Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1015: Different space

At the other end, the three people, Sunward Mirror, Phosphorus, and Shuiyue, are also racing in the forest.

"Captain, the sense of peeping before, now gone!"

After sensing it for a while, Phosphorus reported to the sun mirror.


The sun mirror nodded slightly.

He doesn't need to think about it, he knows that the eyeliner that surrounds the leaves of the wood is the most numerous and can be freely integrated into the earth.

This point also proves from the side that the Xiao organization will indeed take action in the near future.

That's why he was so anxious to send the phosphorous to leave the wood leaves. After all, the phosphorous was his second hand. As long as the phosphorous was still there, he had the chance to turn over even if he accidentally overturned the car.

And he personally escorted Xiang Phosphorus to return to the fortress in the air, in order to avoid any accidents encountered by Xiang Phosphorus on the road, Xiang Phosphorus's strength is not weak anymore, but the combat experience is still lacking. If you really meet members of Xiao Organization, your eyes The pairs of reincarnations in it have been lost, then he is really losing money.

In addition, he also needs a suitable occasion to finally run into the "Lei Chacha mode", and in Muye Village, those people in Yun Yin stare at him almost at all times, so practice the "Lei Chacha mode" in Muye and inconvenient.

Shuiyue said at this time: "Captain, in the future you will become the fifth generation of the village, don't forget to promote me!"

"Uh, what five generations?"

Hyuga mirror thinking for a moment.

Xiang Phosphorus was also a little confused, and secretly said, "Isn't the adult already a fifth-generation Naruto?"

Shuiyue said quickly: "Of course it is the fifth generation of Shuiying. Now, in addition to you, who in the village is qualified to take over the position of the fourth generation, so the position of the fifth generation is yours sooner or later!"

Sun Xiangjing smiled indifferently: "Is the guy very eye-catching!"

Shuiyue followed with a smile: "I don't have any ambition, just want to collect the seven ninja swords and revive our misty seven ninja swords!"

Hyuga mirror glanced at Shuiyue. From the beginning, he found that Shuiyue had been obsessed with Wu Yin Qi Ren Ren, so he said, "The beheaded sword is in the hands of Xiao Shizang organized by Xiao, and the double sword is in Xiao. The dried persimmon ghosts in the hands of the organization, the thunder sword in the hands of the defected black thunder, these are all known to fall, while long knife stitches, blunt knife pocket cutting, explosive knife droplets do not even know the whereabouts, It's not easy to collect seven ninja swords. "

Shuiyue grinned, "My brother Ghost Lantern Full Moon has a scroll of seven ninja swords in his hand. As long as he finds that scroll, those unidentified ninja swords can be easily retrieved."

Sunxiang Jing casually asked, "A ghost lamp full moon, isn't the misty prodigy, is he already dead?"

Shuiyue was distressed: "Yeah, I don't know why a monster like him died, I went through his relics, and I didn't find the Psychic Scroll of Ninja Sword!"

Hyuga mirror smiled coldly: "In the fog, the more geniuses die, the faster!"

Shuiyue busy said, "Captain, it's not appropriate for you to curse yourself like this?"

Just then Xiangxiang suddenly frowned and stopped.

Hyundai Mirror and Suzuki also stopped shortly and asked, "What's wrong?"

Xiang phosphorus turned around and glanced behind him, with a doubt in his face: "I just clearly felt that a chakra was behind me, but it disappeared out of nowhere in an instant!"

Flicking his eyes, Hyuga turned to the phosphorous and opened his eyes.

The scope of Xiang Phosphorus is extremely large. Unless it is the sudden release of the shadow avatar or ninjutsu such as 'space-time ninjutsu', no one can disappear out of nothing in Xiang Phosphor's perception, even the 'transient spell' 'It's hard to do.

After careful observation, there was nothing suspicious in the vision of Hyuga's eyes, so he secretly said, "Who will be following us? Is it soil, Kakashi, or Nagato?"

If the other party used ‘space-time ninjutsu’ to get rid of the sense of incense, the only thing the whole ninja world can do is to take the soil, Kakashi and Nagato.

The “Divine Power” with soil is the most convenient. Once you hide in the “Divine Power” space, any perception and attack will fail.

Kakashi's "Flying Thunder God" and Nagato's "Round of Grave" can also do this, but it is a little more troublesome to operate than "God Prestige".

"It won't be Kakashi. Even if he is worried that our Hidden Squad will be attacked, he will definitely say hello to me, Naruto, before he can follow. It cannot be so reckless ..."

"Nagato is also very unlikely. He will not use the level of pupil technique such as 'round grave prison' to track Wu Yin, a three-man squad who takes the Zhongni exam ..."

"Does it bring soil? But why does he follow us? His current target should be a tail beast. Even if he is looking for it, he should also find the trouble of citrus Yakura!"

Because it is not clear what the citrus Yakura ’s plan is to leave Koba, Hyundai Mirror feels that this Hidden Squad, who participated in the China National Tolerance Exam, should not be caught by the soil.

Suiyue suddenly sank: "Captain, will you ..."

Hyuga looked in the mirror: "Have something to say!"

Shuiyue looked around for a lap vigilantly, whispering, "Will it be that we won more than 100 million in the casino and leaked it out and got caught up?"

Hyuga mirror sneered for a while: "It's only 100 million ..."

However, speaking of half, he looked again, because taking into account the embezzlement of so many public funds in the fog, and the corners also receive bounty tasks day and night, it can be seen that Xiao organization is also very short of funds. I really received the news. I thought that if you could solve a few foggy problems and get one million words, it would not be impossible to kill and rob.

At this point, Hyuga mirror became instantly alert.

Suddenly, a twisted vortex appeared behind the sundial mirror and incense phosphorous, almost at the same time, the soil took out a half-length body from the vortex, grabbed the sundial mirror with one hand, and the phosphorous with one hand. The two pulled together toward the vortex.

Due to the abrupt change ~ ~ Shuiyue on the opposite side had only time to exclaim: "Be careful!"

At the moment when the body felt numb and twisted, Sun Xiangjing instinctively launched the "Thunderbolt Stimulation Method", ready to perform the "Transient Skill" to immediately get rid of the sneak attack with soil.

But just as he was about to get out, Yu Guang in the corner of his eye found that the phosphorous was also dragged into the vortex by the soil, so he didn't hesitate and kicked the phosphorous that was pulled by the soil around him.

And just in such a short time, the numbness instantly eroded his whole body. [] Then a flower bloomed in front of his eyes, and when he returned to God, everything in front of him changed.

"Cut, I didn't expect Shuangshenwei to absorb so fast!"

Looking at the dark and cold in front of him, there was only a different space of stone platforms staggered, and the sundial mirror calmly took a sip of relief ...


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