Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1053: Obstruct the way!

Rumble ...

The continuous sound of explosions in the distance and the trembling ground beneath his feet all told Sasuke that at this moment, a companion had begun to confront the enemy.

Sasao's excitement, excitement, and a trace of confusion hidden in her heart made Sasuke restless.

At this moment, a turbulent chakra rushed from the distance towards Sasuke, even if Sasuke was not a perceptive ninja, he could easily detect the menacing opponent because the opponent did not have The slightest intention to conceal his own intentions, not only did not converge Chakra, and even hit the trees and the grass without evading, it was running all the way, leaving smoke and smoke all the way!

"Are you coming ..."

Wu Zuosuke's three-hook jade writing round eyes quickly changed into the pattern of a six-pointed star in the spinning circle, and then he took a bitterness from the ninja bag around his waist and walked in front of him.

Staring at the smoke rising in the distance, the corner of his mouth grinned slightly: "No matter who you are, it is your biggest mistake to find me! God or organization, Xiao organization, I will let you guys understand, and Uchiha What a stupid thing to be an enemy! "

In agitated mood, he had forgotten the instructions that Zhishui had just given, and was only thinking of how to prove himself, without any intention of meeting the separated companions first.

He was just a few breaths of effort. The distant and close figure flew into several trees and then came to Sasuke with the sound of rumbling.

After seeing those who came, Sasuke's gaze was fixed.

Although the other party is wearing the red cloud suit of Xiao organization's sign, but his appearance is a person whom Sasuke knew, his frown slightly raised: "Hey, aren't you Yun Yin's eight-tailed person? How did you join Xiao organization?"

拉 Kirabi, who was made into the "Hungry Ghost Road," has long lost his sense of autonomy. Under the control of Nagato, he has no nonsense, and rushed to Sasuke aggressively.

I was watching the strange black sticks Sasuke inlaid on Kiraby's face, and said with regret, "Since you betrayed Yun Yin, I can only kill you as rebellious!"

Say, Sasuke greeted ...

another side.

The two figures shuttled through the forest like ghosts, and the action was fast. They even dragged two long afterimages during the day, which was dazzling.

And the figure in this confrontation is not someone else, it is the water stop and the six-tailed person Li Yugao who has been made into the "human path".

Have the water-stopping name of ‘Instant Name’, the speed is unquestionable, and the feathered height of the tailed beast is also the fastest one among the few people who have been made into ‘Pain Six Road’.

I wondered, there was this scene.

残 The two afterimages constantly shuttle through the forest, sometimes colliding, sometimes chasing. Whenever the body is staggered, there will be a sharp sound of metal clashes, accompanied by flying sparks!

Uh ...

Xu again confronted, stopping the water while the body was shaking, and pulled away from Yu Gao.

Like Sasuke, he was quite surprised when it was discovered that the attacker was Hidaka's six-tailed person, Li Li Gao, but when he noticed the black sticks on Yu Gao's face, he immediately guessed Yu Gao's encounter, so No more talking.

At this moment, he glanced at the bitterness in his hand with the light in the corner of his eye, and his expression frowned slightly.

那 The bitter forged stainless steel in his hand is rusty at the moment. Not only that, the traces of corrosion seem to be spreading out, and the sound of '噗嗤 噗嗤' cavitation is made.

I discarded the bitterness in my hand, and Zhishui realized that the tailed animal was the counterpart. The claws were not only as hard and sharp as the metal, but also the tailed animal coat was extremely corrosive.

糟 "Well, Sasuke would be in danger if all the pillar forces captured by the Xiao organization were made into Penn Six!"

At this point, Zhishui suddenly lost the entanglement with Yu Gao.

In Sasuke, Shuizui was made into the Hungry Ghost Road, Hachio Pilicchi Kirabi, and the six-tailed Man Toriko, which was made into the Human Path, was made into Hell Road. 'The four-tailed man Lili Zi and the five-tailed man Lilihan who was made into' Xiu Luo Road 'found Bai and Jun Malu respectively.

the other side.

I was made into the ‘beast ’s way’ and the two-tailed person ’s pillar power was quickly printed by the wooden people, and the tone of the air was drunk: “psychicism!”

Uh ...

Uh ...

Uh ...

Instantly, a few white smoke swelled around.

After waiting for the white smoke to dissipate, Dedara appeared in front of a huge chameleon, a three **** dog, a strange bird with a sharp beak, and three giant cormorants coiled around.

Soon after, the wooden man stepped on the chameleon's tongue, entered the chameleon's mouth, then disappeared and disappeared into Didala's vision.

Surrounded by a large number of psychic beasts in the middle, Didala smiled: "You, the time to witness art is here! Hmm!"

符 The detonation runes in the air.

Nian Nagato looked indifferently from below to the exploding forest from time to time.

The special type Bai Jue said: "Yu Gao's speed is the fastest, and it is the most secure for him to entangle the male 'Yan Mo'. Han is a physical ninja, and the speed is not slow. He should be able to entangle the 'wind chimes' in a short time. It is most suitable that Chakras used by the wooden psychic beasts to consume 'Zizang', even if 'Zizang' performs 'Dust', it will not cause us substantial loss ... "

Xiao Xiaonan nodded slightly, and asked, "What about the other two?"

Bai Jue explained: "The female 'Yan Mo' and the weakest 'Chuanzhu' are our breakthrough points. It should not be a problem for the strongest Kirabi to defeat the female 'Yan Mo'. Then he can compete with Yu Gao. Cooperate with ~ ~ to pinch the male 'Flame Demon'. As for 'Chuan Zhuo', Lao Zi should be able to make a quick decision, and then you can cooperate with Han to pinch 'Wind Chime', as for 'Zizang', We can stay till the end! "


南 Xiao Nan agreed with Bai Ju's tactical suggestion.

"Keep going."

Nagato said lightly at this moment, as if the fighting on the ground was not in his eyes.

Wu Xiaonan no longer talked nonsense, and once again urged the detonation run cloud that covered the sky and advanced in the direction of Muye Village.

In the forest.

I was confronted with Lao Zi, Bai, and found that the detonation rune clouds in the sky fluttered again, and my heart fell into a panic. Immediately, I couldn't care much about it, and quickly drank and said, "Water Marsh, the technique of the waterfall!"

Howling ...

Suddenly, a huge wave hit Lao Zi.

He didn't wait for Lao Zi to break free from the huge waves, and white 'slap' with two palms clasped together: "Immortal, frozen!"

For a moment, the giant waves condensed into frost, and the ‘Hell Road’ Lao Zi, who was trapped in the giant waves, was completely frozen and looked away, like a huge ice coffin.

After a moment of seconds, after ‘Hell Road’ Lao Zi, his white figure flickered and disappeared into place.

Immediately afterwards, countless ice mirrors appeared in the air, and these ice mirrors combined together into a huge ice mirror that cut off the world, blocking the way of the detonating rune cloud ...


The second one is here. The last day is here. I beg you for your monthly ticket support! If you don't vote again, it will be wasted!

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