Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1098: Do you know who the leader of God's organization is?

Looking at Hyuga mirror's face, several people in the office guessed his mood.

Tsunade said: "Mirror, I went to your tribe to check the injuries of the sun and feet. Although I lost my white eyes, there is no danger to my life, and my emotions are relatively stable. Most of the other races also have some trauma. Can recover. "

Xu Zilai also sank his face: "I did not expect that Datong Mushe would attack us at that time!"

Zhuan Xiaochun, who is responsible for intelligence gathering, glanced at Hyuga mirror: "It is said that when the Datong Mushe people dug away the white eyes of Sunfoot, they mentioned a kind of" rebirth eye ". Jing, you are also a member of the Hyuga tribe. Do you understand the 'rebirth eye' mentioned by the people? "

Suddenly, a few people in the office all turned their eyes to the sun mirror.

The next day Xiang Xiangjing shook his head naturally, but his face was still gloomy.

He knew that there would be hidden dangers in using Datong Mushe people this time, but he did not expect that Datong Mushe people's actions were so decisive. He just escaped from the battlefield against Nagato, turned his head and invaded Muye, taking away the sun-sunned feet Eyes.

"It should be the strength of Nagato that scares him ..."

With the arrogance of Datong Mushe, he actually shot it in spite of his identity, which undoubtedly shows that Datong Mushe was really stimulated by the power of Nagato.

I saw that Hyuga mirror fell into silence, and it was not easy for a few people to ask anything more.

From the white eyes in the eyes of the Datong Mushe people, and the **** of the white eyes of the sun foot by the Datong Mushe people, the bright-eyed people can see that there is an inextricable connection between the Hyuga family and the Datong family on the moon.

He can even speculate that the Hyuga tribe, or more precisely the family of the Hyuga tribe, has a secret that some outsiders do not know.

Although the Hyuga Mirror was also a Hyuga tribe, because of the identity of his family, it was clear that these secrets hidden by the Hyuga clan were not pursued by the three generations.

Zi Lai also diverged from the topic: "Unfortunately, this time I couldn't rescue those people."

After all, dozens of miles apart, when the large troops rushed back to the village from the battlefield, the five men who had been made into the "Pain Six Road" by the Nagato had long disappeared.

The three generations holding up the pipe took a deep breath and immediately sank: "We need to make a plan to deal with the pillar power as soon as possible!"

Xiao Zhuan Xiaochun nodded.

No one expected that the Xiao organization would make the human pillars into 'Pain Six Roads', which not only gave these already difficult human pillars the power of reincarnation, but also allowed them to enter the tail beast without any worries. Into.

I can say that these ‘Pain Six Ways’ alone are enough to destroy everyone except Muye, and people have to pay attention to it.

Uh ...

Suddenly, a sudden knock on the door interrupted the discussion in the office.

向 Come in the sun mirror sitting on the naruto chair, "Come in!"

暗 A dark person walked quickly into the office, and 禀 reported: "Master Naruto, the news came from the base of the dark part. Yin Ninja Village Ninja White, who had contact with the leader of the God organization before, may know the true identity of the leader of the God organization."


As soon as the voice of the dark part ended, everyone in the office exclaimed.

The next day he didn't pay much attention to the mirror, because when he absorbed the white immortal chakra, he knew that Bai had recognized himself, and more than Jun Malu was aware of it.

I can say that besides the panicked Sasuke, Shisui, Jun Malu, and Didala all noticed it.

The three generations of Naruto took a step forward: "What the **** is going on?"

The dark part quickly replied: "Three generations, this is the case. Idi Yin, the injured ninja, has just awakened. He revealed to Tuying that Bai, who is in the midst of the squadron, may know the identity of the leader of the **** organization.

After looking at the other consultant elders for a moment, the three generations looked towards the sun mirror.

The next day, Xiang Jing did not make nonsense, and said directly, "Go to Muye Hospital!"

Unlike Didala, who was placed in the dark base, Bai was placed in Muye Hospital. Now that Bai has known about the identity of God ’s organization leader, it is natural that he will run as a sun mirror for Naruto.

As soon as the sun side mirror and the elders came out of the Naruto building, they met Tu Ying, Lei Ying, and Feng Ying who came from the base of the shadows. Obviously, they couldn't sit still when they heard the news. Already.

After the congregation said nothing, they came to Muye Hospital together.

In the previous battle, the Muye Hospital was severely damaged. The main building collapsed and was unusable. Fortunately, several buildings in the back of the inpatient department were lightly damaged, and some could be used barely, so they were sent from everywhere. Most of the injured were placed here, even Sasuke, who was also injured in the blocking squad.

I discovered that several shadowy rushed to the hospital, the medical ninjas who were busy in the hospital, and the wounded who were being treated were very surprised and didn't know what happened.

Sasuke also poked his head out of his ward, wondering, "Master Naruto, why are they all here?"

Xiao Sakura quickly supported Sasuke: "The wound on your body has not healed yet, so be careful."

Yu Sasuke waved his hand a bit harshly: "I'm fine."

In this battle, Sasuke's injuries were not too serious. The main cause was the loss of pupil power in the kaleidoscope writing circle, which caused his eyesight to drop sharply, which caused some fear and irritability in his heart.

Seeing Sasuke feeling bad, Sakura had to shut up.

"咦 ~ ~ Master Naruto, why did they go to the white room?"

After whispering, Sasuke also limped to the white room.

The next day, Xiang Jing and his party came to Bai's room, and Jun Maru and Chongwu, who took care of Bai, greeted them immediately.

He explained his intentions, and several shadows, including the sun mirror, crossed Jun Maru and Chongwu and came to Bai's bed together.

Bai is now in a coma because he has absorbed a large amount of chakras from the sun mirror.

You must know that Chakra is the product of the combination of mental and physical strength. Chakra ’s overdraft is really deadly. Kakashi ’s death in space and time was caused by overdraft Chakra.

The next day, the hand under the mirror is naturally commensurate, so Bai is only temporarily unconscious, and his body is not a big deal.

Wu Gangshou stepped forward to check Bai's physical condition at this time, and reconfirmed that Bai was only weak, and after having no other trauma, he delivered some chakras to Bai using medical jutsu.

Gao got Chakra transmitted by Tsunade. Bai quickly awakened and opened his eyes slowly.

Under the attention of a group of shadows, Elder Muye, Jun Malu, Chongwu, and even Sasuke leaning on the door of the ward, Hyuga mirror came to Bai and asked gently: "Bai, you know the leader of God's organization. Who is it? "


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:. :

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