Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1082: inability

Speeding on the run-down streets, the injured large-shelf Mushe man avoided all the leaves of Ninja, and quietly came outside the tribe's tribe.

Because of the ravages of the "Human Road" Yugao, the Hyuga tribe was severely damaged, and houses on both sides of the tribe were damaged.

The next day was enough, the two brothers were now directing the clan people to treat the wounded and clear the clan.

I saw the sudden appearance of the big tube Mushe people, and after a short while, he was shocked and said, "It's you!"

I noticed the white eyes in the eyes of Datong Mushe, and the smooth forehead without the 'bird's curse in the cage'. He looked for a moment, thinking about it, and quickly asked the difference: "Is it ...?"


The next day he almost nodded.

He last met with the Datong Mushe people on behalf of the Hyuga family last time, so he recognized the other's identity at a glance.

As the sun almost nodded, Rizu's face suddenly became serious, and he stepped forward and asked, "Have you been a big tube man?"

It is a matter of the Datong Mushe people being the leader of God's organization.

Although the Hyuga family did not get the exact news, as the wooden leaf giants, the Naruto family still heard some related rumors, so when facing the big tube Mushe people, although the Sun foot is very alert, but the tone is very respectful, as if before The conflict doesn't exist the same.

Covering his injured arm, Datong Musheren didn't say a word, but looked indifferently at the sunfoot, or more accurately, at the white eyes in the sun's eye socket, and his face revealed a touch of imperceptibility. .

The silence of the Datong Mushe people made Rizu, the two brothers of Richa, and all the surrounding people of the Rixiang clan feel inexplicable anxiety.

After a while, Datong Mushe opened his eyes and swept the area of ​​the Nichijo clan again. He couldn't find the trail of Hina and Sparks, and his eyes were regretfully locked on the body of the sun foot: "It seems that I can just click on it. "

Obviously feeling the hostility of the Datong Mushe people, the sun difference immediately guarded in front of the sun foot, and put up the posture of the soft fist: "This is Muye Village, and the fifth-generation Naruto mirror is still our tribe, Your best not to mess around! "

Regardless of whether the rumors are true or not, Datong Mushe people are not offensive to the Hyuga family, so he has to move out of the Hyuga mirror, hoping that the name of the Naruto mirror Naruto will make Datong Mushe people be wary.

Datong Musheren slowly walked towards Sunfoot, the two brothers, and asked casually: "Haoying should be the strongest ninja in your village?"

The next day nodded without thinking, "Yes!"

The next day, he was staring at the big tube Mushe who walked slowly, some were not sure what the other party was going to do.

The Datong Mushe man said to himself: "So, the Hyuga tribe called the Hyuga mirror is the one with the purest white eyes in the Hyuga tribe. It is a pity that he is not a clan, otherwise his pair will be transplanted. With white eyes, I may have a higher chance of reawakening my eyes. "

When I heard that the big tube Mushe people were going to transplant their white eyes, the sun-footed, the sun-changed brothers changed color together.

Immediately, Sunchat shouted at the big tube Mushe people while flexing his fist, and shouted, "Brother, you go!"

Datong Mushe gave his hand a swing, and launched ‘Rotation Rouyi’ to throw the fluttering sundial into the rubble on the street, and then Asahi ’s foot slightly pulled the sun-foot to the front.


The next day the foot flushed and thought of launching a soft boxing counterattack, but found that he seemed to be wrapped in an invisible force. Not to mention flexing his boxing, he couldn't even stretch his limbs.

The Datong Mushe person closely observed the white eyes in the sun-foot orbit, and then slowly reached out and explored.

"You ... what are you doing !?"

I saw that Dashe Mushe reached out to his eyes, and his feet were terrified.

He never thought of himself as the patriarch of the Hyuga tribe, but one day, in the tribe of the Hyuga tribe, someone would dig out the white eyes in his eyes without resistance.

The sundial that slammed into the ruins strongly supported the body, and roared, "Did you do such a bad deed, wouldn't you be afraid of our revenge on the family?"

"Retaliation?" Datong Musheren gave a stun, and then a look of confusion appeared on his face: "How can you revenge me to the family?"


I was just rude, trying to prevent the big difference in the daylight difference of the Datong Mushe, and was suddenly asked for a moment, speechless.

At this moment, the Datong Musheren turned his head to stare at Sunzu, and hummed coldly: "I also obviously have the noble blood of my ancestors, but I can't reach such a point. You really make me sick!"


The next day the foot was ashamed and angry, but could not be refuted.

I didn't say much. Datong Mushe directly shot, and dug out the white eyes in the sun-footed eyes.


Suzu, who had been dug out of her eyes, immediately mourned.

Seeing this, the people from the side of the Rixiang clan no longer care about the identity of the Datong Mushe, and rushed together from all sides.

Datong Mushe shook his hand, a huge repulsion waved out of his hand, and instantly flew all the people of Hyuga tribe to him.

Then, the Datong Mushe person threw away the sun-foot that lost his eyes like a trash, and muttered to himself: "The ancestors really did not make a mistake ~ ~ The Ninja world has completely fallen and needs to be thoroughly purified ! "

The sun-foot who slammed on the ground said in pain: "Datong Musheren, the mirror will not let you go!"

"Hymplectic mirror? He may be better than you, but in my eyes, it's just a worthless ant!"

Datong Musheren said, and put away his eyes.

At this moment, a soft drink came from the street in the distance: "Psychicism!"

Uh ...

As a white smoke floated, a huge wild boar appeared in everyone's field of vision, while Nichiko Ningji stood on top of the wild boar, staring coldly at the big tube Musheren: "Do not insult my teacher!"

Seeing Ningji, Sunchat shouted, "Be careful, he's a big tube man!"

Datong Musheren glanced casually at the big wild boar and Ning Ci above the big boar's head, his eyes stayed on Ning Ci's white eyes for a moment, and said lightly: "Nice white eyes!"

Seeing his injured father and his uncle who had been dug out of his eyes, Ning Ci was shocked and hurriedly urged the wild boar to pounce on Dashe Mushe: "Return the white eyes!"

The big-timbered wooden houseman who has obtained white-eyes floats into the air, and performs a 'rotational wish' against the big wild boar that is fluttering. For him, this giant psychic beast has no threat, if he wants, You can easily press each other into a mashed meat ...


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