Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1097: Embarrassing Hyuga 1

Wood leaf dark base.

In the huge secret meeting room, there was a silence. The attendees either bowed their heads and sighed, or were relatively speechless. The atmosphere in the entire meeting room was dignified and depressed.

I have exchanged the identity of Sun Xiangjing with Itachi privately, and silently watching the loss report just calculated.

Although the battlefield is still in Muye Village this time, because of the previous emergency evacuation and the subsequent departure of the Nagato mirror from the village, the actual casualties were much less than expected.

No doubt, this is due to the tactics of the organization's offensive to organize the offensive by the village.

Because of the efforts of the team that stopped the water, the village had enough time to evacuate the personnel, thereby avoiding a large number of casualties.

As for the buildings in the village, the loss is naturally unavoidable.

After all, the five human pillars made of the "Pain Six Roads" by the Nagato have all entered the full tail beastization in the village, which is basically equivalent to the fungus also being ravaged by five runaway tail beasts, let alone be Ordinary houses and dwellings, even the areas where ninja schools, Muye Hospital, and Hyuga tribe are left behind are inevitably severely damaged.

Fortunately, the big names of the five major nations have also received the focus of the Xiao organization this time, so the big names are surprisingly consistent in dealing with the Xiao organization, so this time the funds for the reconstruction of the village do not need the sun, the mirror of Naruto Headaches, even Yanyin, Yunyin and Shayin said they would support the reconstruction of wood leaves.

Apparently, after this cooperation, the trust between several major villages has increased.

Also, several people led by the three generations of earth shadows keenly discovered that the hatred of the top of the wood leaves attracting Xiao organizations is the best protection for their respective villages, so they have been very active in supporting the reconstruction of the wood leaves.

After Xu put down the report in his hand, Hyuga mirror broke the silence: "If you have anything to say, you can speak freely."

The third generation of Tuying said: "We can support the reconstruction of your leaves, but your leaves should also open to us the channels for contacting God's organization!"


The fourth generation of Leiying and the fourth generation of Fengying echoed at the same time.

After this battle, the weight of the 'God Organization' in the Ninja World has increased a lot, and has become a key factor that can influence the future direction of the Ninja World. And felt deeply disturbed.

The following day shrugged the mirror: "I'm sorry, although we have cooperated with the God Organization several times, they are all actively contacted by the God Organization, and we have no way to contact the God Organization."

Three generations of Tuying proposed: "This time to pay the God Organization is a good opportunity, so we should also participate in Yan Yin!"

Twenty-four generations of Lei Ying said in a stern voice: "So is Yun Yin!"

Twenty-four generations of Fengying followed closely: "We Sandy also asked to participate!"

In the face of the strong proposal of the three shadows, Hyuga mirrored and groaned with difficulty, and finally said, "Since you all want to participate, the remuneration paid to the God organization ..."

After waiting for Sun Xiangjing to finish his speech, the three generations of Tuying laughed: "Rest assured, this time is the war between the Five Big Ninja Villages and Xiao Organization. The God Organization should be regarded as being hired by our Five Big Ninja Villages, and the compensation should naturally be left to us. The five big forbearance villages bear together! "

Twenty-four generations of Fengying also smiled: "Sure!"

If you can get in touch with ‘God ’s Organization’ for a sum of money, it ’s a relatively scarce fund, and it is equally willing to give it with both hands.

After Cao Caocao concluded the meeting, Hyuga and a group of high-leaf trees returned to the Naruto building.

Wu Gangshou chuckled: "Let them pay for the forest of death during the exam, they pushed one by one, and this time they gave confession to God. They were very positive."

"Cough ..." He coughed twice and turned to bed. Xiaochun said sternly: "Tsunade, how can you say 'shang confession'? We have an equal cooperative relationship with the God Organization. We just pay them compensation. That's it. "

Wu Gang shrugged his hands: "We talk behind closed doors and talk about those scenes!"

I turned to bed and Xiaochun sighed helplessly.

Three generations of Naruto turned their heads aside.

Zi Lai also looked up to see the sky opened a small difference.

As Tsunade said, as a ninja village, Muye Village itself is a violent institution in the country of fire, so Muye pays remuneration to the **** organization, which is actually a protection fee.

Regarding this, the three generations, whether they are from the beginning, even the stubborn and old-fashioned Xiaochun, knows it well, but was just so directly told by Tsunade, making their faces a little unsustainable.

Not long after, several senior officials in the office discussed the summary of the response to the Xiao organization and the specific issues of village reconstruction.

I have to say that this time in the face of the threat of Xiao organization, the Uchiha family has made a very great contribution. Among the three Uchiha kaleidoscopes known to the village, Shuizhui and Sasuke joined the blocking team to make the village transfer villagers. Made significant contributions, and the remaining Shinichi, at the Yeye Hospital, waged a battle with the 'Hungry Ghost Road' Kirabi, saving many medical ninjas and the wounded.

Not to mention that since the high-level people who have been willing to accept Uchiha, even the shifted bedtime Xiaochun and Tsunade who are somewhat biased towards Uchiha, this time they praise the Uchiha family ~ ~ Three generations Naruto said: "Mirror, it turns out that your strategy to respond to Uchiha's rebellion was right!"

I have a feeling of sincerity, and said, "Fortunately, you are the fifth generation. If the fifth generation were us, things might be completely different from now!"

The previous complaint by Nagato made him feel uneasy until now. He felt that it was his negligence that caused Ninja to suffer this catastrophe caused by Nagato.

"The decision to appease Uchiha was made by all of us."

The next day, he shook hands at the mirror casually and did not take credit for it, but frowned slightly.

Because compared with the performance of the Uchiha clan, the Hyuga tribe, which is also a pupil of Jishu, is much more embarrassed. In the face of Nagato's "human path" Yugao, the homeowner's sun foot and many elites in the clan have been miserable. In the defeat, even the eyes of the owner's feet were easily taken away by the big tube.

Such a record undoubtedly fully exposed the power of the Hyuga family when facing high-end enemies.

It can be said that as long as the enemy ’s strength reaches the shadow level, the lethality of the Japanese fists will be greatly reduced. If the strength of the enemy is stronger, the current Japanese fists will not even have room to resist.

Ning Ci, the only one who performed dazzlingly, did not rely on soft fist, but the giant psychic beast gifted to him by Sun Xiangjing ...


The first one is here. Ask for a recommendation ticket on Monday!

:. :

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