Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1101: please!


what! ? "

The next day, Hyuga mirror only froze for a moment, and then quickly expressed his expression of cooperation.

"This is true!"

The next day, his face was solemn.

From the Datong Musheren's adventure to sneak into the village to capture the white-eyes after being defeated by Nagato, and the words leaked from his mouth when capturing the white-eyes, it is not difficult for the two brothers to analyze the purpose of the big-tube Mushes's capture of the white-eyes for evolution Rebirth Eye.

In other words, it is similar to the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye and writing wheel eye of the Uchiha family. On top of the white eye, there is a powerful pupil technique called ‘rebirth eye’.

And according to the motivation of Datong Mushe's eye-catching eyes, it seems that in order to evolve the reincarnation eye, a pair of high-purity white eyes need to be transplanted, so the Datong Mushe talents arrogantly took away the white eyes of the homeowner's day-foot.

线索 These clues summed up and shocked and surprised the Sunward family who had been in the mist.

I was shocked that the original white eyes from home still had so many secrets, even the big tube distant relatives on the moon were so embarrassed, and the surprise was that the white eyes were not the end, and the Hyuga family could have the same impact as the Uchiha family. force.

Hatsukaichi said with some excitement: "Mirror, as long as we can find a way to regenerate the eyes with white-eye evolution, then we can catch up with the Uchiha family!"

In this battle, the performance of the Uchiha family once again covered the Hyuga mirror family, plus the white eyes of the owner of the Japanese football team were taken away. If it was not the Hyuga mirror, it was Naruto, the momentum of the Hyuga family, I ’m afraid that The Uchiha family, who are also **** giants, was crushed.

As soon as the voice of the next day fell, a clan parent snorted coldly: "Well, as long as we have reincarnation eyes, the arrogant Uchiha is nothing at all!"

The next day Xiangjing didn't snor, just listened quietly, he was really curious about what was planned in the family.

He didn't argue with his parents, and he continued: "Now we have to figure out the secret of the rebirth eye. There are only two ways. One is to recapture the huge rebirth eye that belongs to our family of Ngami. The other is Find a way to find a big tube man and take away the eyes of the homeowner. "

Another patriarch's parent sitting next to Rizu said, "It's the **** rebellion of Hyuga Aoki. If he hadn't stolen the treasure belonging to our clan, we wouldn't have returned without a fight when we faced the Datong Mushe. Power. "

The next day, his feet frowned slightly: "The giant reincarnation eyes belong to our entire Hyuga family!"

I realized that I had made a mistake, and the parents cried awkwardly, "Yes, that giant rebirth eye is a treasure belonging to our Hyuga family!"

一次 The parents of Zong this time did not intend to proclaim the authority of Zong family in front of Ni Xiangjing. They were just accustomed to dominate the family and couldn't change it for a while.

The next day, he gave the mirror a glance at the old parents, with a kind smile on his face.

Anyway, the huge rebirth eyes of the Rixiang tribe have fallen into his hands, and the black pot is carried by the dead man, Niu Aoki, and he has nothing to care about with these self-proclaimed old men.

Hatsukaichi sincerely said, "Mirror, you are now Naruto, and power is in your hands. It depends on you whether the family can be restored!"

The following day asked the mirror casually: "What does the family want me to do?"

The next day, he ate a word: "Catch Hiroshi Aoki and regain the eyes of the giant rebirth!"

I said, the knee-footed sunfoot bowed down, and nodded: "Please!"


The following day did not hesitate to follow the worship, the two parents were hesitant, and finally lowered their self-respected noble heads, and Asahi bowed to the mirror Naruto.

No doubt, in the face of successive blows, the Zong family has given up the illusion of recovering the giant rebirth eye alone.

At the moment, the giant rebirth eye was stolen by Hiroshi Aoki, and the owner ’s white eyes were taken away by the big tube wooden man. The Hiroshi family obviously fell behind many powerful enemies, so if they want to turn the tide and restore the unfavorable situation, they can only The matter of retrieving the giant rebirth eye was entrusted to the strongest Hyuga mirror in the current family.

In their thinking, although the Hyuga mirror is not an opponent of Hyuga Aoki with a giant rebirth eye, it is the fifth generation of Naruto in the village, which can mobilize some of the village's power, and it is also very close to the water stoppage of the kaleidoscope Uchiha of the Uchiha family. It is not impossible for Hyuga to take charge of this matter, to arrest Hyuga Aoki, and to recover the giant rebirth eye.

As far as divulging the secrets of the family to the family, this is the point, and the owner of the Japanese family can't take care of these rules.

If you do not actively save yourself, the next time you return to Aoki for revenge, the family may be wiped out by Hiromi Aoki who is not afraid of the 'bird curse in the cage'.

Although Hyuga mirror is strong, anyway, it is still subject to the 'Bird's Seal in the Cage'.

The next day, Hyuga mirror rubbed his chin a little, and secretly said, "Originally, the family is still thinking of a giant rebirth, but I have been killed by Nichio Aoki. Where can I go to arrest him?"

Seeing Hyuga no snoring, Rizu hurriedly said, "I know that Hyuga Aoki with a giant rebirth eye is strong ~ ~ but it is not so easy to deal with, but I have lost my white eyes and ca n’t capture him in person. Aoki, so this can only be left to you. "

The next day he glanced at the mirror.

The next day's strength is not weak. As long as it is not to deal with giant enemies, soft fists and white eyes are enough to threaten the shadow-level powerhouse, but it is obviously not enough to look at Hyuga Aoki with giant rebirth eyes.

It can be said that if Hyuga mirrors do not shoot, there are really not many people in Ninja who can win Hyuga Aoki at present, and Sunfoot is obviously not among them.

After a pause, seeing the Hyuga mirror slowly and silently, the Sunfoot seems to have made up its mind: "In the future, if our Hyuga family can find a way to evolve eyes, I assure you in the name of the homeowner that I will definitely use this method with you shared!"

The two patriarchal parents around Nozomi nodded with old faces. Although sharing the secret of the rebirth eye to the separation is very inappropriate, it is better than being served by Nissho Aoki or Otsuki.

Hatsukaichi also persuaded: "Mirror, now the family can only rely on you, and as long as you have found the giant rebirth eye and found a way to evolve the rebirth eye, you can go further and have more powerful strength!"

Hatsukaichi said, "Mirror, don't you want to have a reincarnation eye over white eyes?"

The next day smiled at the mirror: "Of course I want to!"


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