Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1019: Superposition state

In the ‘Shenwei’ space.




The roar of the explosion, and the loud sound of heavy objects falling to the ground, echoed in the still and alien space.

The sun-mirror on the stone platform was embarrassed. While avoiding the "surprise" of not knowing where and what it would be, he cursed: "Throwing all garbage here, you are sick!"

Through the attack just now, Hyuga confirmed that the ‘sacred power’ with soil was really amazing.

With the help of 'Shenwei', Zhantu could even move a part of his body into the space of 'Shenwei', and it would not cause the body to split as a result.

Theoretically, a part of the body has been moved to another space, and the function of the body should be devastatingly destroyed, but the soil can allow its own body to exist in the space of 'Shenwei' and Ninja at the same time. , But still can maintain normal physiological functions, it is not unbelievable to see with your own eyes.

"Is it some kind of superposition?"

The sundial mirror can't help but have a suspicion that the "Divine Power" space may overlap with the Ninja world to some extent, or there is an intersection between the two areas, so the body clearly appears with soil. Divided, but it looks like a weird scene without division.

Of course, this premise is the pupil assistance of "Shenwei".

Otherwise, it will be like Kakashi ’s “Divine Power” on Didalla in the original space time. Didalla ’s arms are not in an overlapping state, but are directly torn by different spaces.

"Should only be assisted by the‘ Shenwei ’pupil ’s strength, to be able to find the overlapping area of ​​the two spaces in a time and space that is invisible to the naked eye, so that it is in a safe overlapping state ...”

Wow ...

During the secret analysis of the sundial mirror, a large mass of water splashed out from the hypotenuse and drenched him without saying that the water still contained numerous initiating signs that had been ignited.

Rumble ...

Suddenly, a huge explosion engulfed the sundial mirror.


Wolverine's sundial mirror escaping from the exploding smoke and dusted a sip.

This weird means of hiding the detonation symbol in the Minamata Ninjutsu is obviously the skill of Shuiyue who is proficient in the Minamata.

Falling on a relatively spacious stone platform, the sundial mirror continued to analyze.

From the size and frequency of things entering the ‘Shenwei’ space, he can easily determine that the outside soil must be ‘Suzano Noh’.

Otherwise, under normal conditions, it is very difficult to move such a large amount of matter into the space of 'Shenwei' at such a high frequency.

Because of this, he started to feel a little uneasy, because the combat experience of Xiang Phosphorus and I Ai Luo is too much worse than the soil, and although Shui Yue's combat experience is good, but his strength is poor. Many, it is difficult to threaten the land of 'Suzano'.

"You must find a chance to go out!"

After making up his mind, Hyuga's face sank, and he rolled his eyes to look around.

At the moment when the "Shenwei Shuriken" was used to bring the things of Ninja into the space of "Shenwei", the space of "Shenwei" was actually connected with the Ninja.

This can be confirmed by the fact that the sunward mirror can briefly sense the giant reincarnation eye belonging to him in the Ninja Realm.

The only trouble at the moment is that the connection between the "Shenwei" space and the Ninja Realm is too short, not even a second, it is almost fleeting, and it will pass through somewhere in the "Shenwei" space. The sun mirror is also completely unpredictable, so often when he perceives the passage, the passage between the two realms has been closed.

"I have to find, lock, and cross the channel within a second for hope to escape here!"

After confirming this, Hyuga looked dignified.

This is almost the only way for him to escape from the ‘God Prestige’ space by himself. Otherwise, he can only lift the seal on ‘Sword of Bondage’ and pray that Kakashi ’s ‘Flying Thundercraft’ can pass through space.

And at his current speed, even if the 'Thunder Stimulation Method' is applied to the extreme, it is difficult to complete the discovery, locking, and crossing these three steps in one second.


With his eyes fixed, he had a plan.

The "Thunderbolt Stimulus" is obviously not his ultimate speed. If he can turn on the "Thunderbolt Chakra Mode", then his ultimate speed can be improved a lot.

If he encounters the short-distance channel, his extreme speed in the "Lei Chacha mode", coupled with the instantaneous suction of the giant rebirth eye to perform "Rotation Ruyi", is possible in a short time. Complete discovery, lock, and go through these three steps that seem impossible!


In the forbearance world.

Rumble ...

The continuous roar is ten times more lively than in the ‘Shenwei’ space.

Xiang Phosphorus and I Airo did not have much experience, so they did not choose the tactics of flowers and whistles, but took advantage of the short burst of 'type 3 biological armor' in the overload mode, and constantly performed the 'Shen Luo Tian Zheng' hard to shake the soil 'Suzano No Hu'.

And in one round after another, "Shen Luo Tian Zheng", which seems to be invisible, the belt under the protection of "Suzano Nerhu" was lifted up and down, and it fell to the ground.

Undoubtedly, Xiang Phosphorus and I Ai Luo's tactics of choosing no brain to match, hit the soft underbelly with soil.

Because the Sun Mirror is in the ‘Shenwei’ space, the soil cannot be evaded or hid in the ‘Shenwei’ space to evade Xiang ’s ‘Shen Luo Tianzheng’.

And because of the purple electricity ‘Thousand Birds’ that was hit by Hikari Kasuga, he could n’t take any advantage in the consumption, and the kaleidoscope's pupil strength was quickly consumed.

Not long after, the ten-minute overload mode of 'Type III biological armor' was over.

Almost at the same time as the 'Type III Biological Armor' ended the overload mode, the majestic power of the previous one, like the heavenly incense, immediately smashed and fell to the ground.

The same embarrassed band of soil, breathing heavily, while climbing from the ground.

His "Suo Luo Tian Zheng" who had been smashed by the phosphorous for seven or eight minutes had no longer had the momentum, the armor had disappeared, and the texture of the muscles was gone, leaving only an empty shelf. Skull.

"You're the first idiot I've ever seen. I'm tired of laying myself down, uh, no ~ ~ Before you, there was a idiot who was tired of myself! "

With a chuckle, he walked toward Xiang Phosphorus with a sloppy figure: "I dealt with you first, I'll deal with that **** unicorn!"

Speaking of this, he brought the skull-shaped ‘Suzano No Hu’ with a punch and slammed it into the ground, almost losing his ability to move.

The incense phosphorus that fell to the ground at this time was distant toward the right hand extended out of the soil, and was preparing to use the Earth Explosion Star for the first time at the cost of vitality. Suddenly, a large amount of sand rose from the ground, blocking the The fist swooped under the soil "Suzano Nobuyuki".


With soil, phosphorous and even I love Luo three people were surprised at the same time ...


The second one is offered, it is a new week right now, the list is updated, and I beg you to recommend tickets, please do your best, please do n’t hesitate. In addition, I thank the students who gave a prize today, thank you!

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