Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1020: Why does sand protect me

At this moment, time seemed to freeze all at once, and there was only the sound of ‘窸 窸窣 窣’ when the sparse sand particles fell a little bit from the air.

"Is it magnetic?"

"Suzuka No Hu", surprised with a look of soil.

He never expected that the man and woman in front of him could perform the mysterious mist of ‘Shen Luo Tian Zheng’, and even possessed an inexplicable ability to control the sand.

The phosphorus, which was preparing to forcibly try to launch the `` Earth Explosion Star '', also stunned, and then a surprise came to her, and said to Ariel in the bottom of her heart, "You can control the sand now?"

"I don't know!"

I love Luo's surprise at the moment, no less than with soil and phosphorous.

For a long time, he thought that his ability to control the sand originated from a tail guarding the crane, because the crane guard was in his body, so the sands would protect him autonomously.

For this reason, he never tried to manipulate sand during his stay in the 'Type III biological armor'.

Because in his view, Shouhe was still sealed in his body, and his spirit body was cut off from Shouhe temporarily after leaving the body, so he should also lose the ability to control sand.

"Don't you protect my sand from small to large, not because of Shouhe? Why would the sand protect me?"

A doubt came quietly into my heart.

With soil at this moment, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he chuckled: "Hey, I'm really curious about who you are now. There are so many strange abilities. There should be no such thing as you in the fog! It doesn't matter, anyway, I will know your details soon! "

After a brief astonishment, the belt again spurred ‘Suzano Nenju’.

Soon, the cyan skull-shaped ‘Suzano Nerhu’ raised his fist again and slammed into the phosphorous lying on the ground.

In Zhuangtu's eyes, although the opponent's ability to control the sand is a bit weird, in the presence of his ‘Suzano ', some sand is nothing at all.

At this time, Ai Luo also suppressed his complicated thoughts, and recalled the way in which Hyuga mirror instructed him to use sand to deal with ‘suzano ', and tried to turn his thoughts.


As I loved Luo's thoughts, large strands of sand, like waves, quickly pressed against the ground into the 'suzano' with soil, and then immediately wrapped around the right leg with soil and yanked him Out of 'Suzano no Hu'.


Unsuspectingly, with a look of mischief on his face, he was pulled out of "Suzano Nenju".


With a whistling sound, the band of soil pulled by the sand drew an arc in the air, and then, like a whip, was hit **** the ground by the sand.

And almost at the same time, the fist with the ‘Suzano Nobu’ ’raised fist also fell violently, breaking through the sand ’s defense instantly and smashing into the phosphorous under the sand shield.


The roar rang, causing a burst of smoke!

With this heavy blow, he fell into a dizzy turn with soil.

The previous attack on Nikko Mirror with a purple electric 'Chidori' attacked his injuries, which has severely weakened his combat power, and the confrontation with Xiang phosphorus 'Shen Luo Tian Zheng' also greatly consumed his kaleidoscope writing wheel Eye pupil strength, was hit like this again at the moment, Rao is his outstanding physique, but also felt a bit overwhelmed.

After struggling to get up from the ground, he looked at the dust in the distance.


At this moment, a gust of wind passed, not only did he take two steps, but also scattered the fumes in the distance.

As the smoke dispersed, he was surprised to find that there was no trace of phosphorous in the sag that was attacked by his own "Suzunenhu", and when he looked away, he noticed that it turned into a ball. Shuiyue of the water was pulling the incense that was unable to move and was fleeing.

"Want to escape ?! Huh, can you escape?"

After a smirk, the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye in the earth's eye socket aimed at Shuiyue and Xiang phosphor in the distance.

far away.

Shuiyue, who was escaping, hurriedly asked Xiang Xiang: "Hey, wasn't it just fine, why couldn't you move suddenly? Was it hurt?"

Originally the situation was their advantage. Xiangxiang even suppressed the soil for a time, but he did not expect that the situation suddenly turned down immediately, Xiangxiang suddenly lost some combat power somehow.

Natural phosphorus can't explain to Shuiyue the advantages just now, it's all because the 'Type III biological armor' has turned on the overload mode.

To know the current phosphorous, because the body has not yet fully developed, it is impossible to maintain the recurrent eyes in the orbit alone. Only with the help of 'type III biological armor', she can move normally.

The overload mode of 'type III bio-armor', although it can make the phosphorus get almost inexhaustible chakra in a short time, once the overload mode ends, not only this effect will disappear, but also 'type III biological armor 'The original function will be lost together.

In short, the end of the overload mode means that this tens of millions of 'type III biological armor' has been completely scrapped.

At this moment, the twisted vortex suddenly appeared on the phosphorous being dragged by Shuiyue, and within a blink of an eye, the phosphorous body began to distort and deform.


After cursing a word, he launched the "Shuiyue" Shuiyue, immediately wrapped the phosphorous with water, and then tore the phosphorous from the twisted vortex.


At this time, the vortex was closed, but a large ball of water was thrown into the 'Divine Power' space.

Covering his eyes, his face turned dark, while panting, he whispered, "Abominable, the exhaustion of pupil power is too great, and even the speed of" Shenwei "is affected!"

If it was in the heyday, it would be too late for Shuiyue to save phosphorous.


In the ‘Shenwei’ space.

After turning her white eyes to the extreme sun-dial mirror, after discovering that a large mass of water suddenly appeared, the sound of ‘唰’ launched the ‘Skill of Transient ~’ and rushed to the area where the mass of water appeared.

"This lot of water contains so many chakras. It is not water produced by ordinary Minamata Ninjutsu. It is the hydration of Shuiyue!" After a pause, Hyuga went on to analyze: "The frequency of the Shenwei's activation suddenly slowed down. This shows that the external battle situation has stabilized, and one side has a clear disadvantage, and this time point will not be the end of the overload mode? "

From the "Swimming Technique", Shuiyue was directly hit by "Shenwei", and the frequency of "Shenwei" was suddenly reduced, etc., so that Hyuga mirror realized that the outside battle might have been divided, and the next time " "Shenwei" probably broke Xiangxiang's body.


At this point, Hyuga no longer hesitated, and drank immediately.

Suddenly, Ying Lei Chakra wrapped the whole body of the sun mirror in a form visible to the naked eye, and the hair deliberately combed by the sun mirror also stood up under the action of the arc, and instantly became the kind of Kakashi. Broom head

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