Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1042: Come from the fog!

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After pinching off the neck of the last Hidden Ninja who flung up, he took the soil and tossed the body to his side.

Suddenly appearing, like a ghost, he showed a terrible and irresistible power as soon as he shot it, and he easily killed dozens of misty ninjas who tried to stop him in a while. There was a body of corpses behind him!

"He ... is he a devil ?!"


"There is no chance of winning, I don't want to die for nothing!"

The remaining foggy ninjas nearby did not have the guts that they were not afraid of death. When they found that they were not the opponent of the other party, even consumed the other party and could not delay the other party, the fear in their hearts controlled their bodies , Making them stand in trembling one by one.

The retreat happened in an instant!

One pass was ten, the other was ten, and the whole front soon became turbulent.

The first to flee were only those who faced the misty ninjas facing the soil. They were completely frightened by the tragic death of their colleagues. Coupled with the blood mist policy of many years before Wuyin, their sense of belonging to the village has been in a trough. , So when faced with a strong enemy that can't be resisted, the desire to survive surpasses everything.

As the panic spread, some of the misty ninjas who didn't know what was happening also began to flee subconsciously.

Seeing that the entire misty front was turbulent, with footsteps in the soil, the corners of the mouth under the vortex mask rose slightly.

After years of confrontation and sharpening with God's organization, he has reached a very high level of accomplishment, whether it is physical, pupil or ninjutsu.

Before, those foggy ninjas who had good strength and averagely achieved the strength of Zhong Ni, many of them couldn't resist even one move.

Looking at the distant soil from the distance, the tangerine Yakura, temporarily trapped by the spore technique, was shocked and angry.

Especially with the unparalleled fierce momentum of the soil, he had been controlled by the soil for a long time, instinctively felt a deep fear, even a trace of fear!

In just a few breaths, the soil took over a large battlefield and came to the front of the citrus Yakura: "Your destiny is doomed, resistance is meaningless!"

"You **** bastard!"

The new hatred and the old hatred together made the emotion of the citrus Yakura out of control instantly, and a huge amount of tail beast Chakra was immediately released from his body.

However, the white spores that entangled him did not fade away. On the contrary, as the tail beast Chakra swelled, the white spores also swelled and accelerated to absorb Chakra.

"Be my own pawn!"

Looking scornfully at the citrus Yakura who tried to break free of the spore technique, the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye under the vortex mask shone with a strange glory.

Suddenly, a twisted vortex appeared on the mandarin orange Yakura.

Feeling the peeling feeling from his body, the citrus Yakura was suddenly shocked, and the struggle became more and more fierce, and the tail beast Chakra also swelled at a speed visible to the naked eye.


Seeing that the citrus Yakura was in danger, Zhao Meiming, who was shocked by the shock wave just now, was also shocked, and immediately rushed to make a siege for the citrus Yakura, but at this time, She Shizang and Lotus stopped her left and right.

枇杷 Shizang said lightly: "Give up!"

Zhao Meiming gritted her teeth: "You are all misty sinners!"

The Qing encounter on the other side is also the same. She was entangled by strangulation and could not quickly approach the distressed citrus Yakura.

Uh ...

Just then, a bitter wind came, nailed to the ground at the foot of citrus Yakura. Immediately afterwards, a figure flashed and fell to endless suffering.

This person was not a bystander, but Kakashi, who had received news to come to his support.

After flashing over, Kakashi didn't pause for a moment, immediately reached out and grabbed the citrus Yakura, and once again performed the `` Flying Thunder God '' to escape from the place, helping the citrus Yakura to get rid of the `` Shenwei '' with soil.

"Kakashi ..."

Seeing that it was Kakashi who rescued the citrus Yakura, the soil was slightly unexpected.

Kakashi's side immediately cast a purple electricity 'Thousand Birds' and hit the spores that bound the citrus Yakura.

Uh ...

Under the electric shock of the purple electricity ‘Thousand Birds’, a group of spores surrounding the citrus Yakura quickly fell off, and then quietly sneaked into the ground and disappeared without a trace.

"Whew ..."

The out of sleep citrus Yakura immediately squatted down on the ground, breathing heavily.

Kakashi hurriedly asked, "Master Water Shadow, are you okay?"

Citrus Yakura said embarrassedly, "It's my intention!"

Just to break away from the shackles of the Spore Art, he not only broke his chakra, but also the three-tailed chakra in his body.

I thought that so many chakras were enough to prop up those spores and break free.

However, I never thought that not only could not break free of the shackles, but the entire body of Chakra was absorbed by the spores, which led to the loss of sleep at the moment, but the whole body was weak and the fighting power was almost lost.

Uh ...

At this time, Zhao Meiming, Qing, and the dozen or so misty ninjas scattered all around gathered together to show up and stayed beside the citrus Yakura.

However, at this moment, the entire front has collapsed, and other misty ninjas on the battlefield have fled. At a glance, on the huge battlefield, there are only a dozen citrus Yakura, Kakashi, Zhaomeiming, Qing, and a dozen around them. Mist Hidden Ninja.

Looking at the thousands around, densely packed, white cascades of avatars, and blurred soil, carrying a beheaded sword, 枇杷 十 藏, carrying a double-knife-like dried persimmon ghost 鲛, etc. Standing or squatting, the members of the Xiao organization with a sullen face, Kakashi's solemn expression.

At this moment, they are already under siege, and the Wuyin Ninja Army has just collapsed, but the reinforcements of the other four Ninja Villages are in the foreseeable future. Even with the 'Flying Thundercraft', Kakashi has no ability to rescue all the besieged. Misty Ninja.

Zhao Meiming, who was very clear about her situation, resolutely said, "Kakashi, I and other people dragged Xiao organization, and you will bring Master Shuiying to break through!"

Qing nodded, and echoed: "If you only bring Master Shuiying ~ ~, maybe you can break out!"

Tangerine Yakura said: "I am Shuiying, how can I leave you and run away?"

Other misty ninjas have persuaded: "Master Water Shadow, you can live to avenge us!"

Kakashi said quietly: "Sir shadow, you must not fall into the hands of Xiao organization, this is related to the security of the entire Ninja community!"

Listening to the conversation of several people in the encirclement, with a sneer sneer: "Kakashi, you can't change anything!"

Kakashi turned her head to look at the soil, and her expression was extremely complicated.

At this moment, there was a sudden noise in the distance, and everyone looked around, and saw a figure walking slowly from the fog, and all the white avatars who rushed to that figure were another fat shadow Cut in half ...


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