickly reminded: "The other perception ninja named Xiang Phosphorus in the other party's team can not be used. Another ghost lamp family named Shuiyue is not a threat, but the unicorn has defeated Sasuke who awakened the kaleidoscope and wrote the round eyes , Be careful! "

Taking the soil for a while sneer: "Do you think I will be defeated in the hands of a misty man like Sasuke?"


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