Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1055: It's so weak!

At this moment, Sasuke felt as if he had been hit by a galloping train, and a huge force poured onto him, making him completely unable to stabilize his body. The whole person flew out like a kite off the line. !!

轰轰 轰轰 ...

With a loud bang, he knocked down seven or eight trees one after another, and stirred up a long stream of smoke before he could stop his body.

"Fa ... what happened !?"

He fell into the ruins, and Sasuke was still a little embarrassed.

He was convinced that his ‘Sky Photo’ hit the other side, so he relaxed his vigilance a little bit, and did not expect that the other side could even erupt such a fierce counterattack.

Uh ...

Quickly, Sasuke's chest was stuffy and he spit out blood.

At this time he realized that if it had not been just instinctively launched 'Suzano Nerhu', at the price of 'Suzano Nerhu', the instantaneous fragmentation would have offset most of the opponent's strength. Now he will be seriously injured even if he does not die .

At this point, he stood up stupidly and looked at the opposite fiercely.

At this moment, Kirabi's body was still burning with the "Tian Zhao" black inflammation. The eye-catching red cloud suit had been burned to pieces. Even his seven sabers were gradually distorted under the burning of black inflammation. .

As he coughed, Sasuke sneered, "Cough ... this is not an ordinary fire, you just wait to die!"

Privately, Sasuke has done several experiments, so he knows that the power of 'Tian Zhao' is more than ten times that of the ordinary fire. Once he gets involved, unless he actively extinguishes, 'Tian Zhao' Hei Yan will never stop. Burn until it burns some.

However, as soon as Sasuke's voice came to an end, the black inflammation that had burned all over Kiraby's body went out silently in front of him.


Suzusuke opened his eyes wide and saw a ghostly expression.

And Kirabi, who was burnt and smoking, said slowly, saying in an indifferent tone: "Your 'suzano' is not golden, you are not 'flame', who are you ? "

He Sasuke did not respond to the other's words, because he was still immersed in the shock of his ‘Tian Zhao’ being extinguished by the other party.

There is no doubt that he is not clear that in addition to being sealed by the seal technique, the ability of the reincarnation eye to absorb ninjutsu can also restrain the black flame of the sky, and Chillabi in front of him happened to be The 'Hungry Ghost Road' that has the ability to absorb ninjutsu in the 'En Liudao'.

"Don't say it?"

"Hungry Ghost Road" Kirabi flashed his body shape at this time, and once again launched the "Thunderbolt Hot Knife", but this time is different from before, he also put on the tail beast coat before launching, both speed and strength Qualitative leap.

Sasuke, who had been soothed by God, quickly launched "Suzano Nobo" and stretched out his arms to protect himself.

Boom ...

Hagi was another huge roar, and Sasuke was repelled more than ten meters along with his ‘Suzano Nobu’, and a large forest was lifted up.

Uh ...

After Hagi reluctantly blocked the attack, Sasuke spit out blood again.

刺 The tingling pain in the exhaustion of the pupils in both eyes and the breathless chest tightness made his consciousness start to tingle. He shook his head to concentrate, but found that the enemies in his eyes had doubled.

"My vision ..."

His eyesight, which was exhausted by pupil power, was revealed at this moment, making him unable to adapt for a moment.

'Hungry Ghost Road' Kirabi slowly walked towards Sasuke at this moment, and said lightly in his mouth, "Isn't it really the 'Flame Devil', it is so weak!"

Listening to Kiraby's words, covering her kaleidoscope to write Sasuke's round eyes, her expression immediately distorted: "Damn, you **** dare to look down on me!"

Roaring, he ignored the decline in vision and forcibly launched "Suzano Nobo", and not only that, he also urged "Tian Zhao" and "Adding Earth".

While leaving two lines of blood and tears in his eyes, his purple 'Suzunenhu' took the pose of archery and archery, and at the same time, 'Tianzhao', whose shape was changed by the 'addition of soil', was black Yan covered the whole body of the arrows.

"Go to death, you **** rebellion!"

Uh ...

He sang with Sasuke's hysterical hysteria, and his ‘Suzano Nobo’ shot the arrow that covered the ‘Azure’ black flame!

In a sound of breaking wind, the arrow instantly hit the opposite Kiraby, causing a huge explosion, and Kiraby's position was completely engulfed by the explosion.

I watched the rising smoke in front of me, Sasuke said to himself while coughing blood: "I ... I didn't embarrass the Uchiha family!"

As he talked, the ‘Suzano Nobu’ ’covering his whole body quickly shed his weapon, armor, and then his body became blurred, leaving only a skeleton skeleton, and finally the skeleton gradually faded, annihilating in front of Sasuke.

At this moment, a gust of wind passed, blowing away the smoke and dust across the sky.

Yu Sasuke looked over with the blurred vision, and found a figure standing quietly in the scattered dust. He frowned carefully and then frowned, exclaiming: "How is that possible?"

"Hungry Ghost Road" Kirabi didn't say a word, and slowly walked towards Sasuke, whose pupil strength was almost exhausted.

"You ... don't come over!"

Susuke wanted to retreat, but as soon as he was struggling, his feet softened and he fell on his knees.

The first "Lei Li Hot Knife" not only consumed a lot of his pupil power ~ ~, but also caused a mild injury to his chest, a little shortness of breath, and the entire lung The pain in the heart made him unable to exert energy.

Qi Kirabi kept walking, looking at Sasuke's eyes full of disdain.

The wolf howling Sasuke arrived at a big tree at this moment, and there was no way to retreat. However, when he was in a state of despair, he remembered that he had been ordered to stop by the water when he started, so that he would not fight with the enemy.

At this moment, the subconscious review in his head caused a mistake in his tactics, but he could face the enemies that were getting closer and closer, such a review seemed meaningless.

Uh ...

At this moment, shurikens shot from the forest, nailed in front of Kirabi, and made Kirabi stop.

Soon a figure fell in front of Sasuke and asked, "Sasuke, are you all right?"

Sasuke immediately rejoiced: "Stop the water!"

Obviously, it was exactly the water stop that had been looking for Sasuke in time, because he was too busy, so he quickly locked here and arrived in time.

He glanced at the helpless Sasuke, and the water was quite unexpected: "Just like this, how did you get hurt like this?"

Sasuke pointed to Kirabee not far away and said resentfully: "That rebellion can absorb jutsu!"

Wu Zhishui shook his head: "He is not rebellious. He is only one of the" Pain Six Ways "of the leader of the organization. I have already ordered you, and the leader of the organization is not something we can handle ..."

Uh .........

The second one is offered, please recommend tickets, monthly tickets! In addition, I thank the students who gave a prize today, thank you!

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