Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1081: Complement gene

As the maker of 'Earth Explosion Star', Nagato naturally noticed that the Datong Mushe people had successfully escaped.

If you are dealing with ordinary enemies, ‘Earth Explosion Star’ is indeed a decisive kill. After all, Hui Yeji, who is a ‘blood following snare’, is also planted on this technique.

But the big tube Mushe people are slightly different.

Because just sealing the Datong Mushe himself cannot completely dismantle his resistance. As long as he is sealed, he can reveal a hint in advance to the giant rebirth on the moon and give instructions, even if he is completely sealed. After that, Chakra was completely frozen, and the giant reincarnation eye on the moon would still execute the instructions he left.

Therefore, Nagato's miss this time has nothing to do with the tactics he performs, and it is completely lost to intelligence.

"Abominable, let him escape!"

When I was annoyed, Nagato's heart gradually began to wonder.

Until the great war just now, he firmly believed that the leader of the God Organization was the Datong Mushe Ren, but as the Datong Mushe Ren's wolves escaped, he gradually returned to the taste and found that the Datong Mushe just met with himself. Man, the leader of the divine organization that he has dealt with several times before, has a very obvious difference.

Although the chakras used by the two are very close and they have called meteorites, the fighting styles of the two are quite different.

Moreover, the new Datong Mushe man obviously cannot perform the severe pupil technique that the leader of the God Organization has used, nor the black sphere that can pin his ‘round tomb avatar’.

"Isn't the guy just a big tube man? Or ... or a big tube man?"

After a while, Nagato's mind flashed through the thought.

所以 The reason why he believes that the Datongmu Sheren is the leader of the God Organization, in addition to the information provided by Japan to Aoki, more because he feels that only the legendary Datongmu family deserves the identity of the God organization leader.

As for the others, he is not qualified to be against him with the "Eyes of the Immortal".

It is this self-confidence in his own strength, or arrogance, that caused him to ignore a lot of obvious details, and now thinking back carefully, he can't help but find that it is not just the combat style, but even the behavior and behavior. All are distinctly different from the leader of the divine organization in his impression.

Side of the field.

"I didn't expect Datong Mushe to escape so simply ..."

As Nagato fell into doubt, Ni Xiangjing smeared his belly while silently evaluating Nagato's state at the moment.

Frankly, the timing of Nagato's attack made Sunrex very uncomfortable, completely hitting his waist and eyes, which forced him to leave the impotence clone in the laboratory at a critical moment. He rushed to the challenge, and he was not able to fully fight as he approached the "blood following fusion ceremony".

Therefore, he had no choice but to hit his mind on Datong Mushe.

In fact, he is not willing to do this, the reason is very simple, because the big tube Musheren is also one of his prey!

If the Datong Mushe people were directly killed by the Nagato, then naturally everything is good to say, the sun mirror can use the resonance with the giant reincarnation eye on the moon to slowly search for the way to the moon, and then receive the moon without effort All the inheritance of the Great Oki family, including the giant rebirth eye.

After all, on the moon today, there should be only Datong Musheren, the only Big Tumu descendant.

But now the Datong Mushe people have successfully escaped, then the matter is troublesome. The Datong Mushe people are not idiots. This time it is obviously a trap. He can't detect it, so he will want to use his giant rebirth eye design later. It's basically impossible to get him hooked.

And once the Datong Mushe is alert, no one can predict what he will do in the future.

The next day, Xiang Jing mirror laughed at himself in the bottom of his heart and said, "Fortunately, he consumed a lot of chakras in Nagato, and I didn't waste my efforts ..."

His current plan is to repel the Nagato, and fight for some time for himself to hit the 'blood following snare'. It would be best if he could re-create the Nagato. As for the beheaded Nagato, he has not considered it for the time being because of the Like 'Stay on the side, if he isn't desperate, it will be difficult to kill Nagato, not to mention he, like Datong Musheren, can't afford Nagato's' Earth Explosion Star'.

只要 As long as he is successfully promoted to 'blood following snare', beheading Nagato will be easy and there is no half-risk.

Uh ...

Tochigi village.

He was injured, and even the big tube Mushe who was still bleeding on his left arm glanced at the five “Earthbursts” that sealed the human power over Muye Village, his face was extremely dull.

Obviously, he did not escape directly to the moon, but took advantage of the chaos of the meteorite rain to escape the battlefield and sneak into the wooden leaf village.

He is not ignorant of 'Earth Explosion Star'. He knows that the moon in which his family lives is made by two large-tube ancestors using 'Earth Explosion Star', but he has personally experienced the seal of 'Earth Explosion' For the first time.

After experiencing the initial turmoil, he immediately realized that he is no longer Nagato's opponent, because he lives on the 'earth star' of the moon. He is more aware of the real terror of 'ear sky' than Nagato. Therefore, in order to fulfill the ancestor's last wishes, he must promote himself unscrupulously.

Regarding the method of ascension, the elders in the clan told him before he died, that is, they selected a pair of high-purity white eyes from the Hyuga tribe for transplantation and replacement ~ ~ Combine your eyes to complement all your genes and awaken the power hidden in your blood.

The Datong Mushe people know that the Japanese family in the Ninja world implements a system of family and separation. Except for a few family members, all other people are burned by the 'bird's seal in the cage,' and they cannot easily take away their eyes. So, all these years he has been spying on the members of the family through the giant reincarnation eyes on the moon.

However, the qualifications of the members of the Nichijo family made him very disappointed.

Even if it is the dizzy eyes of the mature homeowner, he is a little disdainful, and the old white eyes of the old and unsatisfactory patriarchs are even more dismissive.

I didn't let his eyes light up until the fireworks appeared, and he had a goal.

He is just a young fireman. Although his white eyes are very pure, he is still developing, so he pressed his temper and waited for the fireworks to grow.

He even figured it out, first took away the high-purity white eyes of Huahuo, and then snatched the moon, Miss Hina, who also has high-purity white eyes, as the wife, and after purifying the forbearance according to the ancestor's will, Together with Hina, recreate the big tube family in the Ninja Realm after purification.

Yes, Datong Mushe people have a kind of self-confidence and feel that they can create a race ...


Second, I would like to offer, please recommend tickets, monthly tickets, and thank the students who gave a prize yesterday, thank you!

:. :

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