Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1054: The melee under the rainbow

巨大 A huge ice mirror composed of countless ice mirrors, as if cut off the sky and the earth, straddled in front of the detonation run cloud, blocking the way of Nagato, Xiaonan and others.

At this moment, the sun was shining and hit the mirror.

Suddenly, under the light of the sun, a brilliant brilliance was refracted on the crystal mirror surface, reflected in the air, and finally turned into a gorgeous rainbow of seven colors!

彩虹 This rainbow crosses between the ice mirror and the detonation rune cloud, and the haze of cold mist emanating from the ice mirror looks dreamy.

Looking at the unreal scene in front of him, Xiao Nan frowned, and asked the special type Bai Jue who was next to him, "Are you sure that 'Chuan Zhu' is the weakest of them?"

The special Bai Jue avatar was also stunned at the moment: "This ... this is impossible !?"

He has been collecting information on the God Organization and has a good understanding of the records of various members of the God Organization. According to the information, the most impressive record of the God Organization 'Chuan Zhu' was to escape the three generations of Naruto with the 'Fire Demon'. .

In addition, ‘Chuan Zhu’ has no track record anymore, so I definitely do n’t think that ‘Chuan Zhu’ has at most an elite level.

However, I never thought that the "Chuanzhu" was so strong, and immediately trapped the four-tailed person Zhuli Laozi who was made into the "Hell Road", and also exhibited such an exaggerated "Ice Cog" ninjutsu, showing Terror strength beyond normal movie level.

Looking at the huge mirror in front of which seemed to see no end, a strange color flashed in Nagato's eyes, but soon he returned to his usual indifference and slowly raised his arm.

Xiao Xiaonan hurriedly stopped the Nagato: "Let me do it. Your opponent is Datong Mushe, don't waste Chakra on others!"

Nagato nodded and slowly lowered his arm.

Xiao Xiaonan turned his head slowly at this time, looking at the huge ice mirror blocking the road, his eyes gradually became cold.

As a ‘paper 遁’ ninja, surrounded by the 400 billion explosive signs that cover the sky, she is God, a **** of destruction that is enough to destroy all the goals that your eyes can reach!

As she slowly closed the seals, the detonation marks floating in the detonation run cloud quickly moved quickly.

Among them, the outermost layer of detonation folds up on its own, like an origami, it instantly folds into the shape of a shuriken, and then with the howling, it is shot into the huge ice mirror not far away. .

At the same time, the cold fog around the ice mirror condensed into a sharp piece of ice, flying towards the detonating rune cloud, setting off a shrill blast!

on the ground.

Looking at the huge ice mirror in the air, the water stop was moved and moved with emotion: "Hey, I still lack experience!"

He didn't think of Bai as Yin Ren, in order to help Muye evacuate the villagers to fight to such an extent.

But as a ninja who has really played against Nagato, he knows that their team cannot defeat Nagato. It is their team's mission to walk and contain.

唯一 The only way to finally win is to drag until Hyuga mirror returns to the village.

But the members of the squad, except for him, have one count, and have no real experience with Nagato. In addition, they are also the leaders of the younger generation, so it is easy to misjudge the strength of both sides and cause Necessary casualties.

Although Bai is very good among his peers, it is still not enough to directly confront the long gate. As the captain of this team, the water stop must ensure the safety of each member of the team. He cannot let These ninjas fighting for Koba died here.

Rumble ...

At this moment, there was a dense explosion in the air.

The detonation rune shurikens shot from the detonation rune cloud are densely packed like raindrops, and shot at the huge ice mirror layer by layer. Rune Shuriken.

The number of people on both sides is astonishingly high, so just a simple collision erupted into the endless booming boom, and the whole sky was dim.

He stopped seeing the dark and said, "Now, Nagato didn't take any action!"

As long as Nagato didn't make a shot, Bai was safe for the time being. Although it was a very uneconomical exchange to use his own Chakra to blast the opponent ’s initiation symbol, at least Bai temporarily prevented the initiation symbol cloud from advancing.

After confirming that Bai was not in danger for a while and a half, Shisui continued to fight with Yugao while searching for Sasuke's trace in the forest.

Sasuke side.

Uh ...

The harsh metal clashes rang continuously in the forest, and every time the clashes sounded, a dazzling spark came out!

In the fierce battle, Sasuke's face showed a thick and incredible.

He had no idea that the opponent's body skills were even sharper than himself with a kaleidoscope to write the chakras. The seven long knives were tricky and strange, so invincible that even the kaleidoscope to write chakras could not fully understand.

After a while of confrontation, Sasuke reluctantly withdrew and retreated, breathing heavily.

Tick ​​...

Tick ​​...

At this time, a drop of blood dropped from Sasuke's body to the ground.

At this moment, his black-golden cloak was covered with knife marks of various sizes. His face, neck, arms, and waist were full of different shades of blood, dripping with blood.


Aya Sasuke is a little embarrassed!

He never thought of mastering ‘Lei ’s Stimulation Method ~ ~ and he has a kaleidoscope to write chakras, and he will lose to the inexplicable guy in front of him physically.

Because of the explosion in the sky, the smoke and dust rose up, and the light in the forest became dim.

Glancing into the air, he found that Bai had already fought with the members of the genuine Xiao organization, but he was caught by a Yunyin traitor, so Sasuke said to Kirabee in front of him: "Stupid, this is your self Find it! "

Suddenly, Sasuke's gaze was fixed, and a melanin burst from his pupil, and in the blink of an eye, it burned all over Kiraby's body.

I watched Kiraby, who was burned by melanitis all over, Sasuke ignored the blood and tears flowing from his eyes, and picked up the corner of his mouth: "Well, in my kaleidoscope writing wheel, you guys are nothing!"

He said, Sasuke shifted his gaze, looked around, and remembered to confirm the situation of other companions.

Uh ...

在 At this moment, Kirabi, who was burned by Sasuke's "Tazhao" all over the body, suddenly flashed into Sasuke.


Hearing the dynamic Sasuke's surprise, he looked at Kirabee, who came to his face. At this moment, he instinctively felt the crisis, and subconsciously launched ‘Suzano Nobu’.

Almost at the moment when Sasuke launched ‘Suzano Nobo,’ Kirabi, who cast ‘Thunder Pike Hot Knife’, rushed to him.

Click ...

须 Susano Nobu ', which was just projected from Sasuke's body, broke in response ...


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