Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1034: Target daimyo

"in advance!?"

Xiao Nan's instinct was against it.

Nagato stopped Xiao Nan and explained seriously: "Although I am getting stronger, the other party is also getting stronger. Continued delay will only bring greater damage to the Ninja community!"

Xiao Nan said, "But"

Nagato shook his head: "I want to bring peace to Ninja in my way, not to destroy Ninja. If the end result is failure, I will accept it."

The rapid improvement of his own strength made Nagato suddenly realize that if this kind of combat readiness contest is allowed to continue, then whether the Xiao organization wins or the God organization wins, it will only bring destruction to Ninja.

This is contrary to Yahiko ’s expectations.

Xiao Nan took away the worry on her face and showed a smile: "I will stay with you whether it is success or failure."

Nagato said: "Rest assured, I can't be beaten now, even if it is a big tube man, I have no fear, I will personally fulfill our three childhood wishes!"

Having said that, Nagato turned his head and instructed the belted soil on the side, "Go ahead and prepare!"


A band of soil should be heard, and the face under the vortex mask is full of gloom.

After leaving Nagato's room, Daito and Jue met again.

As soon as he saw the soil, he said, "Your analysis is correct. We have lost control of the Nagato. The guy now completely treats me as a subordinate. My opinion has not been taken seriously by him."

"It's not all bad," said Laughter. "At least their defense against us will be much reduced."

Nagato has always been on the lookout, which is why he is anxious to get rid of Nagato. For him, the best ten-tailed person is not Nagato, nor soil, but he will fully trust his Uchiha spot .


He grunted displeasedly.

Never continued to entangle this topic and instead said: "I have started the backup solution according to your instructions, but currently the five tail beasts and the" Ghost Golem "are in the hands of Nagato. Our backup solution Whether it succeeds or not depends on the final result of this decisive battle between Nagato and God! "

He took a moment to think about it and said, "I always think that Nagato's odds are not high, so we must help him weaken the strength of the God Organization and the five big forbearance villages."

Never asked: "What do you want me to do?"

With a glance at the soil: "I want to know the whereabouts of the five big names right away!"

He smiled: "Do you want to face a big name opponent?"

Head gently with soil.

The five big nations and the five big ninja villages are actually interdependent relationships. If you have to define this relationship, the big names of the big countries can simply be regarded as the gold masters of that country.

Such a wealthy forbearing village, such as Muye Village, has good financial conditions and can receive many entrusted tasks, so the restriction of the name of the country of fire on Muye is very small. Only when Muye suffers severe damage and falls into a financial crisis, the fire Only the name of the country can point to the leaves.

Tuanzang was able to come to the fore just because the then wooden leaves urgently needed the name of the country of fire to provide funds to rebuild the village destroyed by Nagato, and Tuanzang received the support of the daimyo. Voting is still up as the acting Naruto.

Compared to the rich wood leaves, several other forbearing villages are much more dependent on their respective names.

In particular, Sha Yin, in addition to the four generations of Feng Ying's own Sands sideline business, more than half of the village's financial expenditures need to be provided by the name of the country, so the name of the country has a great influence on sand.

Zuri is aiming at this, and attacked the names of the nations before the decisive battle between Nagato and the God Organization.

He did not have to kill the names of other countries, but made a situation that threatened the names of other countries, so that the five big ninja villages had to disperse their forces to protect the names of countries.

Immediately afterwards, Bandi asked again, "How many avatars can you activate at the moment?"

Hesitated for a moment and said, "It's only 10,000 now. If you give me another two or three years, I can make more than 100,000 copies!"

"Ten thousand is enough!" After a pause, he took the soil and instructed: "Activate immediately, go from the ground to the sea and land, and I will launch a comprehensive attack on Wuyin!"

With a look of doubt, "Can this force Shuiying to show up?"

With a smile on the soil, "I don't believe he will sit and watch the fog disappear!"


Inside the air fortress.

For a whole week, Sun Mirror was repeating experiments on cell fusion. Countless failures did not destroy his confidence. He continued to summarize in the failure and gradually got his ideas.


At this time, the door of the laboratory was pushed open, and a shadow of Hyuga came in.

After putting the ninja bag around the waist on the table, the shadow avatar didn't hesitate, and the sound of "嘭" immediately turned into a white smoke and disappeared.

The deities of Hyuga, in the past, picked up the ninja pouch and poured out a pile of storage scrolls from it.

Because of the continuous failure, the medicinal materials and test equipment stored in the laboratory were quickly consumed. In order to ensure the normal operation of the cell fusion test, he had to send a shadow to buy new medicinal materials and equipment.

In addition, because of new discoveries in the experiment, he purchased some instruments that were not in the laboratory before.

After carefully taking out the medicines, equipment and several new instruments purchased from the storage scroll one by one, he immediately started another round of cell fusion with the help of the new instruments.

Unlike the biological armor that can be assisted by seals before, the cloning of impotence clones is more difficult than any previous clone. This difficulty is not only reflected in all aspects of fusion, but also in the cultivation after fusion. Mid-term.

In fact ~ ~ In this week's experiment, the sundial lens was not the embryo body that had completed cell fusion without harvesting.

However, these embryoid bodies were without exception, all of which grew saplings in the subsequent incubator, so that the embryonic bodies that Hyundai Mirror had spent countless hard work eventually turned into a pile of saplings in the garbage room.

Needless to say, the 'wood cricket' that comes with the first generation cells has brought great trouble to the cell fusion and embryonic body development of the sun lens. I do n’t know when the good embryonic body will become a delicate green plant.


Just then, there was a roar outside the laboratory.

Hyundai Mirror opened the door and put the crow in, then took off the communication scroll on the crow's leg, unfolded it, and immediately looked gloomy, and yelled, "Xiao organization is staring at Daimyo, what are they doing? The Fourth Ninja War? "

The second is more, I'm sorry for being late! Thanks to the students who gave a prize yesterday, thank you! In addition, today is Monday, the list is updated, I beg you to recommend tickets, please help me!


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