Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1041: Hidden War

On the battlefield.

"Water Margin, bursting water!"

Accompanied by a loud bang, the ghost limped on a huge wave and hit the fourth-generation Shuiying Citrus Orange Yakura.

Seeing that the big waves came towards the Wuyin Ninja Army, the citrus Yakura immediately withdrew from the tail beast, and his body flew to the front of the Wuyin Ninja Army. He drank with his hands and yelled, "Water Margin, Water Front! "

Suddenly, a huge wall of water, hundreds of meters wide, stood up like a city wall, guarding the front of Wuyin Army.


The water waves collided with the water wall, and a roar broke out!

The turbulent water was vented around like a dyke, and in just a blink of an eye, the entire battlefield turned into a sparkling lake, and half an inch of land could no longer be found.

At this time, Ji Shizang waved his beheaded sword through the mist, came through the water, and slashed into the citrus Yakura.

At the same time, the lotus in the potential water jumped out of the water and yelled at the citrus Yakura with his back facing him: "Ten fingers through the bullet!"

Uh ...

In the shriek, ten inconspicuous bone bullets shot fiercely at the back of Citrus Yakura.

Seeing that they were attacking themselves by members of the genuine Xiao organization, not Bai Jue's clone, Tangerine Yakura did not dare to neglect, and immediately entered the state of tail beastization. While raising his arms, he used the tail beast coat to fight against Shizang. Slash, while swiping with Chakra's tail, dissolving the bone bombs that were fired at him from behind.

Found that the citrus Yakura was besieged by four members of the fog team, Zhao Meiming and Qing ambushing in the dark could no longer hold back, and immediately appeared in shape and flung up.

In a blink of an eye, the four members of the fog team and the citrus Yakura, according to Meiming, the young three became a team.

Among them, the red-eyed cricket was entangled with a white-eyed blue. 枇杷 Shizang and Lotus teamed up to face Zhao Meiming. They wanted to quickly resolve this obstructing water shadow guard, and then worked together to deal with water shadow.

The most difficult water shadow, for the time being, was handed over to the ghosts who had physical skills, ninjutsu, and sword skills.

The mist team originally planned to quickly solve the two guards of Shuiying, and then joined forces with the four to deal with the four generations of Shuiying. However, they found that both of Shuiying's two guards were surprisingly difficult.

Qing was tolerated by the old elite in the village, and he never thought that he could beat Qing alone.

But Shizang and Lotus teamed up together and thought that they could quickly resolve Zhao Meiming, but they never thought that not only failed, but they were also suppressed by Zhao Meiming alone.

I glanced at my colleagues who were struggling not far away, and smiled indifferently, then turned around and said to the citrus Yakura: "Four generations, I have long wanted to be alone!"

The citrus Yakura's gaze fell on the double-knife in the ghost's hand, and said coldly: "Huh, I just can recover a ninja knife for the village today!"

Ghostly smiled: "I heard that the diaphragm is still in the village. Maybe I got another ninja today. Maybe!"

The tangerine Yacang in the beastization no longer talks nonsense, and directly opens up a tail beast jade.

Looking at the continually condensed tail beast jade in the mouth of citrus yakura, the ghost owl immediately pulled away the smile on his face, and then drank Chakra quickly to seal the whole body, and said, "Water Margin, the Big Shot ! "

At the same time, the citrus Yakura also completed the cohesion of the tail beast jade and shot the tail beast jade violently.

The giant shark changed from the "Big Shot" technique broke out of the water and struck the citrus Yakura in the water of the sky, and the tail beast jade shot from the mouth of the citrus Yakura also shot with a howl Ghostly.


The two sides collided together, and a huge boom broke out!

On the one side, a ghost who is known as the ‘tailless beast’ is doing his best to perform the trick ‘Big Shot’, and on the other side is the Taoist jade cast by the citrus Yakura, which is the perfect pillar.

Both are extremely powerful tricks. Among them, the sneaky 'Big Shot' has the characteristics of chakras that absorb the opponent's ninjutsu. The tail beast jade is not only an aggregate of chakras, but also the shape of chakras. To the extreme, the fourth generation of Naruto's "spiral pill" was developed by learning from the tail beast jade.

Therefore, the sneaky 'big shot projectile' can't completely absorb the jade's tail beast jade, and the citrus' Yakura tail beast jade's power has been absorbed by the 'big shot shell', and also Powerless to break through the blockade of the "Big Shot" and eventually offset each other.

Although the two have cancelled each other out, the impact has not disappeared.

In the deafening roar, Qi waves carried the water waves sweeping around, and all the other members of the Mist Squad and Zhao Meiming, Qing and other misty ninjas who were fighting not far away took off.

With the shock wave venting to the surroundings, the water surface receded, and wet ground was exposed in the field.

Standing in the slippery muddy ground, citrus Yakura and dried persimmon ghosts stood facing each other, panting at the same time.

At this time, the mandarin orange Yakura found that the ghost who was originally in the village was not eye-catching, and the guy who was suppressed by the watermelon mountain puffer fish everywhere was so strong that he could hardly connect to a tail beast jade in the state of tail beastization. .

As a result, he shook his head with regret: "Sneaky, you should not defect!"

Ghostly sneer: "In that night, it is either assassinated by a companion or the village where the companion must be assassinated. Isn't defection the only relief other than death?"

The citrus Yakura look darkened: "Hey, my rebellion has my responsibility, but as a water shadow, I will not be soft-hearted to these rebellions!"

Ghostly smiled: "Four generations, but no dominant!"

The tangerine Yakura frowned: "Even if it is called 'tailless tail beast', compared with me who is a real human pillar force, there is no chance of winning!"

"Is it..."

Sneaky faces show off.

As soon as the ghost's voice fell, white spores burst out from the body of Citrus Yakura, all of a sudden covering the thin body of Citrus Yakura.

Just a few breaths ~ ~ The tail beast coat of citrus Yakura was absorbed by these spores and passively withdrew from the tail beastly state.

Feeling that Chakra was being drawn quickly, Kazuki Yakura exclaimed: "This ... what are we doing ?!"

The sneaky Chacha who was being replenished with spores smiled.

At the same time, after discovering the battle situation here in the distant zone, the whole person flew towards the citrus Yakura.

Along the way, many misty ninjas realized the intention of carrying soil, and rushed forward without fear of death, trying to stop the soil, and earning time for the spores of citrus Yakura.

But these misty ninjas have few enemies in the hands of the soil, let alone stop the soil, even the slow soil can not be done. As the soil came along, it left only a whole road Incomplete corpse ...


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