Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1100: Be surprised!

As a reincarnation of the big tube Indra, Sasuke has the qualification to open the reincarnation eye. This has been proven in the original space and time, and there is no doubt about it.

日 The only question now for Hyundai Mirror is how difficult it is for Sasuke to naturally open the reincarnation eye.

You must know that the Uchiha wave spot, which is also the reincarnation of the big tube Indra, has obtained the eternal kaleidoscope writing ring eye and transplanted the first generation of cells. After suffering for decades, it is only until the old woman is awakening that it is awakening. .

Using this as a reference, if Sasuke wants to awaken reincarnation, it is obviously not the fusion of the eternal kaleidoscope to write the reincarnation and the transplantation of primary cells.

"I can only go one step at a time now ..."

Soon, the sun mirror who walked out of the hospital converged.

He doesn't have the ability to call out the "Six Immortals" now, to give Naruto, and to help the six, so it's useless to think too much.

And considering that the situation of Uchiha's spot is special, Sasuke's awakening reincarnation may be easier than the spot. After all, in the battle with the original Valley of the End, the spot was cast at the cost of blindness of an eternal kaleidoscope to write the eye. Izanagi's fake death.

At present, no one can judge how much the effect of losing an eternal kaleidoscope on the eye of reincarnation is on the eye of awakening.

Therefore, the spot was dragged to the dying moment before reluctantly awakening reincarnation. It cannot be ruled out that he lost a timeless kaleidoscope to write the chakra in the war with the first generation.

After everyone left Muye Hospital, several filmmakers separated from Sun Xiangjing and returned to the dark base.

After waiting for a few shadows to leave, the three generations said, "Mirror, Bai, you still have to pay attention, maybe you can have unexpected gains."

Obviously, the three generations did not give up this clue, so they handed over the task of tracking down the true identity of the leader of the God organization to Hyuga.


The next day, the mirror responded.

Zilai also quickly said, "Mirror, Yin Ren Village has helped us a lot this time, so the investigation method should be slightly gentler."

The next day nodded to the mirror with a smile.

at the same time.

In Bai Bai's ward, Jun Malu told Bai Bai the war situation after the coma, especially the battle of the leader of the God organization crushing the leader of the Xiao organization, which was particularly detailed.

After listening to Jun Malu's remarks, Bai Yilian's incredible: "Six levels?"

Jun Malu's expression was serious: "Well, this is the concept put forward by the head of the **** organization. If divided according to this concept, the six levels should be the boundary between mortals and immortals. At present, only the head of the **** organization is one Six-level powerhouses, other leaders such as Xiao organizations, Datong Mushe people, etc. have not crossed this line. "

"Master Jing is so strong !?"

Bei Bai said secretly in his heart, and at the same time he was glad that he had not talked just now.

At that time, Jun Jun Malu looked at Bai and lowered the volume: "Bai, you really don't know the identity of the leader of God's organization? You should have discovered something like that before!"

He Bai shook his head and said, "I ... I really don't know."

After confirming that the strength of Sunward Mirror has surpassed everyone in the Ninja world, even if most of the snake **** are not opponents of Sunward Mirror, Bai is even more afraid to talk.

When he wanted to come, if he wanted to make his identity public, he would have already made it public. Since it was n’t public, it means that he needs to borrow something from the "god organization" to do something. The whole Yin Ren Village brought disaster.

After all, the "God Organization" is not only a person who is facing the mirror, but also a lot of powerful people, such as "Chuanzhu", "Yanmo", "Windbell", and "Zizang". Can't afford to offend.

"Master Anyway is a disciple of Lord Osumaru. I still don't talk about it!"

Uh ...

After Xun finished handling the affairs of the village, Sun Xiangjing immediately rushed back to the Sun Xiang clan.

Because the owner ’s eyes and feet were taken away from the sun, and a large area of ​​the tribe was destroyed, and a large number of people were injured, at this time there was a sad cloud in the sun.

When I saw a sun-vision mirror in a naruto robe appeared in the clan, he directed the sundial that repaired the clan to rush forward: "You are finally back, the owner is waiting for you in the mansion!"

Daizong family mansion.

The sun and the feet with gauze tied on his face sighed, and the remaining two parents were always silent and frowning.

In recent years, the misfortunes of the Hyuga family have been one after another. The parents who guarded the secret library were assassinated by the traitor Hiro Aoki, and they lost a pair of eyes. The clue about the giant rebirth eyes in the secret library was also used by Hyuga That traitor of Aoki got, and the precious giant reincarnation eye was stolen.

Not long ago, the traitor of Hyuga Aoki attacked the family while the Uchiha clan rebelled, killing a clan parent again, and taking away his eyes.

It's good today, even the owner's eyes were taken away.

He lost two elders in succession and three pairs of eyes. It can be said that this is the worst blow to the Japanese family in hundreds of years.

At this time, Hyuga and the day difference entered the hall side by side.

After seeing Hyuga mirror, the two parents always nodded a little awkwardly.

They used to be very accustomed to the misfortune of Sunxiang Mirror, but after the disaster of the family, they looked around and found that only Sunxiang Mirror was the most worthy to rely on ~ ~ It was just a bit unhappy before, So a little awkward.

Hitachi also knew that Hyuga was coming, and said, "Mirror, you should all know what happened on the side of the tribe. My white eyes were taken away by the big tube man!"

The next day nodded to the mirror: "Well, I heard."

The next day foot almost nodded to the day.

After getting the elder brother's instructions, the sundrift quickly said to Hyuga, "Next, I want to tell you the secrets of some families. In fact, our Hyuga family is a distant relative to the big tube family on the moon. Before I went out and got hurt, I was actually affected by the moon. The Datong Musheren was invited to meet him secretly. "

"If you hadn't met me, you would have died ..."

The next day Xiang Xiangjing listened, while defamating in his heart.

Hatsukaichi went on to say: "The purpose of the Datong Mushe people to meet us is actually to take away a treasure called the" giant rebirth eye "from our family of Hyuga!"

Rizu took the stubble at this time, and said solemnly to Hyuga mirror: "Mirror, I now tell you, as the head of the Hyuga family, one of the biggest secrets of our Hyuga family, that is, the white eyes of our Hyuga family and the Uchiha family Like the writing round eye, it can continue to evolve, and the evolved eye is called the rebirth eye! "

The next day he looked at Hyuga mirror fiercely, "surprised!"


The second one is offered, please ask for a monthly pass at the end of the month! In addition, I thank the students who gave a prize today, thank you all!

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