Reincarnation in Naruto World

: Get a monthly ticket for the last 6 hours!

@@? I can't remember how long I haven't left the house, about seven days, or eight days, anyway, these days are not staying out of the house, completely shrinking at home.

Fortunately, my family, relatives and friends have not been infected yet, which is quite a comfort to me.

He originally thought that this could be a safe word, but in fact he couldn't calm down.

After a while, I wanted to brush up on the news, check the situation of epidemic prevention, or confirm the situation of relatives and friends. Although it was not a panic, it was very anxious and I didn't know if everyone was like me.

In addition to the repression of not being able to go out, the writing status is very poor, resulting in not many updates. Here I want to apologize to everyone, I am really sorry.

Hey, the part that was preparing for the climax continued to explode. I did not expect to encounter this kind of thing. I can only ask everyone to forgive me. I will also work hard to adjust the state to make everyone as satisfied as possible!

只 There are only the last six hours left this month. There will be rewards for the first five categories of monthly tickets. I am now ranked sixth, so please ask for monthly tickets, I hope everyone can support them!

Please everyone! @@

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