When I learned that I had been assisted by illusions, I was finally annoyed, and finally overwhelmed by arrogance, and accepted the guidance of two Uchiha kaleidoscopes, Zhishui and Zhenyi.

After learning that Bai was a boy, Naruto with a miserable face also began his fairy practice.

In the practice room of his own home, Ning Ci practiced the breathing method in the scroll again and again, and practiced the ‘Eight Door Armor’ with the breathing method.

Not only Sasuke, Naruto, Ningji, the best of the three contemporaries, but also other contemporaries, have become harder after seeing the village leaders on the China-Ninja test.

In the Muye Hospital, Sakura, Hina, and Shion are silently instructing and formally started the practice of medical ninjutsu.

Xiao Li received Kay's special training, Shikamaru, Ding Ci, and Ino, a new generation of "pig deer butterfly" trio, also under the guidance of the family elders, performing tactical exercises.

Everyone is trying to cultivate and improve in a way that suits them.

The ninjas in other villages in Muye were not idle either. Although the examination for this time was over, the competition between them still existed.

Yunyin's Darui aimed at Yanyin's Didala, while Yanyin's black soil and Sandy's temari played more vigorously, while Yunyin's blonde beauty Samui followed Junmalu.



A bitter wind broke in the howling wind, inserted on the battlefield where the soil and the sun-mirror fought recently, and then a figure flashed to the endless bitterness.

Undoubtedly, this sudden figure is not someone else, it is Kakashi who rushed all the way through the "Flying Thunder God".

The person who saw it was Kakashi, and the captain of the patrol stationed there hurriedly greeted him: "Acting master!"

Kakashi looked around and asked, "Is there anything new?"

The patrol leader shook his head.

Kakashi no longer asked more, but entered the battlefield, and his expression gradually intensified.

While on the road, he had already imagined the situation on the battlefield, but after actually arriving in this battlefield, he found that his previous estimate was still too conservative.

The scale of this battlefield is much larger than he imagined. It does not look like it was caused by a ninja fight, but instead it was caused by a monster such as a tail beast.

Soon, he came to a circular pothole and found swirling traces in the hole, and was startled: "This is it !?"


A cave in the kingdom of fire.

The twisted vortex appeared abruptly, and then, with the soil coming out of the vortex, almost at the same time, he definitely got out of the ground and appeared in the hole.

Looking at the soil, he asked, "With soil, the trace of water shadow was not found. How can we explain to Nagato?"

At this time, with soil suddenly swayed and took a few steps.

Never asked: "What happened to you?"

She covered her eyes and shook her head, then took off her red cloud suit.

As the red cloud suit was taken off with soil, the two three hook jade writing wheels eyes transplanted behind him were immediately revealed, but different from usual, one of the two writing wheels eyes closed.

"This !?" hesitated and asked in a hurry: "You used 'Izanagi' again?"

The one who can consume a three-hook jade to write the chakras is obviously the only banned 'Ixanaqi', so when you see the tightly closed chakras behind the belt soil, you must guess that it has been used 'Izanagi'.

He slowly nodded a little bit with the soil: "Well, I almost died in the hands of God's organization before!"

Some doubts: "But you just now"

With soil interrupted: "I can't let Nagato think that I have lost control of the situation!"

"It turned out that you just said it to the corners just now!" After a pause, he asked curiously, "How strong is that unicorn and phosphorous? Can it force you to use" Ixanaqi "?"

It would not be a surprise if these famous masters, such as 'Flame Demon', 'Wind Bells', and 'Zizang' in the God's organization, have all been recorded as 'killing' the soil.

But before this Zhong Ren exam, Kirin and Xianglin, who had no fame at all, had such strength, so he had to be surprised. After all, the master was not planted from the ground, and it was impossible to change in a vacuum. come out.

With soil regaining pupil strength, he calmly said, "That unicorn should be a member of the God organization representing Lei Yue, and its strength is even above the four generations of Lei Ying!"

After confronting each other for so long, the personnel of the God Organization has been researched countless times, so once the identity of the members of the Kirin God Organization is determined, he acutely judges that Kirin is most likely a member of the God Organization of Thunder God. .

Jue said, "Kirin originally represented Lei Yan, and the members of the God Organization did not show up, so only the one representing Yang Yin was left?"

With his eyes fixed, "The phosphorous phosphorus is the one representing the impotence in the divine organization!"


It was a shock, because according to the information he had previously explored, Kirin's performance on the Zhong Ren test was very dazzling, enough to be worthy of being a member of the God Organization, but Xiang Phosphora had performed mediocrely, not even advanced The third exam.

Belt soil said: "I suspect that incense has reincarnation eyes!"

She changed her previous attitude and suddenly said in a somber tone, "This is impossible!"

Slightly surprised at the sudden change of attitude.

He immediately changed back to the way he was before, and shook his head: "I mean it's not possible. It took decades to get the reincarnation eyes. There won't be a second pair in Ninja. Reincarnation eyes exist! "

Belt soil said: "I thought so before, but do n’t forget that God ’s organization has taken away Uchiha Fuyue ’s kaleidoscope from writing chakras. If they know the secret of eternal kaleidoscope writing chakras and even reincarnation eyes, they are like spots It would not be impossible to awaken a pair of recurrent eyes like that. "

She still shook her head: "No ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The spot is special!"

With a sneer at the soil: "Is the big tube on the moon not special? The reason I suspected that Phosphorus has reincarnation eyes is because she can perform 'Shen Luo Tian Zheng'! And my pupil strength is consumed by the opponent's 'Shen Luo Tian Zheng' If it's not the case, Kirin can't escape my "Shenwei" space! "



"The other party is stronger than we expected!" After sighing, Bandi continued, "We're afraid to start preparing for the alternative you mentioned earlier."

She bowed her head, hid her face in the shadows, and muttered to herself, "How did this happen?"

Otsuchi said: "Accept the reality, there is a loophole in Bian's plan. He even ignored the big tube family on the moon. Such a mistake is too fatal!"

The third one is offered. Thank you again for being the sixth leader of this book!


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