Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1033: Runaway instrumental man

No one knows better than that. For hundreds of years, the descendants of Datong Muyu Village on the moon have not done anything to interfere with the Ninja world, even after the theft of the "outer golem" on the moon They didn't do much.

Therefore, neither he nor Uchiha spotted the big trees on the moon as a threat.

However, I did not think that in the past ten years, the big wooden trees on the moon suddenly became active. Not only did they actively participate in things in the Ninja world, they even formed an organization called "God".

"It was indeed our fault!"

After a long time, he sighed.

Daito said: "We should stop Nagato's adventure!"

"Nagato is very determined this time, I'm afraid we can't convince him." He paused and said, "And you know the strength of Nagato now, too much stronger than we expected. If we let him participate in the backup plan Once the plan is successful, we will have no means to restrain him in the future. "

From the beginning to the end, Nagato was just a 'tool man' who was selected by Uchiha Spot to warm up the reincarnation eye in the eyes of Dodo and Jue.

It was only under the pressure of God ’s organization that they had to open the first-generation cell transplantation technology of Uchiha Spot to Nagato in order to enhance the fighting power of Xiao organization.

It was thought that after the first generation of cells were transplanted, Nagato would at most restore the vitality of the previous overdraft and get rid of the disabled state.

But no one thought that Nagato had deeply integrated the primary cells and completed a physical transformation with the help of reincarnation eyes and the help of his whirlpool family.

This has to be said that in the selection of Wenyang reincarnation, the spotlight is very unique.

To this day, there are not many means of restricting Nagato with soil and energy, and Nagato is always alert to the two of them. They do not even have the opportunity to attack. So if you continue to strengthen Nagato's strength, then Even if they can finally defeat the enemy **** organization, their plan of "Eye of the Moon" will be declared bankruptcy.

After all, the goal of Nagato to collect the tail beasts to resurrect the ten tails is only to complete Yahiko ’s will and suppress the entire Ninja world with one person ’s strength, so that the Ninja world will have a long-lost peace in fear of him, not the Eye of the Moon plan .

With soil squinting his eyes: "Do you want to take advantage of this opportunity to solve the Nagato, the God Organization and the five big Ninja villages at once?"

He nodded his head and said solemnly, "It is possible with Nagato's current strength. I'm just sitting beside him now, and I can feel a tremendous pressure!"

Different from the soil that has never seen the six roads, it is definitely true that he has seen the six roads, and even a stronger 'blood following snare', so he knows that Nagato is turning the five people into a new 'Pain six roads. 'After getting the two-tailed, four-tailed, five-tailed, six-tailed, and eight-tailed chakras in one fell swoop, the strength is infinitely close to the sixth level.

If you can give Nagato ten or even five years to concentrate on cultivation, you will definitely feel that Nagato may even break through the threshold of six levels and complete the achievements that were not achieved between Uchiha and Thousand Hands.

Because Nagato can be said to be a ninja who has inherited the legacy of Uchiha-ban and Sentetsu, and is a strong man standing on the shoulders of the strong.

In the absolute view, although the leader of the God Organization, the Datong Mushe, is the first strong ninja who can consolidate the ‘Qiu Dao Yu’, but the other party ’s hard power has obviously not yet reached the full sixth level.

If this is not the case, the previous several confrontations, it is unlikely that Xiao will retreat successfully.

So now it is infinitely close to the six-level Nagato, and it definitely has the strength to shake the big tube Musheren. Even if it is not defeated, it can at least lose both.

Nodded with soil: "Well, just do it!"

Although this plan has many risks, the reward is indeed the greatest, and because he knows that Hei Ju is the product of Uchiha's will, he only thinks that he is planning all of Uchiha's resurrection. No other doubts arise.

After all, if you want to resurrect Uchiha, Nagato has become a big trouble that can't be avoided, because now neither he nor he has the strength to force Nagato to perform ‘reincarnation’ to resurrect Uchiha ’s spots.

After reaching a consensus, the two quickly left the cave and returned to the secret base in the country of grass.

After refilling a three-hook jade writing wheel eye in the base and transplanting it to the back, he took the soil to find the long gate.

Looking at the belt, Nagato asked indifferently: "You failed again?"

With the soil explained, "The God Organization has laid a trap for the remaining few human pillars. It is difficult to capture those human pillars before it destroys the God Organization and the Five Great Ninja Villages."

Nagato gave a cold glance at the soil: "I'm not interested in hearing your explanation!"

With a soiled complexion.

If it was said that he and Nagato had an equal cooperative relationship before, as the strength of Nagato became stronger and stronger, the equality between them also began to tilt slowly.

To this day, Nagato's attitude towards him is almost the same as that of his subordinates.

This is also the reason why with the soil before the sun and the mirror, Xiang phosphorus defeated in the First World War, they must pretend to be strong in the corner of the Nagato Department, in front of the two flying segments, because if the identity of the partner is completely reduced to the subordinate Identity, his influence on Xiao organization will be greatly reduced. By then, his years of hard work may become a wedding dress for others.

Suppressing the anger, Belti said, "Although I didn't catch the water shadow this time, I got an unexpected harvest!"

Xiao Nan, who stood beside Nagato, asked, "What's the gain?"

Belt soil said: "I found that there are also reincarnation eyes in the God organization!"


Xiao Nan frowned and was taken aback.

Nagato's indifferent face also waved: "Can you be sure?"

She shook her head with soil: "The other party wears a special mask ~ ~ I can't confirm her eyes, but she can perform the technique of" Shen Luo Tian Zheng "is not fake!"

Xiao Nan was uneasy: "How can this be?"

Nagato asked, "How about the strength of the other party?"

She didn't hide it, she said frankly: "It's not too strong. In the process of dealing with me, I have only performed 'Shen Luo Tian Zheng', and have not used other reincarnation. Oh, yes, she also has a weird Sand control ability! "

Xiao Nan quickly said, "Nagato, is this operation to be suspended for a while, and then wait until the strength of the other party is clear?"

Nagato's face was absolutely decisive: "Even if he has reincarnation, it should be just recently that he has not fully grasped the power of reincarnation, so our decisive battle must not be postponed, but it must be advanced!"

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